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Resto Shaman Looking for tips

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Hey all,


I just came back from a 3 year hiatus and I'm getting my rump kicked every night on meters.  I've been trying a lot of different things to improve.  Granted, I'm not as geared as some of the other healers but I've gotten closer.  I'm sure I'm doing some things wrong and it would be nice to hear what I can do to improve.  I feel like there is a lot more going on now than there was in cata to manage my shaman..i have tellmewhen telling me a lot of stuff etc.



Here are the logs:  https://www.warcraftlogs.com/rankings/report/Pz7wayAbCZdTh9cM#boss=1705


Here is my toon: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/skullcrusher/Chizershamer/advanced


I ran most of the bosses with the elemental blast/high tide build but it seemed that i was spending more time casting elemental blast than doing any decent healing.


My last question would be, should I expect to hang with others in healing when a monk and disc priest are just destroying the meters?


I've looked at most of my logs and i'm usually last on overhealing which used to be a sign of someone being slow to heal.  if i overhealed as much as the others are, I'd be so out of mana...  


I believe I need to find a place to use healing surge more but I always see a ton of damage go out so i cast chain/rain.


Any advice is much appreciated

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Hello, Chiznitz and welcome to the forum :)


I went through your logs and it seems to me that you are a bit wrong in what you are thinking is going on in raid.


First of all, do you use healing frames like Grid or VuhDo? If you do use something like that, do you have another healers HoTs and shields configured to be visible to you? Because it seems to me like you don't see this.


I would say that we have two problems here:

1. Objective: you have more healers that you need to heal your raid and here comes the mechanic: Shields and HoTs healers will always be ahead of you in this situation, especially when they are much higher in ilvl and you don't have assigned targets for healing.

So, here we come to the second, subjective, problem:

2. You try to heal targets that already have HoTs and Shields from other healers. You say "I need to find a place to use healing surge more", but look here:



This is overheal of your HS on healed targets. It comes to more than 70%. So I would say that you might be not able to see that the target was already HoTed and Shielded - for you this person is going to die and you cast spell that goes to nowhere.


Or here:



You start your Chain Heal from tanks, getting 93% and 32% of overheal.


Another boss, Healing Surge on tanks and monk-healer - more than 50% overheal on everyone of them:



So, your main problem, as I see it, in inability to see what other healers are doing.


What I would advice (but be aware that a big part of these advises are aimed to fight the problems in your specific raid setup):

1. Configure your healing frames so you would be able to see HoTs, shields and tanks personal damage mitigation abilities.

2. Try not to heal tanks and yourself. Earth shield on one tank is enough. Both your tanks are fully covered by Beacons from paladin, Shields from Disc and selfhealing.

Look here - this is your healing and overhealing on all targets for all the fights: looks like most of the time you were healing yourself and tanks with a huge overheal?



I would suggest not to use Unleashed Life on yourself, but on the target you are going to heal - 55% of its heal went to overheal during the raid:


90% on the Butcher:



Do you use a mouseover macro for casting UL on target?


3. Spec to CBT instead of HT. The big advantage of CBT in raid with too many healers is that it heals injured people, so you'll have less overheal.


4. Look where your druid place his ground AoE (mushrooms) and place your HR in some other place. The best solution would be to talk to him and to divide the camps. For example, you cast HR on ranged, he casts mushrooms on melee.


Well, this is for start.

If you'll have any further questions, feel free to ask :)

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Much appreciated advice.  I recently transferred servers and didn't bring all my macros over and it looks like I flubbed on my unleash life, it wasnt mouseover macro'd at all :(.


This is the mouseover macro I am using for all of my healing spells and I fixed unleashed life to use it as well now.


/cast [@mouseover,help][@target,help][@targettarget,help][] Healing Surge
I'm using ElvUi and I can see incoming heals but I'm not sure if that includes shields/hots.
On almost every fight when I use recount to show overhealing done it shows me as last.  However you pointed out a lot of overhealing with healing surge, maybe I'm just not being fast enough but I'd expect to be higher on the overall overhealing done on each fight.
I'll see what I can find in elvui to make it show me some more items.  On butcher I started hitting the tank with ES thinking I'd get a better heal on the melee around him as well, I was specd into high tide for that.
I moved back to cloudburst totem for some other fights, heroic imperator for one.  I felt I healed quite well on imp but was definitely out of mana by the end.  
If you have any other tips please let me know, I'll continue to check out these linked logs.  I need to record my play so I can review my badness ;)

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I think that one problem is that you are talking like you're trying to snipe your other healers. This quote in particular;


On almost every fight when I use recount to show overhealing done it shows me as last.  However you pointed out a lot of overhealing with healing surge, maybe I'm just not being fast enough but I'd expect to be higher on the overall overhealing done on each fight.


In the current environment, I would advise strongly against taking the "I must beat my co-healers to the heal" mentality. As Pandacho pointed out, your raid is running more healers than it needs. Here's the thing about that; Resto Shaman look like they perform really awfully when you have too many healers. It's not even funny - if you have too many healers, you can't do as much effective healing just because of the way Resto Shaman work.


In that situation, I think you should be looking to play as the "backup" style healer. Look for points where you can really step on the AoE burst healing, and put extra emphasis on using your cooldowns optimally. If there's no large AoE damage coming in, put emphasis on healing the tanks and generally try to find ways to play around your other healers (rather than competing for throughput).


On fights like Imperator, I find it's easier to play the long game and do minimal healing in the first few phases with the plan to spend most of your mana when the going gets tough (and your healing will be all the more effective with Mastery).


So that's my suggestion - play smarter, not harder ;)

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Thanks for the advice.  I guess I'm just in a rough spot being a trial for the guild and all.  It looks bad when you're a trial and sitting in last.  I do feel though on our heroic imp kill that I really contributed in the clutch situations with my cooldowns and proper heals to save lives.


I get tired of people touting meters all the time, dead boss is what counts.

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Ok I am a resto druid so I am gonna talk about healing generally. HPS meters does not really matter in ifghts like imp as long as ppl survive. Ppl think this way but actually it is WHERE you place your heals and when. Someone can go oo mand be top hps but when u get to p4 in imp everyone else does more for the raid with less overhealign etc.

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I get tired of people touting meters all the time, dead boss is what counts.


I'm currently personally obsessed with the meters because I've had the world's worst luck with drops (I'm at a ten ilvl deficit to the rest of the raid). So when I stay competetive on the meters, that's a sign for me that I'm playing my best. On the other hand, it pays to stay fully aware that meters aren't the whole story of the fight.


Thanks for the advice.  I guess I'm just in a rough spot being a trial for the guild and all.  It looks bad when you're a trial and sitting in last.  I do feel though on our heroic imp kill that I really contributed in the clutch situations with my cooldowns and proper heals to save lives.


Especially as a Trial, you should talk to your role leader or raid leader about your performance and how you feel you're contributing to the raid. You might well find that they're aware you're not pushing a bazillion HPS but think you're performing competently regardless. :)

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