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Resto Shaman Looking for help

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Hi guys!


First of all sorry for the language, English is not my native language.


In Pandaria I played with a priest disc and gradually I got better thanks to the advice of the priests forum to become the priest with more ilvl on my server.


Always as a healer, this expansion I decided to play with a shaman resto. 


And here I am asking for advice about my performance, I belong to a casual guild, slow progress and little dps but a very funny guys xD


But it is a new class and I recently learning to use and may not play well this my role as healer so I wanted to ask some advice, based on my logs and armory.









More logs:




Thank you very much for your time and any advice / help is welcome.





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Hi Kuro, and welcome to the Shaman section!


I looked at Brackenspore, and I noticed two important things about your logs;


The Green mushroom is doing less HPS per player in your raid than in ours. I suspect that you're not popping them at the appropriate time - your healing team might need to work on your timing. It's also doing more overhealing than in our raid.


Maybe you can get more Riptide casts in on this fight - you're running Echo of the Elements but only cast 25 Riptides! Riptide is super efficient, and you will find that on fight with high damage like Brackenspore they will contribute a surprising amount of healing.


In addition, you didn't take any chance to pop Ascendance on that fight. It's an extremely useful cooldown, so don't neglect it!


I hope that gets you started!

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Hi, Kuroxoro!

I will go through every fight in your first log, hope it will help :)


But before I start with the logs, I went to your Armory and for some reason you don't have an enchant on cloak.




Tectus HC:


First of all, you should pay attention to your Earth Shield uptime - 75% is really low, it has to aim for 100%. If you don't have any addon or aura for tracking, you should get it.


Second, you used only one Acendance on 8 min. fight and no HTT at all.

If you'll look to your and my healing comparison for this fight (same length), you will see that HTT did almost 2M of healing for me. You just lost all of it not casting the totem.


Third, we have a big enough difference in CBT output: you casted it 14 times with 480K of healing done, I casted it 13 times (which is bad and I have to admit that *I was doing badly on this fight) but got 748K of healing.

The difference in my opinion lays in 'feeding' the totem. Most of your direct casts in this fight were Chain Heals, and CH are really weak for charging CBT.

When I take CBT, I try to cast as many HS as possible - it really makes the difference.

If we'll compare healing done from your heals against my heals (those that are accounting for CBT), we will see that while the amount of casts was about the same - your 113 vs my 127, the difference in healing done was bigger: your 3.8M vs my 5.3M (the numbers are approximate). This is the reason why my CBT was doing more healing.

I would advice you to use more single casts (especially HS with UL and Tidal Waves) during the time when your CBT is charging.


The Butcher:


1. Your Earth Shield uptime is  low - 67% while it has to aim for 100%

2. You didn't use your CDs - no HTT, no Ascendance. 

3. I think that this fight is better suited for HT, especially when most of your casts were Chain heal.




All the same:

ES uptime only 40%, Riptide uptime only 75%, you used HTT and Ascendance only once on 7 min. fight, should use them twice.


So, my advise for you would be to get a tracking addon - WeakAuras, PowerAuras, TMW - and use it for tracking and reminding you about CDs and uptimes.

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We are making IMPERATOR H but no progress, we always die in the middle of the fight.

Healers we ran out of mana halfway through the fight, no matter what we do damage is unsustainable.


I tried both CBT as HT, but always with EoT and EB.


I think I improved a little, I'm checking with TMW, Riptide, CBT, SL, ST, HR, EB and UL and use it on CD, also with the add on Vudho I'm watching tanks CDs and hots of the other healers.


Please could give me a few minutes and look at the log to see where I am failing.







Edited by Kuroxoro

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Hi, Kuroxoro.

I looked into your logs and have a couple of things to say :)



You are saying that you are running out of mana in the middle of the fight.


1) Why didn't you use Mana pots? I see 1 pot only for 12 attempts.



2) You cast only Healing Surge and never Healing Wave - HS spends double amount of mana. It is a good spell, but if you are struggling with mana wouldn't it better to go for Healing Wave?


3) You casted 11 HTT and 2 Ascendance in 12 attempts - it is very low. In such a long fights, you have to use both of them once in 3 min, starting from the first spike of damage - no waiting for times when the raid will be really low. Using HTT and Asc on CD in very long fight saves you a huge amount of mana.


4) Try to cast more EB - the amount of casts is not very high


5) Why you don't use crafted trinket and mana enchant on the weapon? It roughly doubles your mana.




You Riptide uptime is relatively low: 87% for all attempts. You have to cast it more.


Your HST and CBT totems amount of casts can be higher.


First attempt (7 min): 10 casts of HST and  10 casts of CBT, Riptide uptime 94.6%

5th attempt (6:42 min): 10 casts of HST and  10 casts of CBT, Riptide uptime 83.9%

Last attempt (7 min): 11 casts of HST and  11 casts of CBT, Riptide uptime 90.4%




5 casts of Spirit Link Totem for 12 attempts. Do not forget that SLT not only redistribute the health, but reduces the incoming damage for 10% too.


Does your raid use Potions? I don't see Healing tonics at all.

Your raid usage of Healthstones is very low - people have to use Tonics (much better) or Stones



The name for Healing Tonic in Spanish is Tónico sanador if I'm not mistaken. I don't see even one in the whole raid.


You have to explain to your raid that usage of Healing Tonics, Healthstones and personal damage mitigation abilities is an integral part of the fight and helps a lot to healers mana managing.



Your Disc priest.

Let's take the last attempt:

PW: Shield  - 69.3% uptime - have to aim to 100%

Holy Nova - 78 waste of mana casts - he had to shield people in this time. It's not MoP anymore, who uses Holy Nova?

He casted Smite - there was nothing to heal?

Holy Fire - 8 casts. Had to be 40 - it builds Evangelism stacks

Evangelism - 19.3% uptime........

Archangel - 25% uptime - has to aim to 100%. 6 uses. Wasn't consumed for 100% Crit PoH even once.

Cascade - proper AoE - 7 casts. Has to be 16.

He should use Power Infusion in talents, not Twist of Fate and Will of Clarity not Words of Mending.


Disc Priests are about shielding and preventing damage, not about burning mana on Flash Heals after the damage was done already.


Holy Paladin:

He casted 1 (one) Hand of Sacrifice and 2 Lay of Hands during 12 attempts. No damage to mitigate?

9 Avenger Wrath in 12 attempts - it's the most powerful healing CD for Pala with 3 min CD

He has Holy Avenger in talents, why? And even having it, he used it 5 times in 12 attempts - with 2 min CD let's say, it could be used more.


I wouldn't go further here even that there is much more stuff that could be checked. Not sure that I want to know what your dps were doing. ^^

You shouldn't blame yourself for the wipes - it's not your fault.

All your raid have to look really thoroughly at what they are doing during the fight. 


Best regards,



Fell free to ask any further question :)

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Pandacho did an amazing job analyzing the logs. I don't have anything else to add. Could you post a photo of your UI, Kuro? From what I'm reading, it does seems like you haven't setup your UI correctly. We aren't perfect human beings. We need a highly functional UI to support our raid performance. I can help take a look if you wish. 

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Hi again Kuroxoro!


My guild is also progressing on H Imperator at the moment, so I have some relevant comparisons for you! :)  I'll compare your logs to mine in this post, and I want to state first that my logs and my guild are nowhere near perfect and we know it. So, with that caveat in place...


Raid Movement


H Imperator is all about the raid* and its movement, perhaps even more so than the actual personal skill of the raiders. So my first point of comparison is between your raid and my raid - check out our combat replays (yours and mine). Play the first minute of the fight on 2x speed and notice the difference in the way the raid moves. Your raid is much less coherent in the way it moves together, and that will be a problem for your raid going forward. It's amazing the difference that small things like this make. Maybe it would be a good idea to show that to your raid leader as well. :)


Total Healing Incoming


Here's another important thing - your healers seem to be healing a lot harder in the first half of the fight than ours. I can only guess as to the reasons for this, but if you just take a small look at the average HPS on your and my comparable logs (cut to 6mins for comparison), you can see that your healers are having to put out a lot more healing than we are (about 25% more per player in the raid). Given that and the length of the fight, I find your mana worries unsurprising.


I think that the reason you're all having to heal so hard looks to be just because your raid is taking more damage than they should be.


Mana Curves


So, let's discuss your mana usage a bit. One of the best comparisons you can make is the mana over time for each of us (your raid and mine) - I would say that the aim on this fight is to be at about 60% mana at the 6 minute mark. Once you potion yourself back to near-full, you can spend almost all your mana in the remaining 4 minutes or so. 


I think you're doing that pretty well, maybe overspending a little towards the end. However, using that potion is really where I think the crucial thing is. You should be aiming to be at 90% mana after your potion (at about 6 minutes) and then at zero when you kill it. You should be paying attention to your mana over the course of the fight, and if you find you're not meeting this goal then spend more mana. Otherwise, spend a little less here and there. Often it's small changes to playstyle that make the difference.


Elemental Blast


This segues nicely into Elemental Blast! When you take this talent, you absolutely should be aiming for optimal uptime. On a perfect fight, you would get something like 59% Uptime on the Elemental Blast buff. You got under 30%, and here I am showing that you can easily achieve 45%, a value which I aim to improve on further progress. A lot of this is about 1) making sure you're tracking Elemental Blast's cooldown and 2) ensuring that any movement you make is direct and fast (to allow for maximum casting time available).


Elemental Blast is a really good talent for this fight, due to the sheer length of the fight and the constant healing that you have to do. The extra regen from this talent is totally worth a small HPS loss in the long term.


Spell Choices


Pandacho said that your choice of spells is questionable, and that might be so in some of your logs. However, I think the pull I've been picking on (this one) is pretty good overall. You might find that you could reduce the number of Healing Surge casts and in return cast more Healing Waves, and you also might find that you can cast more Healing Rain instead of Chain Heal during the first part of the fight (up to 6 minutes). In this log, your uptime on Cloudburst and Healing Stream are both good.


Note that if you're not either 1) precasting before spike damage, or 2) running the talent Unleashed Fury, it's not worth using Unleash Life in your rotation for regular healing.


That's all I have to give you at the moment, so keep trying and let me know how well it goes for you! :)



* - All about the raid, raid, raid, the buttery biscuit raid. (I'm not sorry for this reference).

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wow! thanks to all! a lot.... I hope to show progress this weekend.



Note that if you're not either 1) precasting before spike damage, or 2) running the talent Unleashed Fury, it's not worth using Unleash Life in your rotation for regular healing.


OMG! I use UL always, with a macro overmouse, on the target that will heal with HS or HW. I thought it was mandatory jejejjejee

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Pandacho did an amazing job analyzing the logs. I don't have anything else to add. Could you post a photo of your UI, Kuro? From what I'm reading, it does seems like you haven't setup your UI correctly. We aren't perfect human beings. We need a highly functional UI to support our raid performance. I can help take a look if you wish. 


Karanir had not seen your post apology.


This is my UI:



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Hello, for your UI, the things that I like are that the key abilities are highly visible and near the center of the screen. It will take some time for you to adjust keybinds and get used to a new interface, but this is something that can really level up your skill. 


I would like to share my observations: 


1.) Do you have a WeakAura to track Earth shield? I would recommend one that "POPS UP" when it's not on a tank and makes a loud sound. I use the one from Pandacho's 


2.) My recommendation for key binds is that the important spells should be put in easily reachable locations.

  • Do you have a special mouse that enables you to hit the keybinds of 8 and 9 easily? If so, that's great. If you don't, I would recommend giving earth shield, dispel, Ghost wolf, Unleash Life, and interrupts a higher priority (put near the keys where your left hand is, such as Q,E,F,1,2,3,etc)
  • I suspect that part of the reason why your elemental blast usage is so low is because you have binded it to a hard to use keybind like Ctrl-5. It needs to be more accessible. 

3.) Where do you put your raid healing frames during a raid? Is it at the side of your screen? My recommendation is to put it near where your character is, surrounded by all your spell CDs. This is so that you only have to look at one general area throughout the whole raid instead of having to glance back and forth. This is to help improve raid awareness. 


4.) Some miscelleanous points here:

  • How do you track the Tidal Waves buff
  • How do you track Dispel CDs? 
  • A small recommendation from me is to "group up" the CDs that you are tracking. For example, "Often used healing spells" like riptide, unleash life, healing stream, etc in one group.  "Big CDs not frequently used" such as Spirit Link, Ascendance (you should totally track this btw), HTT, in another group, etc.  This will enable you to very quickly see whether they are ready out of the corner of your eye. So, this reduces the "looking back and forth" all over the screen. 

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Watch this: https://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/rThGqNvw9bankfc6#translate=true&view=replay&fight=22I think once your raid makes your movement more efficient you should have a much easier time. To compare here's my most recent H Imp kill: https://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/4gWpLRkvt7FmNXPq#view=replay. Most importantly, have a ranged stack marker on one of your better players, he will move for Destructive Resonance and everyone will follow, and have a mage, druid or hunter be another stack to bring the Brand to for the 5th stack in P1-2 and the 6-7th stack in P3.


Edit: Just realized I went Ele for heroic that night because we were trialing healers, please don't judge me hahaha.

Edited by Cantdoit

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Heyas, Kuroxoro.


I looked at your UI and would really recommend you:

1. to make all your buttons smaller (if you can't see well, I'm sorry and don't pay attention to this comment)

2. to move you healing frames and boss frames to the low middle, surrounded with WA reminders.

3. it would be better to use some raid UI (like ElvUI for example) for more efficiency, but I can't insist.


Now your eyes and the mouse (I assume) have to jump all over the screen during the fight - it's a big waste of your time.


I have something like this during the raids:



I wrote 'something like this' because I make changes to my UI here and there, but the positioning of stuff remains the same more or less.

The reason for my Healing Frames buttons to be this big is because I'm tracking other healers healing, tank CDs, raid CDs and personal damage mitigation abilities of all the raiders too.


You can see the same UI build for my disc priest too. Here's a screen not in the raid and without all this red writting :)


Edited by Pandacho

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Hi Kuroxoro,


I'm new to the site myself, but wanted to post to try and help out a fellow shaman tongue.png.


All the other's that posted have offered really good advice in how to improve and when to use your cd's and as stated imperator is a heavy movement encounter, my guild is on it currently, though looks like i have to sit out the kill as I'm suffering from the exploding mines bug no matter how far away from them I am sad.png (soooooo annoying).


As Stoove has said Elemental blast is a fantastic way for extra mana especially if you can time it right so that you don't have much healing to do whilst the spirit buff is active, as he said the raid moving properly will help with mana regen and saving it for those *s**t hit the fan moments*  mana regen tbh has always been a little sucky but then again thats the challenge wink.png you will get to a point where you won't have to worry about your regen at all as you will find time that no matter what you spam heal you won't drop below 80k, which happens most fight for me but i have 2 resto druids, Dpriest and a Hpally as the healing team makeup.


Tracking some cd's will help you out alot, i  personally don't use weak auras ( i prob should but can't seem to get them how i want them tongue.png) i actually use a addon called extracd and have added abilitys and totems to it to track on a neat little bar tho still tweaking it lol (seem's to be a never ending job) not to mention continually tweaking my ui..... can be tedious but well worth it in the end smile.png. As some others have said about using Elvui - that's what i use and it is very good, extremely tidy and you can move and change anything to where you want it. (some nice examples have been posted, will post mine too for giggles an see if anyone can help me improve on it tongue.png).


I hope you get everything sorted out and get Imperator down soon biggrin.png






My ui atm, please ignore the damage meter i was in ashran before taking the pic lol



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Hello, for your UI, the things that I like are that the key abilities are highly visible and near the center of the screen. It will take some time for you to adjust keybinds and get used to a new interface, but this is something that can really level up your skill. 


I would like to share my observations: 


1.) Do you have a WeakAura to track Earth shield? I would recommend one that "POPS UP" when it's not on a tank and makes a loud sound. I use the one from Pandacho's 


2.) My recommendation for key binds is that the important spells should be put in easily reachable locations.

  • Do you have a special mouse that enables you to hit the keybinds of 8 and 9 easily? If so, that's great. If you don't, I would recommend giving earth shield, dispel, Ghost wolf, Unleash Life, and interrupts a higher priority (put near the keys where your left hand is, such as Q,E,F,1,2,3,etc)
  • I suspect that part of the reason why your elemental blast usage is so low is because you have binded it to a hard to use keybind like Ctrl-5. It needs to be more accessible. 

3.) Where do you put your raid healing frames during a raid? Is it at the side of your screen? My recommendation is to put it near where your character is, surrounded by all your spell CDs. This is so that you only have to look at one general area throughout the whole raid instead of having to glance back and forth. This is to help improve raid awareness. 


4.) Some miscelleanous points here:

  • How do you track the Tidal Waves buff
  • How do you track Dispel CDs? 
  • A small recommendation from me is to "group up" the CDs that you are tracking. For example, "Often used healing spells" like riptide, unleash life, healing stream, etc in one group.  "Big CDs not frequently used" such as Spirit Link, Ascendance (you should totally track this btw), HTT, in another group, etc.  This will enable you to very quickly see whether they are ready out of the corner of your eye. So, this reduces the "looking back and forth" all over the screen. 



Hi! thanks for your suggestions
1- I dont have, but I will today!
2- I have a cute mouse: SteelSeries WOW and I use almost all of its buttons
3- I used Vudho and placed to the bottom right near the mouse, all spells have mouseover so I can spamming from the same vudho.
4- Some of these buffs I control with VuhDo (especially tide) and others with TMW.



Heyas, Kuroxoro.


I looked at your UI and would really recommend you:

1. to make all your buttons smaller (if you can't see well, I'm sorry and don't pay attention to this comment)

2. to move you healing frames and boss frames to the low middle, surrounded with WA reminders.

3. it would be better to use some raid UI (like ElvUI for example) for more efficiency, but I can't insist.


Now your eyes and the mouse (I assume) have to jump all over the screen during the fight - it's a big waste of your time.


I have something like this during the raids:



I wrote 'something like this' because I make changes to my UI here and there, but the positioning of stuff remains the same more or less.

The reason for my Healing Frames buttons to be this big is because I'm tracking other healers healing, tank CDs, raid CDs and personal damage mitigation abilities of all the raiders too.


You can see the same UI build for my disc priest too. Here's a screen not in the raid and without all this red writting smile.png



Nice UI i ll try to get something similar.


I positioned the icons to be used in CD on my character, almost visual bothering to force me to use jajajjajjaa when I use the CD the icons disappear and only displayed if CD available.




Hi Kuroxoro,


I'm new to the site myself, but wanted to post to try and help out a fellow shaman tongue.png.


All the other's that posted have offered really good advice in how to improve and when to use your cd's and as stated imperator is a heavy movement encounter, my guild is on it currently, though looks like i have to sit out the kill as I'm suffering from the exploding mines bug no matter how far away from them I am sad.png (soooooo annoying).


As Stoove has said Elemental blast is a fantastic way for extra mana especially if you can time it right so that you don't have much healing to do whilst the spirit buff is active, as he said the raid moving properly will help with mana regen and saving it for those *s**t hit the fan moments*  mana regen tbh has always been a little sucky but then again thats the challenge wink.png you will get to a point where you won't have to worry about your regen at all as you will find time that no matter what you spam heal you won't drop below 80k, which happens most fight for me but i have 2 resto druids, Dpriest and a Hpally as the healing team makeup.


Tracking some cd's will help you out alot, i  personally don't use weak auras ( i prob should but can't seem to get them how i want them tongue.png) i actually use a addon called extracd and have added abilitys and totems to it to track on a neat little bar tho still tweaking it lol (seem's to be a never ending job) not to mention continually tweaking my ui..... can be tedious but well worth it in the end smile.png. As some others have said about using Elvui - that's what i use and it is very good, extremely tidy and you can move and change anything to where you want it. (some nice examples have been posted, will post mine too for giggles an see if anyone can help me improve on it tongue.png).


I hope you get everything sorted out and get Imperator down soon biggrin.png






My ui atm, please ignore the damage meter i was in ashran before taking the pic lol





Hi Sparkster! Yes, i I ll try Elvui and weak auras this weekend.

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