WotLK Classic Feral Druid DPS Spec, Builds, Talents, and Glyphs
On this page, you will find out the best PvE talent choices and builds for your Feral Druid DPS in WotLK Classic, as well as advised glyphs.
Feral Leveling Talents
If you were looking for leveling builds, please refer to our leveling guide for Druids.
Wrath Feral DPS PvE Talent Build
This is the main DPS build for Feral, which picks up all damage-increasing talents. The adequate timings to shift and abilities to use are further explained in the rotation section.
Wrath Feral Off-Tanking PvE Talent Build
One of Feral's strengths is that it is the only spec in the game that has two intended builds built into a single talent tree. This talent build makes use of that to pick up most of the important talents needed to DPS and to tank, while only making minor sacrifices in each spec. This enables you to swap between DPS and tanking anytime, making you a great choice for potentially off-tanking during a raid. Even mid-fight, you can instantly swap between DPS and tanking whenever needed.
Wrath Feral DPS Glyphs
In Wrath you will be able to unlock Glyphs that improve your abilities and can be swapped around freely as long as you have the consumable glyph item on your bags.
As a Feral DPS Druid, you will want to be using Glyph of Shred,
Glyph of Omen of Clarity, and
Glyph of Savage Roar for maximum damage,
in PvE situations.
For minor glyphs, you will want to use three out of Glyph of Unburdened Rebirth,
Glyph of Dash,
Glyph of the Wild, or
Glyph of Thorns.
Notable Feral DPS Druids Talents
Balance Tree
The Balance Tree provides no real benefits to Feral DPS and should be ignored.
Feral Tree
The Feral Tree carries most of the power of a Feral DPS Druid, as would be expected. It also has a lot of PvP utility, which you can learn more about in our Wrath Feral Druid PvP guide.
Feral Aggression is a minor damage gain for Feral Druids, and the
maximized Attack Power debuff can be brought by other common classes, instead.
Survival Instincts is a survivability cooldown that grants you 30%
of your maximum health for 20 seconds, similarly to
Last Stand.
Predatory Strikes increases your melee Attack Power and allows you to
perform instant casts after using a finishing move, which is very important while
soloing (for self-healing) and in PvP (for crowd control).
Primal Precision increases your Expertise by up to 10 and causes your
missed finishing moves to refund 80% of the Energy spent on them. Since regular
skills already have this refund mechanic, this means that missing attacks as a
Cat Druid is not a huge deal, as you can almost immediately try again, with
only a minor Energy loss.
Feral Charge allows you to quickly move through the encounter area by
charging at distant enemies. This is a large DPS increase whenever it increases
your uptime on enemies.
Survival of the Fittest increases your stats, the Armor gained from gear,
and decreases your chance of getting critically struck by up to 6%, which makes
you uncrittable by itself with zero defensive gear requirements.
Improved Leader of the Pack is the only buff of its kind and allows allies
to heal when attacking, in a way similar to
Judgement of Light.
Protector of the Pack increases your damage and reduces damage taken while
Dire Bear Form, which is mandatory for tanking.
King of the Jungle reduces the cost of your DPS forms by 60%, allowing
you to flex between tanking and DPSing without quickly exhausting your Mana pool.
Its main Cat DPS benefit is making
Tiger's Fury grant 60 Energy instantly
upon use, which is a huge damage increase when properly used.
Mangle (Cat) applies a 30% damage increase debuff for bleeds for 1-minute,
which is a huge multiplier to your damage and should always be present on your
target unless you have an Arms Warrior with
Trauma in your raid.
Berserk is a strong 3-minute cooldown which reduces the energy cost
of your Cat abilities by 50% for 15 seconds. It also removes and makes you immune
to Fear effects for its duration.
Restoration Tree
The Restoration Tree is mostly used for Furor,
Omen of Clarity, and some minor stat buffs.
- 22 Jun. 2023: Removed PvP talent and glyph references.
- 13 Jun. 2023: Added Glyph of Omen of Clarity and associated explanation.
- 04 Apr. 2023: Revamped talents after Faerie Fire Feral got hotfixed to proc Omen of Clarity.
- 18 Jan. 2023: Reviewed for Phase 2 release ahead of Ulduar raid release.
- 20 Sep. 2022: Page added.
This guide has been written by Seksi, original vanilla player and multi-class player, currently playing on Gehennas Horde. You can find him on the Classic Shaman and Druid, as well as the Icy Veins Discord.
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