Marksmanship Hunter Leveling Guide From 1 to 80 for WotLK Classic
On this page, you will find our level-by-level Marksmanship leveling guide for Wrath Classic. Make sure to use the slider to make the guide adapt to your level. For more general leveling information, please refer to our Hunter leveling guide. We also have an Beast Mastery Hunter leveling guide and a Survival Hunter leveling guide.
Marksmanship is exceptionally strong later on at max level, but is likely the weakest leveling spec for Hunters. One of the main issues that you will run into is that your pet cannot hold threat well, and with Marksmanship this problem becomes even more severe. For Dungeons Marksmanship can be good since you are not relying on your pet to tank, but your pet will be doing a large portion of your damage while leveling due to a lack of real stats. It is possible to level as a Marksmanship Hunter, however, but know that it will be worse than Beast Mastery in almost every regard. Below is a link to our Beast Mastery leveling guide.
Leveling Rotation, Talents, and Trainer Skills
Move the slider below to make the guide update to your level!
Leveling Talents
- Levels 10 to 14 — 5 points in
Lethal Shots
- Levels 15 to 19 — 5 points in
Mortal Shots
Both Lethal Shots and
Mortal Shots are the obvious choices here just to progress the tree
with as much damage as possible. You could also choose to go with
Improved Concussive Shot if you are on a PvP server just in case.
- Level 20 — 1 point in
Aimed Shot
- Levels 21 & 22 — 2 points in
Go for the Throat
- Levels 23 & 24 — 2 points in
Rapid Killing
- Levels 25 to 27 — 3 points in
Focused Aim
- Levels 28 & 29 — 2 points in
Careful Aim
Aimed Shot is a huge pickup,
and will be how you start each pull from now on.
Go for the Throat
is a solid DPS increase for your pet, and
Rapid Killing gives you
a nice damage increase on your first
Aimed Shot after killing an
Focused Aim and
Careful Aim are not required if
you would rather put the points elsewhere, but are both solid DPS increases.
- Level 30 — 1 point in
- Level 31 to 33 — 3 points in
- Level 34 — 1 point in
Careful Aim
- Levels 35 to 37 — 3 points in
Ranged Weapon Specialization
- Level 38 & 39 — 2 points in
Combat Experience
Readiness is a nice button
to have as an extra cooldown, both defensively and offensively.
as a solid damage increase for
Aimed Shot, then the remaining points
Ranged Weapon Specialization and
Combat Experience
are all required DPS talents.
- Level 40 — 1 point in
Trueshot Aura
- Levels 41 to 43 — 3 points in
Piercing Shots
- Levels 44 — 1 point in
Improved Barrage
- Levels 45 to 49 — 5 points in
Master Marksman
Trueshot Aura is one of the
most valuable abilities you will pick up as a Marksmanship Hunter and is
particularly strong in groups.
Piercing Shots and
Improved Barrage are, again, both solid DPS increases but
Master Marksman is more valuable point-for-point and worth going
into as soon as possible.
- Level 50 — 1 point in
Silencing Shot
- Level 51 & 52 — 2 points in
Rapid Recuperation
- Levels 53 & 54 — 2 points in
Wild Quiver
- Levels 55 to 59 — 5 points in
Marked for Death
Silencing Shot is a moderate
DPS increase when used, but more importantly having a silence is nice just in
Rapid Recuperation should help any mana issues you are having
allowing you to sustain for much longer periods, and then the rest of the points
in the tree are just required damage increases.
- Levels 60 — 1 point in
Chimera Shot
- Levels 61 — 1 point in
Wild Quiver
- Levels 62 to 64 — 3 points in
Improved Steady Shot
- Levels 65 & 66 — 2 points in
Improved Barrage
- Levels 67 to 70 — 4 points in
Improved Tracking
Chimera Shot is the final talent in the MM tree, and is incredibly strong
while leveling and for end-game content. After that you will want to finish all remaining
points in the bottom 4 rows of the MM tree since they are all powerful choices.
Once you complete the MM tree, jump over to Survival and start putting points into
Improved Tracking.
- Levels 71 — 1 point in
Improved Tracking
- Levels 72 to 76 — 5 points in
Improved Aspect of the Hawk
- Levels 77 & 78 — 2 points in
Focused Fire
- Levels 79 & 80 — 2 points in
Survival Instincts
At this point, you do not have a ton of options. The final four options listed here are
basically the only DPS choices you can pick up, which will be the most valuable for leveling.
You could choose to also invest some points into Efficiency for Mana
cost reduction, but overall the damage should serve you better.
Leveling Rotation
- Command your pet to attack the target;
Misdirection on your pet;
Hunter's Mark;
Kill Shot when target is below 20%;
Kill Command whenever available;
Serpent Sting;
Chimera Shot;
Aimed Shot;
Arcane Shot;
- Fill with
Steady Shot.
The key at any level is getting as many
Auto Shots off as possible before the target reaches you. The best
way to accomplish this is by kiting backwards, moving in between each shot. At
Level 8
Concussive Shot can help with this.
Do your class quest to get your pet. Once you have your pet, your kill speed and efficiency should become much better. Make sure you are careful with your threat, and try to let your pet tank whenever possible.
Feign Death is a great way to
drop threat while fighting enemies. You can combine this with
Aimed Shot or
Multi-Shot to deal a burst of damage
right before dropping threat to ensure your pet keeps aggro.
Steady Shot is a spammable
ability, and is one of your best DPS spells. This will be most of your damage
from here on out.
List of Trainer Skills to Buy
All Hunter specs benefit from upgrading the same skills, so our list of skills to buy from trainers is the same, regardless of the spec. For this reason, you will find that list in our general Hunter leveling page.
How to Continue to Improve your Marksmanship Hunter at Level 80
Once you achieve Level 80 we suggest you check out our Marksmanship Hunter Guide, which goes more in detail of how to play your level 80 Marksmanship Hunter.
Some of the most relevant pages to dive deeper into are:
- The Marksmanship Hunter Talent builds guide offers a default build to maximize your damage as a Marksmanship Hunter;
- Our Marksmanship Hunter Rotation guide teaches you how to actually deal damage in a variety of situations. It also includes tips on how to utilize your cool downs and utility.
- Check out the Marksmanship Hunter Stats guide if you would like to learn how each stat affects your damage;
- The Gear guide for Marksmanship Hunter includes a list of gear to for you to acquire and where to find it.
- 31 Aug. 2022: Page added.
This guide has been written by Impakt, an Officer in BDGG, the #2 North American guild on retail. In addition to live WoW, he has also been a classic theorycrafter and enthusiast for many years. You can watch him stream on Twitch, or follow him on Twitter.
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