Demon Hunter Class Overview in Diablo Immortal
The Demon Hunter is one of six classes available to play as in Diablo Immortal, and is a sharpshooter primarily oriented around obliterating enemies from a distance with a variety of projectiles and supernatural aid from the shadows themselves. Here you will find a breakdown of the Demon Hunter's skills, legendary items, gems, and stat priority.
Demon Hunter Overview
Choose the Demon Hunter class if you enjoy destroying your enemy from afar, alternating piercing arrows with massive explosive barrages. Wonders both mechanical and supernatural stand by your side, as powers of shadow itself envelop and protect you. Mastering their hatred for demons through discipline alone, the Demon Hunter is the ultimate sharpshooter in Diablo Immortal.
Demon Hunter Pros
- A key tactic for their survival and mobility, Demon Hunters are masters of weaving attacks into their movement. The ability to reposition to both optimize damage and avoiding incoming attacks — while never stopping to DPS in the slightest — is a crucial distinction of the class.
- Demon Hunters are adept at dealing with elite and Boss enemies, owing to their potent single-target abilities and the opportunity to stack legendary powers that augment their focused fire even further.
- Ever dexterous and elusive, Demon Hunters are able to slink in the shadowed outskirts of PvP combat and deliver devastating volleys of arrows from the safety of their frontline melee teammates. The Demon Hunter's supreme range ensures few classes are able to retaliate without needing to close at least some of the distance.
Demon Hunter Cons
- Fitting their class fantasy of evasive sharpshooters, Demon Hunters are notoriously fragile if caught unprepared and can be easily overwhelmed if they are not wary of the enemy positioning. This makes the class somewhat unfriendly to beginner players.
- On the flip side and somewhat contrary to their class fantasy, Demon
Hunters are not the fastest characters in Diablo Immortal. They
are, in fact, quite slow at long distances — and their solitary
movement skill,
Daring Swing, is quite capricious with its collision detection. A botched swing can leave you helplessly behind in farming, or dead in PvP.
- While they are excellent and sublimely useful at single-target DPSing for
the party, Demon Hunters are not the greatest team players —
providing next to no useful buffs for the group. Their class consumable,
Tracking Kit, is a decent enough movement speed buff, but their only other contribution comes in the form of Chakram enhanced by
Slayer's Breeches.
Demon Hunter Builds
Below, you will find a list of all Demon Hunter builds we currently have on the site:
- Demon Hunter Leveling Guide
- Demon Hunter Crossbow Shot Bounties Build
- Demon Hunter Spinning Chakram Dungeon Build
- Demon Hunter Rain of vengeance Challenge Rift Build
- Demon Hunter Knockback Shot Boss Killer Build for Raids
- Demon Hunter Multishot PvP Build
You can also see an overview briefly explaining all of these builds on the guide below.
Universal Basics
Early on, you should focus on trying out the skills that get added to your arsenal, and equipping better gear as it drops (the in-game cue comes from the flashing bag, indicating an upgrade piece). Your gear can be improved at the Blacksmith at a material cost — and while it starts out small, it quickly scales to a hefty amount. Make sure you pick up all items you come across (the auto-pickup option in Settings helps), and salvage them in town.
Upgrading your equipment is a central part of power acquisition in Diablo Immortal; never hesitate to upgrade a piece, regardless of its stats, since its upgrades will carry over to its eventual replacement for free. Upgrading all Primary gear pieces to level 6 before moving forward to level 7 on any of them is advised, since you gain an additional attribute at that level.
During leveling, you will occasionally hit experience walls (accompanied by the message "You must reach level X before continuing.") as you do the Main Story. To quickly get over the Experience hurdle, your most efficient route is to complete Battle Pass activities — namely, repeatedly grinding out Dungeons, with Bestiary turn-ins and Tasks mixed in. To mitigate the amount of time spent grinding, as well as to (likely) enjoy the game more, you can purposefully seek out Hidden Lairs and complete Tasks as they open up during the storyline completion. While this will slow down your questing, it will pay off later down the line as it diminishes some of the grind walls.
Pay extra heed to the Battle Pass tracker, as it unlocks consumable bonuses along the way, as well as a Legendary Item early on in the leveling process. Legendary items are potential gamechangers for every character, so you ensure you pick the one that will benefit you the most.
Legendary items are exceedingly rare gear pieces that provide unique bonuses — enhancing or altering an ability's powers altogether. When you come across one, especially for a slot where you still have Rare or lower tier items equipped, replace it immediately. Legendaries innately roll superior stats to lower tier items. Feel free to experiment with your newfound Legendary and the skill it enhances; once you no longer need it, extract its power at the Essence Transfer NPC in Westmarch. This allows you to overwrite subsequent Legendary items (likely with better stats) in the same slot with the extracted power, retaining the legendary bonus. Extract as many Legendary powers as you can, so you can easily adapt from one build to another whenever you need. Of course, feel free to salvage duplicate Legendary items that you have already extracted.
Similarly to all Diablo games, gems will make a huge difference to your
character in Diablo Immortal — so make a point to hunt down Normal
Gems in Hidden Lairs, and Legendary Gems in Elder Rifts (they get a chance to
drop if you use a Crest consumable). Additionally, you should follow the quest
line to unlock the Helliquary activity as soon as it becomes available at level
41. This is done in order to receive the Scoria currency while doing
When you turn in Bestiary pages, you will receive a class-specific
consumable. For Demon Hunters, this item is the Tracking Kit, which
increases movement speed for yourself and your nearby allies by 10% for 20
minutes. Be generous with its use, especially in party content; Demon Hunters
don't have a stack of buffs to offer to teammates like some other classes do,
so any assistance to the group is appreciated.
Skills and Legendary Items
Skills are your primary means to defeating enemies, and their interaction with skill-enhancing or skill-altering Legendary Items are what forms the synergies that define the success of your character. The power of Skills is enhanced by Charms, and the power of Legendary Items can be increased when they are Awakened. The game limits you to the use of five Skills — a Primary Attack and four Active Abilities that have some form of limitation to their use (charges, cooldowns). Primary Attacks are not limited in their use, and charge up an Ultimate bar as they are used. When it is fully charged, you are able to use the Ultimate version of that Primary Attack. Below, you will find a breakdown of all Demon Hunter skills (divided by categories), as well as some advice for their general use.
Primary Attacks
Crossbow Shot
Crossbow Shot — Available at lvl 1. Shoot an arrow for damage
while moving at reduced speed. Its Ultimate is
Volley —
Crossbow Shot for 12 seconds, increasing its damage per hit,
launching volleys of arrows, and increasing your movement speed. Charms
Crossbow Shot damage from 2 to 10%, growing in 2%
Advice: Crossbow Shot stands out in the Primary Attack
category for Demon Hunters, as it allows movement while firing. On top of that,
the legendary power of
The Hungerer allows its arrows to pierce, making
for a surprisingly efficient multi-target damage dealer from the simplest of
attacks. Alternating the use Ultimate with some of your more potent cooldowns
will ensure you always have a hard-hitting attack active.
Legendary Items:
The Hungerer (Off-hand) —
Crossbow Shot will now pierce through enemies and strike additional enemies behind. Awakened effect:
Crossbow Shot damage increased by 10%.
Explosive Arrow
Explosive Arrow — Available at lvl 34. Shoot an arrow that
explodes on impact for damage to the target and 25% of the damage to all
nearby enemies. Its Ultimate is Bola Shot — Enhance
Explosive Arrow for 12 seconds, replacing arrows with explosive bolas
that deal more damage and knock away enemies. Charms increase
Explosive Arrow damage from 2 to 10%, growing in 2% increments.
Advice: Explosive Arrow is an AoE-oriented Primary Attack
that, unfortunately, forces the Demon Hunter to be stationary while used.
While raw numbers make it seem undeniably better when dealing with swarms of
enemies, an immobile Demon Hunter is a sitting duck — hampering the
usability of that skill.
Legendary Items:
Hellbinder (Off-hand) — Explosive Shot now also causes enemies to Burn for damage over 4 seconds. Awakened effect:
Explosive Arrow damage increased by 10%.
Damage Skills
Impale — Available at lvl 41. 0.5 second base cooldown
(channeled skill). Rapidly throw knives in a direction, continually dealing
damage to all enemies caught in the barrage. Using
Impale slowly
consumes its energy, which recovers while
Impale is not in use.
Charms increase
Impale damage from 2 to 10%, growing in 2%
Advice: Impale is a hard-hitting, impressively looking
attack that is tragically hampered by the one single damning flaw of certain
Demon Hunter abilities: you are unable to use any other skill during its
channeling. This severely impedes
Impale's usability; and coupled with
its lack of supporting legendary items, it's not favored for endgame builds.
Knife Trap
Knife Trap — Available at lvl 20. 12 second base cooldown.
Place a
Knife Trap that explodes when an enemy approaches, shooting
knives that deal damage to all nearby enemies. Maximum 3 charges. You can have
up to 3 traps at one time, but they cannot be placed to overlap each other.
Placed traps take 1.4 seconds to arm and turn invisible. Charms
Knife Trap damage from 2 to 10%, growing in 2% increments.
Advice: Knife Trap has very situational use in both PvE and
PvP situations. While it hits hard when aligned properly with the fight, its
arming time and active cap limit require a massive investment in dedicated
legendary items to mitigate. Still, this is a powerful damage dealer in the
Demon Hunter arsenal, and it is worth considering depending on your legendary
arsenal and current playstyle.
Legendary Items:
Bladewings (Shoulders) —
Knife Trap maximum number active increased by 2. Awakened effect:
Knife Trap damage increased by 10%.
Plate of Lethal Intent (Chest) —
Knife Trap arming time reduced by 85%. Awakened effect:
Knife Trap damage increased by 10%.
Helltrapper Cage (Chest) —
Knife Trap damage increased by 10%. Awakened effect:
Knife Trap cooldown decreased by 10%.
Legguards of the Inevitable Inferno (Legs) —
Knife Trap becomes Immolation Trap, Burning the ground and all nearby enemies when detonated. Awakened effect:
Knife Trap damage increased by 10%.
Inescapable Raptor (Legs) —
Knife Trap becomes Frost Trap, damaging and Chilling enemies when it explodes. Awakened effect:
Knife Trap cooldown decreased by 10%.
Multishot — Available at lvl 1. 9 second base cooldown. Fire
a salvo of arrows, dealing damage to all enemies in a direction. Maximum 3
charges. Charms increase
Multishot damage from 2 to 10%,
growing in 2% increments.
Advice: Multishot is an incredibly powerful ability, and the
most potent addition to a Demon Hunter's arsenal; it's massive AoE, heavy
damage and ability to be used while on the move make it a near-mandatory
inclusion in Demon Hunter endgame builds. It also sports a wide range of
supporting legendaries, vastly augmenting its base usefulness to an even more
ubiquitous state.
Legendary Items:
Breath of Winter (Main-hand) —
Multishot now fires frost arrows that damage and Chill enemies. Awakened effect:
Multishot cooldown decreased by 10%.
Flamespite (Main-hand) —
Multishot now fires flaming arrows that damage and Burn enemies. Awakened effect:
Multishot cooldown decreased by 10%.
Cowl of Absolute Punishment (Head) —
Multishot damage increased by 10%.
Cowl of Focused Hatred (Head) —
Multishot fires 4 additional arrows. Awakened effect:
Multishot damage increased by 10%.
Hailfire (Shoulders) —
Multishot also launches 2 homing rockets, each dealing X damage. Awakened effect:
Multishot cooldown decreased by 10%.
Rain of Vengeance
Rain of Vengeance — Available at lvl 3. 16 second base
cooldown. Fire a massive volley of arrows into the air that rain down for
several seconds, dealing damage to all enemies in the area over 4 seconds.
Charms increase
Rain of Vengeance damage from 2 to 10%, growing
in 2% increments.
Advice: Rain of Vengeance is the single-target damage
counterpart to the powerful AoE attacks that are present in the Demon Hunter's
Rain of Vengeance inflicts a heavy bombardment over a
concentrated area of effect, which — when empowered with certain
legendary items, especially
Skystriker's Pauldrons — decimates
singular priority targets, a Demon Hunter specialty.
Legendary Items:
Bombardment's Toll (Shoulders) —
Rain of Vengeance instead summons bomb-dropping shadow beasts that damage and Stun enemies. Awakened effect:
Rain of Vengeance cooldown decreased by 10%.
Hailstone Shoulders (Shoulders) —
Rain of Vengeance becomes empowered with frost, damaging and Chilling enemies. Awakened effect:
Rain of Vengeance cooldown decreased by 10%.
Skystriker's Pauldrons (Shoulders) —
Rain of Vengeance instead summons a flying shadow beast that continually drops bombs in an area. Awakened effect:
Rain of Vengeance damage increased by 10%.
Dreadlands Requital (Main-hand) —
Rain of Vengeance damage increased by 10%. Awakened effect:
Rain of Vengeance cooldown decreased by 10%.
Sentry — Available at lvl 28. 18 second base cooldown. Summon
a turret for 30 seconds that fires at nearby enemies dealing damage per shot.
You may have up to 2 Sentries at one time. Maximum 2 charges. Charms
Sentry damage from 2 to 10%, growing in 2% increments.
Advice: Sentry can be placed as an autonomous source of
damage as an opener in battle, serve as "meat shields" and distractions for
enemies throughout the fight, and mop up any stragglers on their own as you
move away to the next engagement — all in one convenient cooldown
package. This makes them an incredibly potent DPS and utility addition to any
build, regardless of the targeted content. A slew of synergistic legendary
items further augment the skill.
Legendary Items:
Vigilance (Main-hand) —
Sentry also launches a rocket every 2 attacks, dealing additional damage. Awakened effect:
Sentry damage increased by 10%.
Watcher's Salvation (Main-hand) —
Sentry maximum active number increased by 1. Awakened effect:
Sentry Life increased by 10%.
Chainbolter (Off-hand) — Bloody chains now also connect your
Sentry turrets, causing damage every 0.5 seconds to enemies touching them. Awakened effect:
Sentry damage increased by 10%.
Nightwarden's Eye (Off-hand) —
Sentry damage increased by 10%.
Frozen Guardian's Sight (Head) —
Sentry becomes empowered with frost, damaging and Chilling enemies. Awakened effect:
Sentry Life increased by 10%.
Ysil's Contained Destruction (Head) —
Sentry now fires mortars that explode to damage all enemies in an area. Awakened effect:
Sentry damage increased by 10%.
Spinning Chakram
Spinning Chakram — Available at lvl 47. 8 second base
cooldown. Launch a
Spinning Chakram that deals damage to all enemies in
its path, and then deals higher damage on its return path. Catching the
Spinning Chakram on its return path will reset its cooldown, but no
more than 3 times every 12 seconds. Charms increase
Spinning Chakram damage from 2 to 10%, growing in 2% increments.
Advice: Spinning Chakram is one of the few sources of group
buffs that Demon Hunters can provide, but it is a considerable one. With the
help of
Slayer's Breeches,
Spinning Chakram adds a stacking damage
buff against affected targets on top of its base damage effect. Consider using
this skill when grouping up in order to add some extra utility to the entire
Legendary Items:
Shredder Vane (Off-hand) —
Spinning Chakram now orbits your location for several seconds. Awakened effect:
Spinning Chakram damage increased by 10%.
Shadowstalker's Spaulders (Shoulders) —
Spinning Chakram maximum charges increased by 1. Awakened effect:
Spinning Chakram damage increased by 10%.
Slayer's Breeches (Legs) — Enemies hit by
Spinning Chakram will suffer 4% additional damage if hit again by
Spinning Chakram within a short time, stacking up to 5 times. Awakened effect:
Spinning Chakram cooldown decreased by 10%.
Strafe — Available at lvl 8. 0.5 second base cooldown
(channeled skill). Spin rapidly while moving at 70% reduced speed, shooting
and damaging in all directions per hit. Using
Strafe slowly consumes
its energy, which recovers while
Strafe is not in use. Charms
Strafe damage from 2 to 10%, growing in 2% increments.
Advice: Strafe fires off staggeringly powerful projectiles
when supplemented by properly synergistic Legendary items, with a vast array
of Main- and Off-hand items that multiply its damage or alter its firing
pattern. The stumbling block for
Strafe is the inability to weave
Primary Attacks while using it, severely hampering the implementation of the
skill in endgame builds. Nevertheless, it's worth considering as it combines
mobility (albeit slowed down) with damage dealing, finding a rather unique
niche in the Demon Hunter skillset.
Legendary Items:
Turmoil (Main-hand) —
Strafe also launches homing rockets, each dealing X damage to a nearby enemy. Awakened effect:
Strafe damage increased by 10%.
Unrelenting Furor (Main-hand) —
Strafe duration increased by 35%. Awakened effect:
Strafe damage increased by 10%.
Blacktalon (Off-hand) —
Strafe now continually fires piercing bolts in a direction. Awakened effect:
Strafe damage increased by 10%.
Disarray (Off-hand) —
Strafe instead throws explosive grenades, each damaging all nearby enemies. Awakened effect:
Strafe damage increased by 10%.
Cuirass of the Death Watch (Chest) —
Strafe damage increased by 10%.
Control Skills
Knockback Shot
Knockback Shot — Available at lvl 1. 12 second base cooldown.
Fire a bolt of shadowy energy that deals damage and knocks enemies away.
Enemies knocked into obstacles will be Stunned for 3 seconds. Charms
Knockback Shot damage from 2 to 10%, growing in 2%
Advice: Knockback Shot is a situationally useful skill, which
can be considered for confined 1v1 fights or PvP engagements. The requirement
to knockback enemies into obstacles for the stronger crowd control effect is
unfortunately too finnicky to be deemed a consistent bonus, and it is best
used proactively — when you spot a foe in a favorable position. Using it
as a defensive tool is too unreliable even when compared to
Daring Swing, since it's better to just swiftly move away than rely on
Legendary Items:
Daye's Frightful Persona (Head) —
Knockback Shot damage increased by 10%. Awakened effect:
Knockback Shot cooldown decreased by 10%.
Untempered Hatred (Chest) —
Knockback Shot now fires mortars into the sky that bombard enemies within range. Awakened effect:
Knockback Shot damage increased by 10%.
Petahm's Secret Arsenal (Chest) —
Knockback Shot becomes empowered by frost, leaving a frozen trail in its path that damages and Chills enemies. Awakened effect:
Knockback Shot cooldown decreased by 10%.
Dash Skills
Daring Swing
Daring Swing — Available at lvl 15. 10 second base cooldown.
Use a rope to swing to a nearby location, dealing damage to enemies on the way
while they cannot attack you. Maximum 2 charges. Charms increase
Daring Swing damage from 2 to 10%, growing in 2% increments.
Advice: Daring Swing is the solitary movement skill available
to Demon hunters; considering the class' overall fragility, its inclusion in
builds is all but mandatory. Be very judicious and precise with its use;
Daring Swing's propensity to getting stuck in terrain features and
other obstacles can halt your progress at best, and get you killed at worst.
Daring Swing — Available at lvl 44. 8 second base cooldown.
Jab your blade forward to deal damage and inflict 60% reduced movement speed
for 4 seconds, while tumbling backward to escape. Charms increase
Escape damage from 2 to 10%, growing in 2% increments.
Advice: Daring Swing offers style over substance; while on
the surface it seems like a movement tool meant to evade enemies, its
combination of a hefty cooldown plus requirement to be in melee range of
enemies spells a death sentence for Demon Hunters. Its lack of supporting
legendary items certainly doesn't help its case.
Legendary Items:
Boundless Ingenuity (Head) — Increases maximum charges of
Daring Swing by 1. Awakened effect:
Daring Swing damage increased by 10%.
Chillwrath Mantle (Shoulders) —
Daring Swing now fires ice arrows, dealing damage and creating an icy path that inflicts damage and 40% Chill for 4 seconds.
Buff Skills
Smoke Screen
Smoke Screen — Available at lvl 38. 10.8 second base cooldown.
Create a cloud of thick smoke at your location, concealing you and nearby
allied players for 2.5 seconds. Concealed targets may not be attacked. Each
ally will lose concealment when they attack. Charms increase
Smoke Screen damage from 2 to 10%, growing in 2% increments.
Advice: Smoke Screen concealment is all too easily broken by
attacks, (both yours and your summons, i.e.
Sentry) making its use
highly impractical in all but the most highly co-ordinated PvP situations. It
power-altering legendary items make it somewhat worth considering, with the
power to flip it into a targeted damage-over-time effect via
Master Alchemist's Faulds, or a crit buff via
Jayn's Silent Retribution.
Legendary Items:
Darkness's Embrace (Chest) —
Smoke Screen now creates thicker, longer-lasting smoke that maintains concealment while you are in it. However, you will be briefly visible each time you attack. Awakened effect:
Smoke Screen cooldown decreased by 10%.
Jayn's Silent Retribution (Legs) — All your attacks will be Critical Hits for a few seconds after
Smoke Screen's concealment ends. Awakened effect:
Smoke Screen cooldown decreased by 10%.
Master Alchemist's Faulds (Legs) —
Smoke Screen instead throws a gas bomb at a location, continually damaging all nearby enemies. Awakened effect:
Smoke Screen damage increased by 10%.
Vengeance — Available at lvl 50. 20 second base cooldown.
Active: Transform into the physical embodiment of
Vengeance for
6 seconds, causing every Primary Attack to launch 2 additional shots for
additional damage. Passive: Gain 3% increased movement speed for each
nearby enemy, stacking up to 10 times. Charms increase
Vengeance damage from 2 to 10%, growing in 2% increments.
Advice: Vengeance is the solitary self-buff available to
Demon Hunters, and its tremendous versatility — uniquely offering a
Passive and an Active effect while selected — make it a universal
inclusion in endgame builds. Considering its hefty base cooldown, the use of
Vengeance should be timed accordingly; taking advantage of the Passive
movement speed buff while building up fights, and unleashing its Active effect
when the brawl starts in earnest. With enough supporting Legendaries, you can
relax its use and enjoy near-permanent uptime of this powerful steroid.
Legendary Items:
Vision of the Lost (Head) — During
Vengeance, each defeated enemy increases the remaining duration of
Vengeance by 0.2 seconds, up to a maximum increase of 2.4 seconds. Awakened effect:
Vengeance cooldown decreased by 10%.
Heart of Vengeance (Chest) —
Vengeance cooldown decreased by 15%. Awakened effect:
Vengeance cooldown further decreased by 10%.
Coff's Unrelenting Fury (Legs) — During
Vengeance, every 2 Primary Attacks will cause you to launch 1 additional rocket that deals damage to a nearby target. Awakened effect:
Vengeance cooldown decreased by 10%.
Stat Priorities
Primary Attributes
Improving your attributes in Diablo Immortal generally revolves around increasing the total amount of Combat Rating, or CR. Every primary attribute point (Strength, Fortitude, Vitality, Willpower, and Intelligence) grants you 1 point of CR.
The priority attribute for Demon Hunters is Strength, which gives +0.3 Damage per point; given otherwise identical options, use the one with higher Strength to increase your DPS. Second in the priority order is Fortitude, which adds to your Armor Penetration — indirectly increasing damage dealt by also improving your crit chance. This attribute suffers from diminishing returns due to crit caps, but is still quite valuable. Third in the priority order is Vitality, which simply increases your Life total; the longer you can stave off death, the better.
Stat priority order and stat benefits for Demon Hunters are as follows:
- 1. Strength — Grants +0.3 Damage to Demon Hunters, and +1 to your total CR.
- 2. Fortitude — Grants +0.1 Armor Penetration, which affects your crit chance. It also grants +0.1 Armor; Armor increases your Block chance, and blocking attacks mitigates 20% of the damage dealt. More mitigation is never amiss, and even more so when dealing with riskier content like the Helliquary. It also adds +1 to your total CR.
- 3. Vitality — Grants +3 Life; the more you can add to your total health pool, the better. Notoriously frail classes like the Demon Hunter benefit nicely from stacking at least somewhat into Vitality. This attribute also adds +1 to your total CR.
- 4. Willpower — Grants +0.1 Potency and 0.1 Resistance. Potency increases the duration of harmful effects that you inflict on your foes. Resistance lowers the duration of harmful effects inflicted by your enemies on you. This attribute also adds +1 to your total CR.
- 5. Intelligence — Grants +1 CR. This attribute does nothing else for Demon Hunters, and should be avoided as much as possible.
Secondary (Special) Attributes
You should not put an emphasis on Special Attributes when considering between gear pieces. This is due to the overpowering importance of Primary Attributes and your CR total. That being said, the better Special Attributes are the two Crit Stats (Critical Hit Chance and Critical Hit Damage), Cooldown Reduction, Beneficiary Effect Duration, and Movement Speed. You can also consider Increased Damage to Players for PvP gear.
Bonus Attributes
Pieces of Primary Gear that you upgrade at the Blacksmith attain up to three additional Bonus Attributes for Reforging at Ranks 6, 11, and 16. These Bonus Attributes belong to "families" (outlined and ranked below); a Family Bonus can be unlocked if all three Bonus Attributes are from the same family. Multiple Primary Gear pieces can have the same Family Bonus to improve your proc chance. The process of Reforging is done with the Reforge Stone consumable. Note that only Primary Gear pieces can be reforged; Secondary Gear pieces cannot. For Demon Hunters, priority Bonus Attributes are:
- 1.
Vengeance Stone brings a single target-oriented Family Bonus that becomes increasingly important as you push the difficulty of the content you are doing, i.e. Challenge Rifts. Pair it with high Attack Speed choices like
Crossbow Shot to have a chance at finishing off Boss fights within the timer.
- 2.
Wildfire Stone is mostly valuable due to its innate attributes, as it brings valuable Critical Hit Chance to the table. The Hydra summon from the Family Bonus is mostly an extra minion to soak up damage.
- 3.
Ravager Stone offers summoner-oriented innate attributes that offer some usefulness to Demon Hunters, since they often include Sentries in their builds. Its Family Bonus requires enemies to be slain to proc, significantly diminishing its usefulness when doing progression content like Challenge Rift bosses and Helliquary.
- 4.
Barrier Stone has a Family Bonus that brings some much needed mitigation to Demon Hunters, a class that is notorious for its frailty. The absorption shield is paired with some excellent innate attributes like Damage Taken Decreased and Block Chance, which further reduce incoming hurt.
- 5.
Jolt Stone offers situationally valuable bonuses; it has Beneficial Effect Duration Increased as an innate attribute, which is decent for groups, and a Cheat Death proc which is never amiss when soloing content. Its Family Bonus brings soft CC to attackers, which is decent mostly for PvP.
- 6.
Tremor Stone offers some marginally useful bonuses when doing PvP, but since its (otherwise excellent) Family Bonus only functions in melee range, it is all but lost on Demon Hunters.
Awakened Priorities
The Awakening mechanic further increases the power of a Legendary Item and
is done by socketing a Rank 10 Legendary Gem inside the item and using the
Dawning Echo consumable at the Master Jeweler. Awaken with 1-Star Gems
early on, sacrificing higher ones as necessary later. Prioritize Awakening
legendary items that provide straight bonuses (increased damage) to your most
frequently used skills, and ones that enhance the strengths of those
build-defining skills (such as cooldown- or energy cost- reduction). For
Barbarians, priority Awakenings are:
- 1. Off-hand:
The Hungerer,
- 2. Chest:
Heart of Vengeance,
Plate of Lethal Intent,
Untempered Hatred
- 3. Legs:
Coff's Unrelenting Fury,
Legguards of the Inevitable Inferno,
Inescapable Raptor
- 4. Head:
Vision of the Lost,
Cowl of Focused Hatred,
Ysil's Contained Destruction
- 4. Shoulders:
Hailstone Shoulders,
Skystriker's Pauldrons,
- 6. Main-hand:
Breath of Winter,
Normal and Legendary Gems
As per tradition for Diablo games, socketed gear allows you to insert beneficial gems according to your needs. In Diablo Immortal, gems are divided between Normal Gems (socketable in Secondary Gear) and Legendary Gems (socketable in Primary Gear).
Normal Gems
Normal Gems can only be socketed in Secondary Gear. Normal gems are divided into Red, Blue and Yellow sockets, and their priority is listed below. Priority-wise, gems are decent power increases to your character, but should never come at the cost of Primary Attributes and your CR score. Go for Red and Blue gems over Yellow if possible, as they provide a stronger bonus overall.
- Red Sockets: Prioritize Tourmaline as it provides a straight Damage increase. Ruby is also decent for the Life increase, but only if you lack Tourmalines.
- Blue Sockets: Prioritize Sapphire, which increases your Armor Penetration, and your Critical Hit Chance stat as a result. Note that Crit Chance provided from Sapphires has diminishing returns, capping out at 33%; when benefits from ArPen get too insignificant, swap to Aquamarine. Aquamarine provides Armor, which is a decent source of damage mitigation.
- Yellow Sockets: Prioritize Citrine for the Potency gains, increasing the duration of harmful effects you inflict on enemies; however small its benefits, they trump the Resistance effects provided from Topaz.
Legendary Gems
Legendary Gems can only be socketed in Primary Gear. They provide unique and very powerful bonuses on top of a robust stack of stat increases. Legendary Gems are found in Elder Rifts enhanced by the Crest consumables, as well as through crafting at the Jeweler in Westmarch.
Early on in Demon Hunter character progression, you should use common, 1- and 2-Star Legendary Gems like:
Fervent Fang — Can be obtained from the Battle Pass, saving you some Crests. Provides a stacking damage increase against a target with successive attacks; great for single target damage.
Everlasting Torment — For the mere cost of a critical hit, this gem inflicts a considerable DoT and an Attack Speed increase to boot. Even at a low quality, this gem starts off with incredible stats and fits nicely from the get-go.
Power & Command— Due to how Demon Hunter builds play out — constantly interweaving Primary Attacks in between their cooldown usage — you will always have some part of the alternating bonuses of this gem going.
Ca'arsen's Invigoration — This gem increases the attack speed and damage dealt by your Primary Attacks, which fits into the Primary-spamming nature of Demon Hunter builds quite nicely.
Lightning Core — Despite its low proc chance, this damage-dealing gem can wipe out entire packs when activated, or focus down a larger foe, making it a decent addition to you legendary gem lineup.
Berserker's Eye — This gem increases damage dealt at the cost of an increase in damage taken. Demon Hunters fight at range and strive to avoid damage altogether, making the gem a nice fit for the class overall.
When perfecting your character for endgame content, the 5-Star Best-in-Slot Legendary Gems for Demon Hunters include:
Blood-Soaked Jade — With its Damage and Movement Speed increases, it is largely considered to be the best legendary gem in the game for pretty much all forms of content.
Seeping Bile — The value of this gem scales with the number of attacks you inflict, fitting nicely with the piercing projectiles of Demon Hunters. With a considerable damage proc and a spreading effect, it is one of the best additions to your legendary gem lineup.
Howler's Call — Triggered off Primary Attacks — a constantly spammed aspect of Demon Hunter builds — this legendary gem supplements the far-reaching barrage of the class with another hard-hitting ranged proc.
Echoing Shade — This gem has a percentage-based chance to spawn Shadow Clones that inherit some of your abilities and — perhaps more importantly — will draw some of the enemy's attention away from you, allowing for short periods of uninterrupted slaughter of your foes.
- Chip of Stone Flesh — This is a PvP powerhouse of a gem, inflicting hard CC and increasing damage dealt on affected targets. It also provides decent value for progression content.
- Frozen Hearth — With percentage-based mitigation against ranged damage, this is one of the strongest defensive legendary gems you can support your character with.
Paragon Points
Paragon Points are character-specific progression system that allows you to advance in power after you reach maximum level. Each level gives you a Paragon point to spend into currently available nodes on the five Paragon Trees. While Paragon Trees are specialized for certain tasks, you should always keep in mind the tenets of character building — increasing damage and mitigation as much as you can. With that in mind, focus down the Vanquisher tree first, pick up the experience bonus from the Treasure Hunter tree, pick up whatever is useful from the Gladiator tree, and finish off with the group powerhouse of the Soldier tree. Always keep in mind that the (circular) Persistent Attributes are always active once leveled, but the (square) Specialization Skills are only applied when their respective Paragon Tree is active.
- Vanquisher Tree: The offense focus of this tree makes it the best starting point for all characters. It is recommended that you start with the middle row, maxing out Damage and picking up Zeal. Go down the bottom row, maxing out Damage and picking up Wrath. Finally, go along the top row, maxing out Potency, putting the point in Exorcism, and finishing off with Deeper Pockets and Heart of Wrath. This puts you at Paragon level 49.
- Treasure Hunter Tree: This tree unlocks at Paragon 50 and focuses on rewarding you more for your grinding efforts, making it an attractive mid-progression pickup. Go through the middle row, maxing Armor to attain Swift Learner. Then go on straight by maxing out the Damage node. This puts you at Paragon 70.
- Go back to the Vanquisher Tree. Max out the Life nodes in the mid row that follow Zeal, and put one point in Judgment to finish off that row. Then, go to the bottom row and put 3 points into Armor Penetration, which puts you exactly at Paragon 99.
- Right around this point, you have a decision to make. If you focus on PvE content, you should divert your attention back to the Survivor Tree — the other tree unlocked by default. Start out by maxing Life, picking up a point in Unyielding and progressing downwards. Max out Armor, then through the middle row — taking Escape Artist, additional Life, and Precognition along the way. Finish off with the coveted Damage increase. If you focus on PvP content, you should focus on the Gladiator Tree instead; this tree unlocks at Paragon 100, and offers brawling-oriented bonuses. Start off with maxing Armor Penetration, picking Uncontrollable right after it and continuing upwards. Max out Life, attain Quick Witted, and go into maxing Resistance and the second Life node. Get the Cheat Death right above the Life node. Finish with the consistently desirable Damage.
- At this point, you are hovering around the Paragon 180-185 point. One thing to consider is going back to the Vanquisher Tree to finish off the bottom right Armor Penetration node. You can also divert to the Treasure Hunter Tree to grab Gold Find and its subsequent Armor Penetration node. Alternatively, if you group up a lot, you can tab over to the Soldier Tree. This tree unlocks at Paragon 150 and is focused on grouping bonuses and provides tremendous utility for most modes of play. Take Hold Formation and head down to Resistance, then even further down into Damage. Attain the full bottom row — Battle Morale into Armor Penetration into Sacrifice. Then, finish off the middle row with Combat Veteran and Potency. Finally, go through the top row of Life and First Aid.
It is important to reiterate that your utmost priority is picking up all the damage nodes you can, deviating into one tree or another only to further that goal. Secondary valuable pickups are found in Armor Penetration and Life nodes. Once you are done with leveling all the Damage nodes, you are free to fill out Paragon trees as you see fit, as well as to activate specific Trees for the needs of the content you are doing.
Closing Words
In summation, the Demon Hunter is an excellent choice if you want to engage in proactive, tactical and demanding gameplay — constantly teetering between the clutches of death and the utter decimation of their enemies. The class reigns supreme when dispatching singular foes and is supremely useful when taking down big, bulky targets — but requires utter precision and control of the situation on the battlefield. Enjoy the Demon Hunter, and scour the Dreadlands of their demonic filth!
- 30 May 2022: Guide created.
This build is presented to you by Deadset, one of the very few professional Diablo 3 players. Deadset regularly publishes video guides on Youtube and streams on Twitch, where you can see how this and other builds play out in practice.
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