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  4. Thanks for the post! Blizzard is continuously updating their talent strings which is breaking some of the old ones I had created. They should all be working as of now but it looks like they are continuing to update things and it looks a bit different across live/beta so doing my best to keep up! Should stabilize in the next week or so.
  5. With these changes I am looking forward to trying out Fel Scarred.
  6. tbh was expecting delay with the pre-patch launch...it happens just about every time when getting prepped for a new expansion. But getting a free day added on I'm definitely alright with that. Since servers were down that day just made it a movie night instead and watch a few movies on Netflix.
  7. Guest


    The guide says to meld 2 DET+54 materia on the skyruin glaive, isn't it supposed to have 1 CRT materia on it since the glaive isn't maxed out on CRT? Same goes for some of the other equipement. Am i missing something?
  8. Solozerro has defeated Mythic Garrosh alone in MoP Remix! Congrats to the amazing feat that took months of dedication to accomplish! In an emotional tribute to a friend who passed away during the transition between World of Warcraft's Wrath of the Lich King and Cataclysm expansions, one dedicated player has fulfilled a long-standing promise to leave their mark in the game's history. "I promised her I would make a name for myself in WoW history, and today, I can finally say I've done this in her honor," Solozerro said. This accomplishment was the result of several evenings of ded
  9. Definitely, we'll have a separate news up with the new item levels in the coming days!
  10. Guest

    Enhancement Shaman PvE

    Another minor issue I came across is that the rotation is showing to start using lighting bolt when Primordial Wave is on the target at level 53 but the talent tree doesn't have you taking Primordial Wave until 63.
  11. Hey, currently we have two guides up. The Dragonriding guide has not been updated because we have a new Skyriding guide. I'm going to discuss with the team to see how we can handle this, but for now, there will be a link to our updated Skyriding guide at the very top of the Dragonriding guide.
  12. Everything should be working now, we double-checked all links. Thanks for the report.
  13. So your aware the link guides go to a page that doesnt exist
  14. Guest

    Frost Death Knight PvE

    I'm quite confused, in the dual wielding aoe build it is considered to choose between absolute zero or cryogenic chamber, none of which are selected in the tree provided... and I quite can't figure what last talent to remove to add any of those.
  15. I have yet to see you post anything close to critical of Blizzard. More often than not, you argue against people when they have a legitimate issue. So, yeah, that's a solid indication of a shill or someone that is blinded by fandom. And how nice that you completely ignored my explanation of the coding involved. I killed your entire argument and you have no way to refute the explanation, because you don't know what you're talking about, so you just pull the "bootlicker" line out of my replies to try and shift the focus. You're really not equipped for this conversation young man.
  16. The Newest Path of Exile League: Settlers of Kalguur 3.25 The newest Path of Exile League, Settlers of Kalguur 3.25, launches today! We've updated the guides on our sister site, PoE Vault, to ensure that Exiles are well-prepared to help Kalguuran pioneers build the town of Kingsmarch and establish trade between Wraeclast and their homeland. For new players who would like to try out Path of Exile, you can follow our “How to Start” guide. Path of Exile is not an easy game, but with our guide and Discord help, there is no reason not to try the game out and enjoy all the fun Wraeclast has
  17. Any way we can update this to the current item levels? Unless I am mistaken Heroic will be 580 and mythic 0 597
  18. Guest

    Dragonriding Guide

    Dragon Riding is meant o be level 60 BUT (and I don't know if it's intended or a bug) my newly rolled Worgen hunter has been able to dragon fly since leaving Gilneas. No normal flying, all flying mounts are set to dragon flying. It's nice to be able to get around, but makes many quests stupidly easy. I have no idea what will happen when I get official normal flying.
  19. It's time for some more preliminary stats, as the pre-patch has been here a whole 3 days (well, not exactly "whole", especially considering the game time gifts)! We're taking a look at how the class changes shifted the dungeon meta, but keep in mind these are really early numbers and fewer players do Mythic+ in post-season. Warcraft Logs Points The below logs are based on POINTS, and not actual damage or healing, meaning they log the timed completion for the specs, with higher keys getting more points, obviously. The time in which the dungeon is completed is also a factor, but a much
  20. Fifty Cent and the candy shop approve of this.
  21. Ik, since i don't agree with you about flying, I am "licking their boots." Go back to pre school. Conversation over
  22. Blizzard got to fight that toxic masculinity
  23. Guest


    3.1 AoE healing typo at the end, “Philosophia” and its description is incorrectly listed as “Psyche” instead, which is the AoE attack oGCD.
  24. To the best of my knowledge yes, as a temporary solution until they bring forward the new changes
  25. Guest

    Vengeance Demon Hunter PvE

    export string for offensive tanking has wrong talents, and leaves you with 2 points to spare. its taking live by the glaive, which isnt in the preview
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