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SergioPer started following Lightning/Death Sentry Assassin (Trapsin) Build
Hello there ! Just wanted to report a small mistake. The level 13 talent Superior Schematics mentions "Rock-It! Turrets attack up to 2 additional enemies for -4000% damage...", which of course includes way too many zeros, on top of turning a plus into a minus ^^... Thanks in advance for your work !
- Yesterday
Hello Cometopapa, thank you for your feedback post. I've fixed the macros. The update may take some time to go live, but you can expect it in the next few days. Now you cast the first spell on left click, the second spell on right click. You can also use that for portals and teleport. Kind Regards Wrdlbrmpft
Claudegok started following The dark Button who let you jump to the last side of a thread
Antonionvt started following Account deletion
Antoniogjn started following How to use Raidbots to sim yourself
Antoniodoo started following The War Within To-Do List
FreepornFurl started following The dark Button who let you jump to the last side of a thread
Is there a way to get updates weekly, properly? I guess we all have Tama's addon, but still, it doesn't cover changes that happen weekly, like new timewalkings, additional rewards, or things that will go missing after the week... I think that this could be helpfull for everyone. Thank you!
Melanialudh started following Extra Life - All-day Gaming Charity!
Hello there ! I just wanted to report a small mistake. The Angel of Death description mentions " as it will instantly bring the Ability's cooldown to its cap of 15 seconds.", even though that Heroic Ability's cooldown cap has now been rised to 20 seconds.
Antonioxvy started following Raid comp buff/debuffs addon?
Antoniojtl started following Who is Saruski from WoW F2P?
- Last week
Nice guide, thanks. One issue, though ... You have mastery ahead of haste in the stat priorities yet say to stack haste. So the correct priority should be Haste > Mastery, right? I guess mastery is ahead but we get more benefit to haste from the gear, whereas the naturally aspirated mastery is already quite high.
I'll add in a clarification that DW is bis!
You're right, sent in a quick fix should be up in a day or so, cheers!
Hey! So if you'll notice, most mentions of Soothing Mist are accompanied by a little section saying something to the effect of "if you're talented into it". Taking Soothing Mist is a totally valid playstyle, and the monk side of the talent tree is flexible enough that you can take it without sacrificing much. It's just personal preference for the most part. However, when pushing the highest keys you can, Soothing Mist can be a very valuable pick up due to its supporting talent Elusive Mists, offering a bit of DR.
Hi! Sorry for the delay in replying. I just double checked and found your email in the spam folder. Will proceed with the request and delete your account.
More of the same trash. Way to go keeping the same classes at the bottom, and buffing the same classes time and again. Not sure why I pay for this crap anymore.
you have listed corehound belt as BiS in Phase 2. its not released until phase 3.
Aww don't leave, just park the acct if you aren't feeling it now. Maybe they'll get it together later on
Good questions! Zeratul is high because he can be a valuable pick on bigger Maps because he can split-push and gank. I'll move Genji and Zeratul down because they are more situational than the other Heroes in the same Tier. I'll also move Blaze and Hogger down because they are indeed not at the same level as Dehaka. Once we had Tier S+ above Tier S to better differentiate between strong Heroes and overpowered Heroes. Auriel will be moved up because from what I've seen she's doing surprisingly well, at least for now. I'll also move Dva up because after the recent b
That makes sense - tanks generally won't be too contested and other than Diablo (and maybe Garrosh?) you don't have to change your team comp too much to account for the enemy tank pick. Glad to see an updated tier list. My top 3 questions: - Why the jump for Zeratul? - Why are the nerfed versions of Blaze and Hogger on the same tier as Dehaka? I feel like Dehaka is must-ban on his good maps, where Blaze/Hogger, while good, aren't quite as must-ban. - Is solo healer Auriel really viable now? We're seeing her a lot in high ranks, but I can't tell if ppl are just messing aroun
mythic [Draenor][H] <Gordian Knot> (6/8M)
Messenii replied to Athlios's topic in EU - English Speaking
Hello! We’re currently looking for the following: **High Demand:** Evoker: Preservation Paladin: Holy Priest: Shadow Rogue: All specs Shaman: Restoration Warlock: All specs Warrior: All spec * Warrior: Fury & Arms **Medium Demand:** * Demon Hunter: All specs * Monk: Windwalker & Brewmaster * Druid: Balance * Mage: All specs Raiding Days: * Wednesdays-Sundays 20:15 to 23:15 (Invites start at 20:00) * Secondaries on Thursdays same hours If you want to raid in a mature and relaxed environment, having fun while getting some dece -
Hey everyone, we removed the comments system in September 2024. Our new site was unfortunately designed in a way that doesn't allow plugins to work the same way they would on a regular WordPress site. Because of this, the only viable option right now would be OpenWeb, but they're asking for unrealistic monthly fees, which isn't feasible. We still have it on our list to explore other alternatives for our comments to return once Path of Exile 2 is done. Sorry for the long wait, as we hope to bring back a proper comments section in the future.
I don't know if I'm doing the math wrong but under Multi-Target Damage it says, Dyskrasia II is 170 potency and the secondary damage falloff on Toxikon II is 50%. So 50% of its potency of 370 is 185 potency. So unless I messed up somewhere, the secondary falloff damage of Toxikon II is 15 potency higher than Dyskrasia II.
This has been updated now for the latest week. Thanks for the feedback.
So, the Gear and Best in Slot page has no mention of whether 2h or DW is better. I think that's a fairly important thing to mention when discussing BiS; in fact it's the entire reason I went to the page and the first thing I looked for. The only mention of it is, "The real change is 2H builds running a different weapon, of course", which says nothing about which is actually BiS.
Upcoming Evelyn Chevalier gets her character Demo Trailer! Learn more about it here, what she can do, and when you can pull for her! HoYoverse has released a character demo trailer for Evelyn Chevalier, the upcoming 5 Star Fire Attack agent in Zenless Zone Zero. Evelyn is set to join the game in Phase two of Version 1.5, scheduled for release on February 12, 2025. You can watch the trailer here: The trailer provides a glimpse into Evelyn's backstory, highlighting her unyielding nature and hinting at a mysterious past: while she had to take on many different names, it
So, in s34, only 19 sets count towards the years of war conquest. For example, for DH, the unhallowed essence set does not count. None of the Necromancer sets count to this conquest. This makes it very difficult to complete the conquest. Furthermore, given the other conquests, this makes it exceedingly difficult to complete the seasonal journey. I have completed each and every seasonal journey since s10 when seasons came to the consoles. Usually within the first week of the season (I am a solo player, so it does take me longer than the group players). Previous seasons, the yea
There are lots of mentions of Soothing Mist in the guides, but neither of the two M+ talent specs offered here take this talent. That seems odd.
- Earlier
Guild & Server: <Wasted Pøtential> :bifactional: Zul'jin Raid Times/Days: Sun/Mon 8:00 PM-11:00 PM EST Current Progression: 5/8M NP Recruitment Contact: @Zeléxis - Area-52 [H] Pøtential WC Logs: Application:øtential/main-team?preview Requirements: 630+ IL, and previous Mythic experience. Team mindset with a willingness to learn, listen, improve, and chill vibes. Needs: Hunter, Mage, Warlock, DK, Warrior,
Tips for the Horde quest: "Mission: Possible But Not Probable" The Enemies on each level of the tower are weak to specific rogue attacks:- Ground Floor: The "Mutated Drones" are weak to Ambush - it will instant kill them. Use distract and then ambush one of them then 1v1 the second one. First Floor: The goblins are weak to Rupture. It does waayyy more damage than listed. Use that if you accidentally aggro both. Second floor (balcony): These guys are weak to eviscerate. It will turn them into slimes that are easier to kill. Top Floor (Gallywix Elite): Weak to Ambush. It will do 50% of
I believe you are misunderstanding what the "rotation" section is for. This section is essentially meant as a "what buttons do I press in what order in combat", as opposed to the preceding section which is "what talents do I pick in what order when I level up".