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Resto Shaman - Advice Needed

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Hello everyone, i've been watching the forums for some time now but i always tried to follow advices on other shamans. This time i am having doubts on my performance, i am perfectly comfortable with mid-hps since i value overall healing performance but also i want to make sure that i am not bottlenecking my raid's performance.Biggest reason is that i also lead the raids and i am feeling that effects my performance as a healer so i will post a log here about our first blackrock hc raid and i humbly ask for your suggestions, advices and anything more.I also don't mind people being harsh as long as i can get some concstructive feedback.Thanks in advance


Armory :  http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/twisting-nether/Jahrkul/simple


Gruul Kill:



Oregorger Wipes : 




Twin Kill : 





i believe you can also check other logs from our guild raids but they are mostly bad attempts at brackenspore, for oregorger total tries, we did make some empty pulls to try out some mechanics for acid torrent so in my opinion that wipes might be wrong to analyze from.Anyway thanks again for your help.

Edited by jahrkul

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Hi, jahrkul.


I went through your logs and this is what I saw:



1. Did you use PE talent in Tier 6? I don't see EB casts, no UF buffs and no buffs from Elementals. Whatever is your choice - you should utilize it.

2. Your HST uptime can be better. it's not bad - 8 from 11 possible, but just to pay attention.

3. You can definitely cast more CDs. I see only 1 HTT in this fight and no Ascendance at all. HTT, SLT, Ascendance - you could use twice every one of them. Your raid CDs are utility more then 'oh, shit' button.

4. Your HR overheal is pretty high while amount of casts is low. So I went to replay to see what was the tactic that your raid used: your group was stacked most of the time - so you could benefit from HR much more. Also it was more look like you casted HR when recalled to do that and some times your group was spread out right after the cast. I think that to work a bit on HR timings and casts on CD could help.



1. Same - HST uptime should be higher. Do you use any aura to track its CD?

2. I see that you used PE talent. So my question is why you don't use its actual healing buff? Resto shaman's gain from this talent is in 10% healing boost. I don't see in logs not Empower from Fire Elem, no Reinforce from Earth. Actually no Earth Elem at all.

3. SLT totem is very good in this fight, especially on Enfeebling Roar. You used it only once. Could be at least twice.


I went through your wipes on Oregorger, but frankly, it's all the same.


To summarize:

First of all, I know that when you are a RL, it's very hard to track all the timings and to pay attention at all the CDs and stuff. I'm sure that you do your best :)


1. Track HST timings.

2. Try to use your raid CDs more. Do not hold them until last second. It's a nice troughput and mana managing utility.

3. Your tier 6 talents - try to check what's going on there. I know that normally healing and offencive / defencive buffs from Elementals are shown in the 'Buffs' section of logs but didn't see anything there.

4. Why don't you use UL at all? It's a nice 30% buff to every one from your direct heals (CH, HW, HS).

5. Side note - you can use Channeling mana potion (returns double amount of mana) instead of a standard one. Drop HTT and sit down to drink. Or use the Tranquility times for it. I saw that you are not struggling with mana, so it's a side advice.

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Jahrkul - I also noticed you have a multistrike enchant on your cloak and your legendary ring doesnt have an enchant at all. I'd put Mastery on both. 


When I was looking through the BiS items on Icy-V  a few days ago I did notice that gear with multistrike does seem to be rated higher than other stats. Maybe someone else can comment on this. At the least put the good mastery enchant on ring.  

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When I was looking through the BiS items on Icy-V  a few days ago I did notice that gear with multistrike does seem to be rated higher than other stats. Maybe someone else can comment on this. At the least put the good mastery enchant on ring.  

The first line before the table in this link (BiS items on Icy-V) says "In each table, the items are ranked by item level and then alphabetically"

so I wouldn't say that any of the stats are rated higher - there are no ratings in the table.

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First of all thank you for your time .


Pandacho thx especially taking time to review logs and for your adives ofc.Most of the time i save cds because we ve got 3 new healer and i dont yet trust them fully, they miss cds and some other things so i try to save them for oh shit moments unfortunately.


I track hst but thats definetly sth i should track more. Thanks

At twin i used my fire ele for dps tbh cuz we were struggling and got our kill a few secs after enrage so thought everybits helps but for earth shiiiit i didnt see that spell for a long time ^^ thanks again.

For mana potion i do use channeled but after candle my mana seems more than enough most of the time so i just use a mana pot instead of channeled one.


To me most important thing is UL, i can't seem to see it benefit.i mean yes it buffs the spells but spending a gcd for it, but i use chain heal a lot more than i used to now so i will definetly try to use it more to see if it helps,again thanks for your time.


Toulip , i forgot to mention that my cloak is for my 3rd os elemental and i just got the ring so usually i use mastery but plan to change it for haste tbh since i feel playing better with haste.again thanks for your time also ^^

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