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Need help with Elemental

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Hi everyone, I've been playing elemental since SoO and have been doing fine up until now. My DPS has been kind of low compared to what I think it should be.

---Here is a link to my armory (http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/sargeras/Sarris/simple)


---Here is a link to my logs (https://www.warcraftlogs.com/rankings/character/438602/latest#boss=0)


---My rotation usually goes something like this: During countdown i use Unleash Flame then drop Searing Totem and prepot then i Flame Shock and pop my trinket EM Ascendance and Fire Elemental. Then I spam Lava Burst and when Ascendance is done i use Earth Shock then LB/EB and renew Flame Shock. After that I continue to spam LB/EB and using Lava Burst whenever i can. 


One other quick question. For gearing is is Ilvl>stats or stats>ilvl. Atm i am going Ilvl>stats but not sure if it is the best choice. Thank you for reading and taking the time to look at this and any advice would be great. ^.^

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Okay, Serris. I note no real problems with gearing, other than having an abnormally high mastery which will most likely be remedied with time. As far as the question on gearing, it depends. If we're talking about the difference between a normal and a heroic item, the heroic item wins... every time. There is just too much intellect on the heroic item to be ignored. However, we take that heroic item and put it up to a warforged piece... it will boil down to secondaries at that point. 


For your opener, why cast an instance of searing totem before the pull just to have to put the fire elemental down a few seconds after? I would have the fire elemental out a second before the pull begins. 


My opener: Prepot and Fire Elemental Totem 2-3 seconds before pull, Unleashed Flame 1 second before pull, Elemental Mastery with on-use trinkets, Flame Shock, Lava Burst, Heroism, Ascendance. If you have elemental blast, you can fit that in after the flame shock to buff the next few Lava Bursts during Ascendance. After that, it is just managing your rotation and using your movement CDs correctly. Missing even one Lava Burst or mismanaging movement CDs can cost a TON of DPS. 


One fight I can suggest a tip on is probably Butcher. Try using Unleashed Fury instead of Elemental Blast. You'd be surprised how much faster the rotation feels for that fight. You have Spiritwalker's Grace glyphed for a shorter CD which lines up with Bounding Cleave up until he undergoes his soft enrage. You won't need Unleashed Fury for short movement sequences as you aren't moving an incredible amount to begin with (unless you are in charge of moving in and out of a group). 


Hopefully, this helps and leaves more answers than questions. 

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Hiya, thx a ton for the reply I feel liek this really helped me (especially the gearing question because i could not find that anywhere) I get what ur saying with the mastery and i will try harder to get rid of that in favor of another stat. The opener you suggested makes sense and i will definitely try it. Again thank you a ton for reading :)

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