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Help/criticism MW Monk raid healing

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NOTE: Edited and shortened.


Good afternoon,


Trumma@Anachronos here, mistweaving since MoP., but relatively new to raid healing. I'm looking for some input/criticism/advice regarding my raid healing.


Addons: Elvui, Renewing Mist Tracker, Clique (got everything on mouseover) and TellMeWhen for my cooldowns.





Log to Operator Thogar hc:



Log to Flamebender Ka'graz hc:





1) Is it worth uplifting on as many people as possible? I know dim returns starts after 6, but not sure how much. I tend to try and use RM on CD (with Pool of Mists talent), and dump chi into mainly uplift. And use TFT when available, when there is a lot of raid wide damage. Should i get less trigger happy and settle for uplifting on less people?


2) Positioning. Usually, I stand at ranged. If ranged are grouped up I stand with them to get the most out of my Chi Burst (aiming it at melee). If ranged are spread, I still tend to stand at ranged, and not really consider myself as melee, but as more of a traditional healer.


3) A spinning problem. I tend to not use SCK/RJW at all, because of the high mana cost. This question is connected to question 2, in that I could position myself in melee and spin away, or use it on ranged if I'm stacked with them. Are they worth the relatively high mana cost?


4) Mana management. At both fights, I oomed quite a lot, and didn't have a lot of time to channel MT. From the information above, is there anything I can do differently to manage my mana a bit more efficiently? (I might have to go back to spirit enchant on weapon, which I felt I didn't need in HM.)


So. To conclude. How was my healing during these two encounters, and how can I up it a notch? Feel free to criticise away. smile.png


I love that MW:ing have been buffed this expansion, because I love playing MW, even though I still have lots to learn. Sincere thanks for taking the time to read through this. If at any point I'm being unclear, or if you would like any further information to be able to give proper criticism, please just ask.

Edited by Trumma

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I myself have a timing issue to work on with my Uplifts; I tend to do way too much over healing. However, for the other questions: sometimes I stand with melee, sometimes with ranged, depends on the boss. On Oregorger, for example, I stand with the ranged since they have to stack and take some hefty aoe damage. When possible, though, I get in with the melee - it keeps me close to the tanks (our ranged like to stand at max range) and lets me snag extra mana tea from Crane stance now and then.

Also, Touch of Death the adds, that is nice eminence healing. ;)

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Hopefully I can help you out a bit. I was a full time MW healer in MoP and have done a little bit in WOD, but cant do much mythic prog due to personal issues.


1. The only time you should be uplifting is when there is an immense amount of raidwide damage going out. Or the raid is needing to be slightly topped off and there isnt anything else to do. I wouldnt use all 3 charges then use ReM off cd. I usually try to have 2 stacks available at all times in prep for high intensity healing. This way, when the timers for a specific ability happens, you can TFT and use the other 2 ReMs and on use trinkets, then you start uplifting, whilst it has diminishing returns, it is still and immense amount of healing. When there is no raid wide healing to be done, just soothing mist the tank. Your statue automatically changes to injured targets, so you dont have to swap at all. Just surging and enveloping when the tank heal requires more. However you shouldnt be doing this for long because the raid wide damage will come back of course.


2. Position wherever the raid leader tells you to. Usually this is at ranged because healer things. Sometimes in melee if there is a DPS check, rarely however.


3. I wouldnt recommend SCK because it takes up valuable GCDs, however RJW takes up 1 GCD and lasts ~5s. It's throughput is amazing, however you dont want to be spamming it. Once per high intensity healing section should suffice. Standing in anygroup of 6+ people is the best. I wouldnt recommend being any less than 4 due to not getting chi from it. I totally recommend RJW because it is just that good. usually it's like a 3rd top heal even though I only cast it 10 or so times a fight. It's that good.


4. Because the tier is still early, you will find you will oom quite a bit. Not enough spirit. etc. Just do what you've normally been doing and try not to spam surging so much. Whilst being really efficient you can tunnel a little and you will become oom.


The main role of a healer is to anticipate when high damage periods are coming and get prepared for them. ~10s before damage. ReM everyone, get the chi, spam abilities during damage.


Hopefully this helps a bit. Feel free to ask more questions.

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I myself have a timing issue to work on with my Uplifts; I tend to do way too much over healing. However, for the other questions: sometimes I stand with melee, sometimes with ranged, depends on the boss. On Oregorger, for example, I stand with the ranged since they have to stack and take some hefty aoe damage. When possible, though, I get in with the melee - it keeps me close to the tanks (our ranged like to stand at max range) and lets me snag extra mana tea from Crane stance now and then.

Also, Touch of Death the adds, that is nice eminence healing. wink.png

Cheers mate. Trying to figure out FW at the mo, havent done it a lot. :)

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Hopefully I can help you out a bit. I was a full time MW healer in MoP and have done a little bit in WOD, but cant do much mythic prog due to personal issues.


1. The only time you should be uplifting is when there is an immense amount of raidwide damage going out. Or the raid is needing to be slightly topped off and there isnt anything else to do. I wouldnt use all 3 charges then use ReM off cd. I usually try to have 2 stacks available at all times in prep for high intensity healing. This way, when the timers for a specific ability happens, you can TFT and use the other 2 ReMs and on use trinkets, then you start uplifting, whilst it has diminishing returns, it is still and immense amount of healing. When there is no raid wide healing to be done, just soothing mist the tank. Your statue automatically changes to injured targets, so you dont have to swap at all. Just surging and enveloping when the tank heal requires more. However you shouldnt be doing this for long because the raid wide damage will come back of course.


2. Position wherever the raid leader tells you to. Usually this is at ranged because healer things. Sometimes in melee if there is a DPS check, rarely however.


3. I wouldnt recommend SCK because it takes up valuable GCDs, however RJW takes up 1 GCD and lasts ~5s. It's throughput is amazing, however you dont want to be spamming it. Once per high intensity healing section should suffice. Standing in anygroup of 6+ people is the best. I wouldnt recommend being any less than 4 due to not getting chi from it. I totally recommend RJW because it is just that good. usually it's like a 3rd top heal even though I only cast it 10 or so times a fight. It's that good.


4. Because the tier is still early, you will find you will oom quite a bit. Not enough spirit. etc. Just do what you've normally been doing and try not to spam surging so much. Whilst being really efficient you can tunnel a little and you will become oom.


The main role of a healer is to anticipate when high damage periods are coming and get prepared for them. ~10s before damage. ReM everyone, get the chi, spam abilities during damage.


Hopefully this helps a bit. Feel free to ask more questions.

Thanks for the long answer.

I'm defo going to try out RJW more. Just found the in-game /timer feature, which I hope will let me track how often I'm doing certain abilities (RJW for instance), and to get my CDs where in the fight I want them. I've defaulted to CT now recently, because it's free healing, but sometimes it's not ideal to roll around all over the place :P And then I'm not using that tier talent at all, which is a shame.

I have a lot of spirit though. Yeah, think I need to let off surging so much, that'll probably help. It's feels like BRF is much more mana straining than HM ever was. I actually switched to MS enchant on weap towards end of HM, but might have to switch back to spirit. The lure of more output is quite strong though ;)

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Edit: Removed the big quote, which was mainly there for my reference :)


So these are my two cents:



Yes. More people means less overhealing. The diminishing makes you more effective as measued on overhealing%. I have so far found that I get less effective in smaller raids because of this.


2 & 3.

Whatever you like, really. One of my greatest joys when MW'ing is my ability to position myself anywhere. Regarding RJW, yes, it's defintely worth it imo. In stacked up situations it's OP and definitely worth the high mana cost. Try using it as a quick repair to big stacked hits, and see if you dont feel happy about it. Use it when it's going to be effective and the mana cost is really not that high.



I would always go spirit enchant personally, but regarding Mana Tea, look for opportunities to do it anyway. Better to do it early than when you're forced to. And avoid reaching 20 stacks; then try using them early if you have an opportunity.



Edited by Lothrandir

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