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[US-Baelgun][A] <Integrity> Casual Schedule, Serious Raiding

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TL/DR:  Alliance, 7:30-9:30pm EST Tue/Wed/Sun.  Have fun, kill stuff or die trying.


Guild overview:  5 year old stable guild.  I am the former GM and founder, led the guild for 3 years, then passed it off to the current GM, who has been leading for the last 2 years.  I came back for WoD and found a fully functional fun guild full of the same people along with a lot of new friendly faces.  Which is typical, we have a steady core of people who come in, play for 6 months to a year, take a break, and come back.  Most of us have been playing together since BC days.


The casual side:  2 hour raids 3-5 nights a week with no attendance requirements.  Progression raids are Tue/Wed/Sun 7:30-9:30PM EST  Normal mode and alt runs are on off nights.  All raids are optional, we do not have enforced attendance requirements, but people who maintain higher attendance/performance get first dibs on raid spots.


The serious side:  Raiders are expected to show up on time and be ready to go.  If you're late and we have space, no problem but raids WILL start on time and if we're full you're SoL.  If you consistently fail at mechanics, you will get a talking to outside of raid time, and continued failure will result in you not being invited to raids on progression nights.  The basic rule is "Don't waste people's time by being unprepared"


Goals as a guild:  Clear all of heroic while it's relevant and do some mythic progression.  We're not going to drive ourselves crazy, but we want to consistently challenge ourselves.  We are currently 7/7H HM, 2/10H BRF.


Needs: DPS.  We have a solid group of tanks and healers, and several very good DPS, but inconsistency in the dps corps is holding us back.  We are looking for people who want to raid regularly with the freedom to skip a raid or 3, but have a solid group of people to seriously raid with.  We are fairly full on hunters and mages, but would consider exceptional people of any class.


If you want to know more or to apply, visit www.integritygaming.enjin.com or add me on Bnet Helagoth#1919.

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