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[US-Kirintor][A] Missunderstood 8/10H BRF

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<Missunderstood>, an Alliance guild on Kirin Tor, is currently recruiting DPS for a full-time position on our 20m core. Current progression is 8/10 Heroic Blackrock Foundry, with Mythic just around the corner! We are a guild that started from humble beginnings late in Mists of Pandaria and finished server first.


We value consistent attendance and the ability to come prepared over gear score and past experience. If you’re willing to put in the work, we’re willing to give you a chance.


Raid times are Sat-Mon from 7:00-10:00pm Central and adhere to a strict attendance policy in order to show respect for our fellow teammates time.


Currently recruiting for any of the following:

Melee DPS - Feral, Enhance, Rogue, Monk, Warrior, Death Knight, Paladin. 

Ranged DPS - Elemental, Shadow, Balance, Hunter, or Warlock, 

Healer: Monk, Disc Priest


(If you are not one of these classes, you can still apply. We need people right now).


If you have determination to learn and excel at your class, the ability to take constructive criticism, enjoy theorycrafting and min/maxing, understand that mythic progression may mean multiple wipes, are a level-headed team-player, a non-elitist that detests loot drama, and have a wicked sense of humor, we’d love to have you with us.


All walks of life are welcome, cool cats, new players and old, we are LGBT-friendly, and 18+ (no exceptions).


If this sounds like fun to you then please by all means contact me on btag (MahlersGhost#1837) or another officer in game. You can also catch us on our website: www.missunderstoodguild.com on Twitter: @missunderstoodw, and on Facebook: Missunderstood Guild


Thanks for reading!




Our recruiting officer ---> Mahler (MahlersGhost#1837)


Recruitment Officer of Missunderstood

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