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Spoilers on major characters in Legion

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Are you interested in the fate of some of the most important characters in World of Warcraft? Proceed to read this article with caution as it contains *spoilers* from the Legion Alpha.


Part 2 of the Legion Spoilers can be found here.


The Legion Alpha has proved to be a fruitful ground for dataminers, who struck gold and found out some new NPCs and quests, as well as audio files. Now that the dust has settled, let's take a look at what will happen to some lead characters in the upcoming expansion, what we suppose led to their current fate and how we feel about it.


You have been warned, major storyline spoilers follow below. Please also note that this is content from the Alpha, sometimes there is no context around it and everything can be subject to change.



King Varian Wrynn is dead




The iconic warrior and leader of the Alliance is dead, according to the text of a quest called Dalaran. While starring in the Legion official cinematic, Varian seems to be in a dire situation, but he literally emerges out of the bottom of the sea and is seen fighting the demons of the Burning Legion, with Sylvanas having his back. Did he actually leave his last breath during this collaborated effort of Azeroth's forces against the Burning Legion invasion in the Broken Isles?


The wording of the quest text is pretty clear: whereas for another character - that will be mentioned further below - it states that he "is missing in action" (sic), the quest reads that "King Varian Wrynn of Stormwind is dead". Of course, one can never be sure if a Blizzard character is ever actually dead. Perhaps Sylvanas revived the fallen king, although it's improbable that Varian or his son, Anduin, would have allowed that.


Still, it is disappointing that the Alliance leader dies now, when his people need him the most. It has also been a while since he had a prominent role in the game: the last time would be after defeating Garrosh, whereas his presence in the WoD garrison and shipyard starting campaign was of minimal significance. Lastly, thanks to the influence of Anduin, Varian had finally relaxed his untrusting attitude towards the Horde and advocated in favour of peace and diplomacy. It was too late, however...



Anduin Wrynn is the new King of Stormwind




Naturally, Anduin will succeed his father as King, although it seems unlikely that he will also become the leader of the Alliance. His character model has been updated to reflect that he is not a teenager anymore, but a young adult. Anduin has proven to be wise beyond his years: his role in Mists of Pandaria was crucial and he was always a staunch supporter of collaboration between the two factions.


How will the death of his father affect him? Will it drive him crazy like Jaina or will it reaffirm his belief that conflicts need to end once and for all? Perhaps Anduin will choose to serve the Light in a different way: as a Paladin trying to avenge the death of his father and seeking retribution from the Burning Legion or even the Horde.



Vol'jin is missing in action




The Warchief of the Horde has been missing, while the war against the Burning Legion is at heat. The wording of the quest text (Dalaran) does not imply he is dead, although it must not be ruled out as a possibility.


Where could Vol'jin be? He played a catalytic role in overthrowing Garrosh and he succeeded him as Warchief. In Warlords, he only visited the player's garrison a few times. Moreover, we don't know if Vol'jin took part in the assault on the Broken Isles or not. It is highly unlikely that Vol'jin is dead, he hasn't been Warchief for long and he hasn't had the chance to prove himself as the leader of the Horde. Probably, Vol'jin is on an undercover mission and will emerge when the time is right. The most popular theory is that he is going to unite the Troll tribes for the fight against the Burning Legion.



Sylvanas Windrunner is the new Warchief in action




This is probably the most interesting piece of information merely because it arises a huge number of implications and hypotheses. The Dark Lady was more than eager to replace the missing Vol'jin and lead the Horde to the Broken Isles.


Sylvanas is one of the most popular characters in World of Warcraft and her story is deep and complex. One would expect that the defeat of the Lich King would bring her relief, but it only seemed to have hardened her resolve and made her more cruel. Her distaste towards Vol'jin becoming the new Warchief was apparent, while there is a mutual enmity between her and both Lor'Themar and Baine - which makes us wonder how and why she was chosen to become the Warchief in the first place. Nobody knows what is in her agenda. Is the Banshee Queen on the track to become a villain?



Tirion Fordring is dead




In yet another shocking twist of events, the legendary paladin seems to have perished. This piece of information comes from an

datamined by Wowhead, where Tirion is heard sacrificing himself and passing along his Ashbringer to somebody else. This file may be part of the Paladin artifact questline, possibly for the Retribution specialisation.


Tirion was the leader of the Argent Crusade. He struck an alliance with the Knights of the Ebon Blade, forming the Ashen Verdict, with the purpose of storming Icecrown Citadel and defeating the Lich King. Tirion accompanied the players in the fight against the Lich King and he shattered Frostmourne with his Ashbringer.



Cenarius and Ysera get corrupted by the Emerald Nightmare




We already knew from Blizzcon that Cenarius gets corrupted and will be the second boss in the Emerald Nightmare raid. It was mentioned that he may or may not die during that encounter.


The more recent piece of information is that Ysera gets corrupted too and she will probably not survive. In another

, Koda Steelclaw is suggesting that Ysera must die and Ysera herself would agree to it, if she was in her right mind. Possibly, this is part of a Druid artifact questline and we will soon learn if the player fulfills Koda's request.



It seems that we must brace ourselves for Legion, since Blizzard has decided to take on a "Game of Thrones" approach and kill off three to four major characters. We are still excited to see how the story of Legion will unfold.

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There seems to be some questions surrounding Jaina Proudmoore this expansion also.....W

ould love to get a beta key and get to the bottom of this maybe/maybe not rumor.

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Greetings Icy-veins. I'm excited for loads of things, that is true. But to be honest I am kind of scared as well, since there is a lot to be done wrong in this expansion. Artifact weapons truly look good and have some nice traits, but personally i would ask how are we going to develop them in next patches and what will happen to them in the end of Legion.


Also i am excited for the PvE concept. There are 10 dungeons and I've seen few of them in YT previews and such. They look really nice and have really nice design, but what i would be again scared of is the scaling and the difficulty in heroic or challenge modes.


PvP concept is really looking nice with the small amount of information i have, but again, question is, how will the gear, talents and prestige work? I really look forward to it.


And last point: Lore... This is one thing I am really looking forward to and what interests me probably the most. We have a chance to see new and old characters and also we could have a chance to encounter or at least get some more info on Old Gods. Scaling system looks also really amazing. Since I am an alt person, i love to get all classes on max lvl, so this would allow me to progress the Broken Isles in any way i want. But again the negatives... I am really worried about the length (in hours) of each zone in Broken Isles. Some sources say that one zone only takes about one and half hour to complete which is too fast, but that is my personal opinion.


I know this was supposed to be "Why i am hyped for Legion" comment. But I just can't write all positives, without leaving out possible negatives, which are important. To me chance to get into beta of Legion is the chance to test the game and point out the bugs and glitches made in the game and help in one way or another improve the game for normal players, rather then play it as one. I will have a chance to do that when it launches. 

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damn it why do they have to kill off ysera she is one of my favorites tyrande isnt exactly hot looking.. oh well i'll start collecting the multiverse dragon balls and we can wish all the dead back to life.

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