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[US][PLAYER][H] Purification Veteran Player - Late Night Tues + Weds

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Hey, all - Looking for a guild to call home for the remainder of the x-pac and going forwards


Raid Availability (all times EST/EDT)

*10 PM Tuesday - ~9 AM Wednesday

*10 PM Wednesday - ~9 AM Thursday

I work nights/3rd/whatever, and have Weds + Thurs morning off - West Coast guilds are probably going to be more likely to have these raid times.

Characters -

*Level 100 Holy Priest Ilvl 692

*Level 100 Protection Warrior Ilvl 696


*Level 100 Mage 640 Ilvl lol.

Holy priest is my main - I have not been healing long (3 days played on this character, only character I've ever raided as a healer on since vanilla). I have always played tank, but tank is just too boring in this content. I am enjoying Holy Priest so far. I realize that it's late in the expansion to be really looking to find a progression guild, but hey, such is life.

I've raided and tanking since Vanilla, with my main achievement being tanking from the first pull of Zul'Garub through Swarmguard in AQ40. (Had to quit the guild because school got in the way, after that) I am always a raiding asset to my guilds, and can typically make it to every single raid, every single time.

I am a Season 1 Brawler, as well.

I am a dedicated player, and am willing to spend hours wiping to content, although hopefully whatever guild picks me up has the chops to not make a habit of struggling with new content. I am also a very good player - I still make a few mistakes here and there, especially now when I'm learning a new role and class, but I usually pick up new fights much faster than other players, and make less mistakes. I love raiding and being a part of a raiding guild - I love the community and the sense of purpose in game. I realize that my gear is !@#, but keep in mind that gearing up right now is very quick - you can get a good player geared in a couple weeks. By contrast, you might not ever be able to make a geared player good.

Edited by Framling

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Hi there, not sure if you are still looking, but <Like A Boss> Bloodscalp is currently recruiting for our flexible raid group.  I know you mentioned holy priest is your main, but we are primary looking for dps (you mentioned having a mage) and we may also have a spot for a healer (depending).  A little bit about us: our guild started with a group of 5 real life friends way back around 2009.  We were a 10-man heroic raiding guild up until Firelands (Cata raid), which is when we went on hiatus.  We just recently came back (6 of us now) after a 5 year break and are looking to recruit.  We are currently 7/13 on normal HFC since there's only 6 of us (no steady group sad.png ) but we are looking to get back into heroic raids and even mythic in Legion. Our raid times are Tues/Wed/Sun from 6:30 PST till 8:30 PST.  Like I mentioned, we are mainly looking for dps but since we are looking to recruit for a flexible raid of 11-15 players, we may have a healer spot open as well (no promises on that due to low rate of recruits). We are looking for individuals who have a good attitude and don't mind wiping here or there for progression.  If this interests you, please message me in game (Reikettsu) or add me on battlenet: Ryozul#1598.

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bnet friended in game - id be happy to play my mage w/ you guys, if you don't mind gearing it up and giving me time to really learn the rotation. Be aware I will never be able to make all three raids each week - I can never make that weekend raid.

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