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Mistweaver Monk 7.3

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6 minutes ago, MrParadoxus said:

Are the stat weights of noxxic still updatet? Does anyone know? Are they even "right"?

If not i would be very pleased to see the stat weights of this mistweaver guide :)

Personally, I would steer clear of Noxxic's stat weights.

If you want to find stat weights for Mistweaver, use the spreadsheet I've linked just above. It's the most reliable thing available for finding them.

5 hours ago, Blainie said:

You can use Geodew's stat weight spreadsheet to find weights for your character: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/14GxZppZ_5v6dMjYh6TUnXlcXypFtmtUp-TtZ2A0obOU/edit#gid=903872644


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Generic comment being mass posted over the comments threads guys.

We are aware of the changes and our writers are working hard to update the guides to suit what has changed. Currently, there is a lot of work still to be done and it's unlikely that every guide will be up-to-date immediately. Expect a flood of updates over the coming days that will answer all of your questions about what is now best after X change, in time for the reset next week.

Thanks for your understanding and patience.

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Hey Icy Veins, thanks SO much for the artifact guides!  However, as a colorblind person, I find it extremely difficult to read the artifact maps.  If it would be possible to tweak the colors of the lines to more discernible colors, or even better - to textured/dotted/hashed lines, that would be super helpful.  Thanks again for all your work in providing this info for everyone! :D

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20 hours ago, Bunnycuddles said:

Hey Icy Veins, thanks SO much for the artifact guides!  However, as a colorblind person, I find it extremely difficult to read the artifact maps.  If it would be possible to tweak the colors of the lines to more discernible colors, or even better - to textured/dotted/hashed lines, that would be super helpful.  Thanks again for all your work in providing this info for everyone! :D

This is something we've noted and were aware of, we're just trying to find the time to get it fixed! In the meantime, there should be an easy-to-follow text description under the artifact graph. If you're having trouble working it out, please feel free to message me and I would be more than happy to help you in any way that I can with working out your path :)

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7 hours ago, HeartsUnited said:

 Viability in Current patch for Mistweaver?

Mistweaver is very viable for both raiding and mythic+.

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While i love the info and the guide, just cannot agree with the mastery opinion.   my MW has 2 mastery sets and a crit+vers set, my high mastery set is insanely high %  (434% unbuffed mastery and 9% crit, 2% vers)   my crit set is 31% crit and 151% mastery, 11% vers.   so far, in every instance..the mastery has vastly out performed the crit (even though the crit has 12 ilvls on it) this includes emerald nightmare. im trying out a cross build now with 23% crit, but only 337% mastery and 5% vers....ill post my results when possible.



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On 10/14/2016 at 1:49 PM, Realmouse said:

While i love the info and the guide, just cannot agree with the mastery opinion.   my MW has 2 mastery sets and a crit+vers set, my high mastery set is insanely high %  (434% unbuffed mastery and 9% crit, 2% vers)   my crit set is 31% crit and 151% mastery, 11% vers.   so far, in every instance..the mastery has vastly out performed the crit (even though the crit has 12 ilvls on it) this includes emerald nightmare. im trying out a cross build now with 23% crit, but only 337% mastery and 5% vers....ill post my results when possible.

Please do let us know how this goes, as well as posting logs of your testing. Input and feedback always helps.

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Guest Moon


On 10/14/2016 at 7:49 AM, Realmouse said:

While i love the info and the guide, just cannot agree with the mastery opinion.   my MW has 2 mastery sets and a crit+vers set, my high mastery set is insanely high %  (434% unbuffed mastery and 9% crit, 2% vers)   my crit set is 31% crit and 151% mastery, 11% vers.   so far, in every instance..the mastery has vastly out performed the crit (even though the crit has 12 ilvls on it) this includes emerald nightmare. im trying out a cross build now with 23% crit, but only 337% mastery and 5% vers....ill post my results when possible.



Any update on this? I feel like Mastery is the way to go on this

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I have been having some internet issues  for a bit (getting new service soon) so i havent been able to post accurate logs anywhere (as lag spikes keep messing up everything), however...

IF you want to or like to use essence font as a main heal for any reason, mastery+ haste is the way to go as essence font gets 2 hits per target from mastery and haste makes it ..faster^^  so far my best results have been (for mistweaving only) 15%-20% haste +crit, and a minimum of 325% mastery. versatility is an amazing stat atm, but it is just too hard to get any good numbers out of it for the stat points.

IF you want to fistweave...i recommend going with 25-30% haste as a first priority then crit all the way and the reason for this is, as a fistweaver you need to be putting out a fair amount of damage  to compensate for the lower heals per cast.  fistweaving has the benefit of mana regen and dps (great for soloing  for some odd reason) but at a loss of heals per cast.   while mistweaving (with huge mastery) gets monster numbers per cast.

 atm, i am comparing 2 sets of gear, set 1 is ilvl 855, 29,207 int, 36% crit, 13% haste, 146% mastery, 1% versatility.  

set 2 is 845 ilvl, 28,090 int, 15% crit, 13% haste, 344% mastery, 2% versatility.

so far, unless i get a huge crit streak, the mastery set pulls ahead until i use essence font..then mastery skyrockets it beyond set 1.

total healing (non crit ) for essence font: set 1=1,281780   set 2= 1,934,568.   this is the baseline for 6 targets

enveloping mist: set 1 = 405,380.  set 2 = 450,248 

renewing mist: set 1= 285,120.   set 2 = 333,915

vivify: set 1 =  346,835.  set 2 =  392,782 .  this is for 3 targets

effuse: set 1 = 113,597.  set 2= 167,732

gusts of mist (mastery): set 1=  44,603.   set 2=  101,200

all numbers include only mastery bonus (gusts of mist)  

Edited by Realmouse

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the first 5 attacks for a MW are, tiger palm x3, rising sun kick, blackout kick, after this, rising sun if it procs , zen sphere if not, then repeat.


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Mythic Dungeon questions

-I understand that TFT is a key  part in good healing. And i see most mention to use it usually on RM/Vivify, but is this almost on CD if dmg is pumping? Or do you save  1/2 for insta cast EM when the dmg is so spikey? 

- When the whole team in mythic is taking dmg do you use essense font or is it better to cast Vivify 2 x on different targets?

Best regards

Edited by krarex

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On 10/23/2016 at 6:35 PM, krarex said:

I understand that TFT is a key  part in good healing. And i see most mention to use it usually on RM/Vivify, but is this almost on CD if dmg is pumping? Or do you save  1/2 for insta cast EM when the dmg is so spikey? 

I would use your own thoughts at this point. If you KNOW that spikey damage is incoming, I'd save it. It can be a great "oh damn" button. Otherwise, just keep it flowing on CD.

On 10/23/2016 at 6:35 PM, krarex said:

When the whole team in mythic is taking dmg do you use essense font or is it better to cast Vivify 2 x on different targets?

Vivify if you need to conserve mana, EF if you can spam.

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Guest Thatguy

Tooltip for soothing mist on here states that when channeling EM and Effuse become instant cast on your SM target. That's wrong, isn't it? Have I missed a super cool talent somewhere or what?

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Guest blabladude
On 11/19/2016 at 0:10 AM, Guest Thatguy said:

Tooltip for soothing mist on here states that when channeling EM and Effuse become instant cast on your SM target. That's wrong, isn't it? Have I missed a super cool talent somewhere or what?

thats our honor talent ;)

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On 19.11.2016 at 0:10 AM, Guest Thatguy said:

Tooltip for soothing mist on here states that when channeling EM and Effuse become instant cast on your SM target. That's wrong, isn't it? Have I missed a super cool talent somewhere or what?

Ah, thanks for pointing this out! I'll get it fixed.

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9 hours ago, Guest blabladude said:

thats our honor talent ;)

Thanks for clarifying before I could! :D

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Hi Monky friends !

I am pretty new to the game, since I played only a few weeks in MoP, but this time I really enjoy my little -big coz of the Panda thing- Monk.

I am currently a classic Mistweaver, but I read a lot about Fistweaver, and I see that one of the best legendary item is for Fistweaver, so I wanna learn a little bit about this different kind way of playing the Monk.

- Which one heal the most ? Or maybe it's kinda the same, just the FW provide some DPS? Coz I dont see where Fistweaver will provide some healing.

- In term of DPS, how much it is? It's kinda the same as a Disc ?

- What's the DPS rotation? And, this rotation, it's only something that takes place when you don't heal, am I right? When you don't DPS, you use your common healing spells, FW is not a different way of healing, it's just an additional dps ?

- Last but not least, in the guide, they said that, in T7, Rising Thunder is "lot of free DPS", I don't get it? Ok you reset your TFT, but where you gain DPS? If you TFT -> 2 Renew -> TFT again -> 2 Renew, so you have 4 people with Renew so you can DPS?


Sorry if you already talked about this, it's just that you talk about Fistweaving into the guide, and it wasn't very clear for me. Thanks for the time you'll take to answer me !

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On 12/6/2016 at 1:20 AM, BunnyHeal said:

- Which one heal the most ? Or maybe it's kinda the same, just the FW provide some DPS? Coz I dont see where Fistweaver will provide some healing.

Fistweaving isn't about producing healing specifically, but about amplifying your ability to heal during periods of down time, such as resetting the cooldown of TFT.

On 12/6/2016 at 1:20 AM, BunnyHeal said:

- In term of DPS, how much it is? It's kinda the same as a Disc ?

Disc is better.

On 12/6/2016 at 1:20 AM, BunnyHeal said:

- What's the DPS rotation? And, this rotation, it's only something that takes place when you don't heal, am I right? When you don't DPS, you use your common healing spells, FW is not a different way of healing, it's just an additional dps ?

I can't explain it much better than this:


If you have taken at least the Spirit of the Crane Icon Spirit of the Crane talent (tier 3), or both that and Rising Thunder Icon Rising Thunder (tier 7), then you have chosen to fistweave. In short, this means you will also use Tiger Palm Icon Tiger Palm, Blackout Kick Icon Blackout Kick, and possibly also Rising Sun Kick Icon Rising Sun Kick in addition to using your healing spells.

Since this playstyle offers only a minor increase in healing at the expense of complication the rotation, we will keep all explanations pertaining to it in this section.

To begin with, if you are fistweaving, you will have to stand in melee range of the boss or of another target which you can attack (such as an add).

If you have only taken Spirit of the Crane, then you will have to use 3 Tiger Palm Icon Tiger Palms in succession, followed by a Blackout Kick IconBlackout Kick. All the Tiger Palms do is stack your Teachings of the Monastery Icon Teachings of the Monastery buff up to 3. Then, Blackout Kick (used while the afore-mentioned buff is still active, so within a 7-second window of having used Tiger Palm) will restore Mana thanks to Spirit of the Crane.

You should use this combination as often as possible, but only during downtime when you do not need to actively heal (since it provides no healing). If you are fistweaving, then this will likely simply take the place of channeling Soothing Mist Icon Soothing Mist.

If you have also taken the Rising Thunder Icon Rising Thunder talent, then you will have to incorporate Rising Sun Kick Icon Rising Sun Kick into the rotation. Using Rising Sun Kick will reset the cooldown of Thunder Focus Tea Icon Thunder Focus Tea, which is obviously very beneficial.

At this point, it is worth pointing out that (thanks to the Teachings of the Monastery passive) you have a 15% chance for Blackout Kick to reset the cooldown of Rising Sun Kick. The result of this is that you should use Rising Sun Kick as often as possible (to benefit from all the cooldown resets), and in turn it means you must make as much use as possible of Thunder Focus Tea (to make sure that each time you use Rising Sun Kick, it does actually reset the cooldown of Thunder Focus Tea)

It's just the guide section, but it is the most in-depth description that I know of. It's not really a set rotation per se.

On 12/6/2016 at 1:20 AM, BunnyHeal said:

- Last but not least, in the guide, they said that, in T7, Rising Thunder is "lot of free DPS", I don't get it? Ok you reset your TFT, but where you gain DPS? If you TFT -> 2 Renew -> TFT again -> 2 Renew, so you have 4 people with Renew so you can DPS?

I think this should actually be HPS. Will double check!

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Guest Lexicona

Just asking, and possibly making a suggestion.  Have the makers of this guide heard of the Mistweaver addon?  It's on curse, and it's practically Healbot but specifically for Mistweaver monk.  If you guys HAVE heard of it, do you know why you didn't put it on the list?  I use it and face very little issues, so i would just like to know why i might not want to be using it.

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3 hours ago, Guest Lexicona said:

Just asking, and possibly making a suggestion.  Have the makers of this guide heard of the Mistweaver addon?  It's on curse, and it's practically Healbot but specifically for Mistweaver monk.  If you guys HAVE heard of it, do you know why you didn't put it on the list?  I use it and face very little issues, so i would just like to know why i might not want to be using it.

Its just like any other addon out there, some will like it and some wont. I installed it to see what it was and its just like having my skills drawn out from my actual bar which I find highly useless since I already have a skillbar for just that purpose but its like you say, healbot but for mistweavers and me personally dont see why one would need this :) If this benefits your gameplay and it improves your healing, dont hesitate to keep using it though.

Edited by Papakeno

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On 12/19/2016 at 0:05 AM, Guest Lexicona said:

it's practically Healbot

I think this is basically the reason why something like this wouldn't be included. Using something like Healbot can end up being a pretty huge change in playstyle for people, especially when you start using the "Click to act" sort of things. We're more trying to point people towards general addons that amplify the current playstyle.

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Guest Wolfies

I go crit > haste > mastery..kinda for M+ i do well there as well in raids. I have 0 versatility. I aim for like 33% crit 18% haste rest mastery; Would love to have mastery higher..im at 20% haste and im struggling to drop 2% more haste and go mastery. mastery is so important, in raids and in m+ its either rank 2 - 4 in biggest heals.


Trying to wrap my head around this versatility. some guy 885 lfr had like 14% vers, 4% haste 32% crit 212% mastery and i outperformed him even though im only 880. Dunno how i feel about this. Kinda think haste and vers can be interchangeable. 

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On 1/2/2017 at 5:10 AM, Guest Wolfies said:

Trying to wrap my head around this versatility. some guy 885 lfr had like 14% vers, 4% haste 32% crit 212% mastery and i outperformed him even though im only 880. Dunno how i feel about this. Kinda think haste and vers can be interchangeable. 

Unfortunately, comparing by meters doesn't show the actual ability of the player. It might be that one of the players in question is far better than the other. 

If possible, next time you make a comparison, try to make a log of the fight so that we can actually see how each healer performed in regards to their playstyle and rotation.

Anyway, the priority will most likely see changes when 7.1.5 when the patch drops with all the changes!

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