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Elemental Shaman 7.3

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Hello, I'm using the Ascendance build. I'm not at 85% mastery yet and the guide says, "If you are using the Ascendance Build and have not reached the Mastery breakpoint, then you should definitely use Mastery enhancements."

Does that include the neck enchant? I'm currently using Mark of the Hidden Satyr, but should I use the Mark of the Trained Soldier enchant instead, for the 600 mastery? Thanks.

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55 minutes ago, adamaj said:

Does that include the neck enchant? I'm currently using Mark of the Hidden Satyr, but should I use the Mark of the Trained Soldier enchant instead, for the 600 mastery? Thanks.

No, it refers to the use of the ring Enchant, food and consumables.

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6 hours ago, Guest Grane said:

On the 7.1.5 version of 3 target rotation: do you go with single target rotation but ignore lava burst unless you have a lavasurge proc? It seems to imply this but it's not as clear as with 2 targets.



Yes! And replace Lightning Bolt with Chain, of course.

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Hi, first of all, this is a nice updated guide.

But I'm having some issues. I've been playing ele all this exp and now I think we are much stronger than before patch.

I've been saving many Mastery equipment because lot of people said we will swith to this stat on 7.1.5.  I like a lot the icefury build, but since I dont have either legendaries for any build, I'm trying to know what build suits me more right now and I have a question. What should me the balance between crit and Mastery for the icefury build? I've done some tests with 80%+ mastery and 25% crit or 58%mastery and 30%crit with mastery trinket that give me up to 86%.

If you have done some test, what should be the balance between Mastery and Crit?

Thanks guys!

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18 minutes ago, reiven said:

If you have done some test, what should be the balance between Mastery and Crit?

There isn't really a specific general number that I can give you to aim for - you basically just need a mixture of those two stats while aiming for item level upgrades each time. You can use Simcraft to also evaluate each new piece of gear as you equip it, but it's a bit more time-intensive.

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Guest Zokoro

I have a question. In section 3.2 of the Rotation part it says:
"Never delay Elemental Blast IconElemental Blast unless you are Maelstrom capped, in which case you should cast Earth Shock IconEarth Shock. "
Elemental Blast doesn't generate or consume Maelstrom so why not delay Earth Shock? Doesn't it greatly benefit from the gained buffs?

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Should you delay Lava Burst for a second or two if Elemental Blast is about to come off cooldown? Elemental Blast gives a 10 second buff with a 12 second cooldown, so there's a couple seconds without the buff. Is it worth delaying Lava Burst until you have the buff or just use Lava Burst the second it's available? Is an on time Lava Burst better than a delayed, but buffed, Lava Burst?

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Guest Elemor

Hi all,

first of all: Thanks for writing this guide, you can notice that you put a lot of effort in it.

Second: Regarding the Icefury single target rotation I've got a question: If I cast Icefury and have Maelstrom nearly capped, do I spend it on Earth Shock or do I use the four Frost Shocks? I'm not sure which option does better damage output.

Thanks for clarifying!

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37 minutes ago, adamaj said:

Should you delay Lava Burst for a second or two if Elemental Blast is about to come off cooldown? Elemental Blast gives a 10 second buff with a 12 second cooldown, so there's a couple seconds without the buff. Is it worth delaying Lava Burst until you have the buff or just use Lava Burst the second it's available? Is an on time Lava Burst better than a delayed, but buffed, Lava Burst?

Since you are likely to be playing Echo there should be no problem delaying the Lava Burst if you aren't charge capped. If you are capped on charges, however, don't delay the Lava Burst for the Elemental Blast to come off of cooldown.

30 minutes ago, Guest Elemor said:

Hi all,

first of all: Thanks for writing this guide, you can notice that you put a lot of effort in it.

Second: Regarding the Icefury single target rotation I've got a question: If I cast Icefury and have Maelstrom nearly capped, do I spend it on Earth Shock or do I use the four Frost Shocks? I'm not sure which option does better damage output.

Thanks for clarifying!

My pleasure. The answer is that it doesn't matter, provided you know you won't waste any of the Icefury charges. Generally, I would recommend using your Icefury charges first, and only delaying uses of them if you know you can instead use them for movement in the very near future.

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17 hours ago, Guest Zokoro said:

I have a question. In section 3.2 of the Rotation part it says:
"Never delay Elemental Blast IconElemental Blast unless you are Maelstrom capped, in which case you should cast Earth Shock IconEarth Shock. "
Elemental Blast doesn't generate or consume Maelstrom so why not delay Earth Shock? Doesn't it greatly benefit from the gained buffs?

Will ask Furty, not sure if it is an oversight or there is a reason behind it.

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Guest Issi

i'm a bit confused if ya have both the waste and the ring icefury build gives beter dps but harder to master then ascendence build?

what legendary would be recomended to go with the belt? 

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1 hour ago, Guest Issi said:

i'm a bit confused if ya have both the waste and the ring icefury build gives beter dps but harder to master then ascendence build?

what legendary would be recomended to go with the belt? 

Could you clarify what you are asking here? I don't quite understand.

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Guest Issi
11 minutes ago, Blainie said:

Could you clarify what you are asking here? I don't quite understand.

i mean for the ascendence build what would be a good leg to go with the belt.

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1 hour ago, Guest Issi said:

i mean for the ascendence build what would be a good leg to go with the belt.

Depending on what you need, the boots or shoulders (ST or AoE).

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Guest name

Why is the stat priority for Ascendance at 86.5% mastery, is there any reason; or, is it just a breakpoint for bis gear where there's the highest consistent iterations of dps when Simming?

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5 hours ago, Guest name said:

Why is the stat priority for Ascendance at 86.5% mastery, is there any reason; or, is it just a breakpoint for bis gear where there's the highest consistent iterations of dps when Simming?

It's most likely just a BiS breakpoint, yeah. Mastery doesn't really have the same reasoning that the old Haste did, so a specific reason of a "ticks per second" or whatever doesn't fit.

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Guest Ambi

Its actually for when elemental blast procs mastery. The 2400 mastery would bring you to 100% and anything over that is wasted. The high mastery is desired in the first place due to elemental blast double proccing buffs when overload triggers and the fact that it hits so hard, along with lava burst.

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1 hour ago, Guest Ambi said:

Its actually for when elemental blast procs mastery. The 2400 mastery would bring you to 100% and anything over that is wasted. The high mastery is desired in the first place due to elemental blast double proccing buffs when overload triggers and the fact that it hits so hard, along with lava burst.

Thanks for helping to clarify that!

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I have the legendary shoulders that sometimes proc a free Earthquake off of the Earth Shock ability. But, if I'm using Earth Shock (single target rotation), I'm not generally going to be using Earthquake (aoe rotation), and vice versa. So is the correct way to implement this legendary just to throw a free Earthquake on the target when Earth Shock procs it, even in single target fights, which is basically the only time this will happen anyway? It seems confusing/weird to me, especially considering Earthquake stacks and in aoe situatons you should be spending all maelstrom on more Earthquakes, not Earth Shock. It's like they said here's a piece of gear that buffs aoe abilities, but only if you're following a single target rotation, lol.

Also, my stat priority is mastery (to 85%), crit, haste, versatility. However, every time I run sims, it always puts versatility way up there. The updated sims I just ran have versatility tied with mastery. I noticed this on my hunter too. Simcraft will weight versatility way above what our stat priority is supposed to be. If I follow this, isn't there the potential to throw off my gear selection and ultimately hurt my dps in the long run? I mean if I'm giving priority to mastery/versatility gear when I should be giving priority to mastery/crit gear won't I be leading myself to lower dps down the road than if I had been choosing mastery/crit gear? Even if right this second versatility will give me a dps increase, should I ignore it if the ultimate goal is a mastery/crit build which will give me the best performance in the end?


Edited by adamaj

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11 hours ago, Guest Ambi said:

Its actually for when elemental blast procs mastery. The 2400 mastery would bring you to 100% and anything over that is wasted. The high mastery is desired in the first place due to elemental blast double proccing buffs when overload triggers and the fact that it hits so hard, along with lava burst.

Yep, this is correct.

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Guest Akurei

Thanks for the great guide! Has helped me out loads!


What I'm having issues with right now though, is where to get my hands on good relics. Nighthold doesn't have a single relic thats among the first or second top relics.

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On 1/16/2017 at 5:27 AM, Blainie said:

It's most likely just a BiS breakpoint, yeah. Mastery doesn't really have the same reasoning that the old Haste did, so a specific reason of a "ticks per second" or whatever doesn't fit.

At 86.5% mastery, when our Elemental Blast procs for Mastery, we will be at 100% mastery.  Any more mastery could "possibly" be a waste 83% of the fight (given the chance that Elemental Blast procs Mastery every time).

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21 hours ago, adamaj said:

I have the legendary shoulders that sometimes proc a free Earthquake off of the Earth Shock ability. But, if I'm using Earth Shock (single target rotation), I'm not generally going to be using Earthquake (aoe rotation), and vice versa. So is the correct way to implement this legendary just to throw a free Earthquake on the target when Earth Shock procs it, even in single target fights, which is basically the only time this will happen anyway? It seems confusing/weird to me, especially considering Earthquake stacks and in aoe situatons you should be spending all maelstrom on more Earthquakes, not Earth Shock. It's like they said here's a piece of gear that buffs aoe abilities, but only if you're following a single target rotation, lol.

Also, my stat priority is mastery (to 85%), crit, haste, versatility. However, every time I run sims, it always puts versatility way up there. The updated sims I just ran have versatility tied with mastery. I noticed this on my hunter too. Simcraft will weight versatility way above what our stat priority is supposed to be. If I follow this, isn't there the potential to throw off my gear selection and ultimately hurt my dps in the long run? I mean if I'm giving priority to mastery/versatility gear when I should be giving priority to mastery/crit gear won't I be leading myself to lower dps down the road than if I had been choosing mastery/crit gear? Even if right this second versatility will give me a dps increase, should I ignore it if the ultimate goal is a mastery/crit build which will give me the best performance in the end?


Use the free earthquake if your Lava Burst and Elemental Blast are on cooldown and the only button left to push is Lightning Bolt (without POTM).

Regarding your stat weights, first and foremost, save everything you get.  The stat priorities that were provided with the guide are based on a specific set of gear and not tailored to the gear that you are wearing.  Every time your stats change, be it through changing enchantments and gems or through equipping a new piece of gear, you should re-sim to find out your new stat weights and gear accordingly (also re-simming afterwards to see the change).  When ever you add to a particular stat it will decrease that stats worth and thus our stat weights are constantly in flux.

Edited by Baelstorm

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This is guide is great! Thank you for all the time and effort in putting it together.  I was hoping for some clarification on the relics recommended for the Ascendance build.

2.2. Ascendance Build
1. Lava Imbued - 1.10% DPS increase;
2. Molten Blast - 0.73% DPS increase;
3. Call the Thunder - 0.40% DPS increase;
4. Earthen Attunement - 0.38% DPS increase.
5. +1 Weapon Item Level (regardless of trait) - 0.32% DPS increase;
6. Firestorm - 0.30% DPS increase

What exactly does "+1 Weapon Item Level (regardless of trait)" mean? 

Right now I have equipped 865 Storm Relic with Earthen Attunement, 850 Frost Relic Relic with Shamanistic Healing, and 845 Storm Relic Lava Imbued Relic.

Should I replace 850 Frost Relic with Shamanistic Healing with the 840 Molten Blast Frost Relic I have? I also have an 835 Lave Imbued Storm Relic, So I replace my 865 Storm Relic with it since Lava Imbued is higher ranked Earthen Attunement? I guess I'm just not too clear on how much to value item level vs. the trait. Thanks. :)

Edited by Safira

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