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[Kel'Thuzad][A] <Superfically Deep> raiders for Legion

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The Pitch - Weekend 6 hr Raid weeks with buddies

We want chill adults who know how to play wow, know how to play their toons, but aren't crazy.  People who don't need constant attention, but enjoy and take pride in their characters progression and being part of a close knit team.

If this is you then you should contact me, we should chat.  This could be the last guild you ever join.

Add me on real ID --   Trinks#1866


What we are about;

*         Relaxed, stress free raiding

*         Killing raid bosses using skill and tactics, not slavish commitment

*         Personal accountability

*         Bonding with guildies over beers and vent

*         Bullet points

*         Canadians (not a requirement though)


What we are NOT about

*         Finger pointing, blame laying

*         16 hour raid weeks, marathon wipe sessions

*         Guilt trips / Attacks on guildies or borderline behavior

*         Anonymity, silent raiders

*         Paragraphs



Saturday & Sunday -- 3 hour HEROIC raids  (timings TBD)

Weekdays -- pick-up / drop in 5m mythic



*         Formed pre-MoP with the primary goal of making WoW buddies and reliving that old school feeling of knowing the people we play WoW with.

*         Turns out people who also were looking for a guild like this are actually pretty great players; enjoyed serious raiding progression on 6 hour raid weeks.

*         WoD burn-out/hiatus began March

*         Interested in fleshing out our 10ish man roster to 15 or so


Add me on real ID --   Trinks#1866

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