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[Shandris][H] <Koinonia> (7/7N 2/7H)

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Koinonia is recruiting all dps classes (high emphasis on ranged) for heroic raiding!


Are you an adult, who works full time, has a family, and very little time to game, but still wants to raid?

Then we’re looking for you.

We raid three nights a week for two hours. Tuesday - Thursday 8 - 10 CST/9 - 11 EST. There is an optional normal raid clear on Sunday.

Few raid days and short raid times are to accommodate us as working adults. Some of us work 10-12 hours a day, some of us just have wonky schedules. As such, we do expect you to show up on time, prepared, and ready to kick butt. Our tank likes to start pulling trash at 8:30.

We want people who can get things done while cracking jokes, not people that will get out of shape over a wipe or a piece of loot. We use Suicide Kings to distribute loot.

We want you to play the class and spec that you want to play! If you’re enjoying your playtime, you’re more likely to continue raiding. This is a game. We are all here to have fun.

Please consider that due to our short raid times, we probably won’t be going into mythic anytime soon. We are currently 2/7H in Emerald Nightmare.

If you think you this would work for you as well, please contact Nizuti (Binx#1762), Rougal, Sausagefan, Fresh, or Ampersand.

Edited by Binx42

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