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Class Mythic+ Guides

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Can we have a Mythic+ page on each of the class guides, indicating:

  1. Talents
  2. Single target (Boss) rotation (just refer to the normal class rotation guide).
  3. AoE (4+) Rotation (mobs/trash).
  4. AoE (4+) Stat Priority.

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This is actually something we have discussed a few times internally and will most likely continue to discuss in the future, but for now:

  1. The amount of information required to cover a full M+ guide for each class is huge. Once we open that "can of worms", it's endless. Talent setups for different dungeons, different affixes, different levels, different comps. Given that it is a much smaller environment than in raiding, the talents and classes of others influence your choices a fair amount. 
  2. The rotations are outlined anyway in the guides, they just need to be applied to what you need.

The point above is actually the main point when looking at the prospect of M+ guides, honestly. The guides we have currently do contain the information needed, it just needs to be read in detail and then applied to the dungeons and your current group setup.

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