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[Thrall] [H] <Alleged Adults> is recruiting!

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We are looking to build a community of like minded folks who enjoy playing the game, doing hard content, doing old content and or just having a good time. We would like these friendships to extend to all gaming and not just folks who log in for raid time.


We are a brand new guild and as such do not have enough people yet to form a raid team. Once we have enough people to start raiding our schedule will be as follows:


Monday 1pm-3pm server (Progression),

Wednesday 1pm-3pm server (Optional),

Thursday 1pm-3pm server (Progression).


What difficulty we progress through is all up for discussion until we come to an agreement as a team pending who we have and how many. We will be making these decisions as a democracy and taking votes for all those involved. The two GM's, myself included come from a Mythic Raiding background.


Event Planning: There will be a person(s) in charge of doing fun team building guild things which will always be completely optional but highly encouraged such as "Mog Mondays" for old content.


We would like folks for both PVP and PVE. If you have an interest in either and are willing to help us build a good team, we can do so together.


There will be Policies / Procedures that have to be followed in order to maintain membership, which will be posted in our discord.


We really encourage people to get on VOIP and make friends! (VOIP is a requirement of raiding). We want to recruit people who what to be an active part of the a guild. For example; provisioners/farmers, crafters and those who like to run content and will help guild members run instances they need or seek out and complete the various guild achievements we are missing.


The most important thing above all else is a love for WoW and all things gaming! If you are interested please send one of us a whisper in game or you can add me to battle.net friends and chat that way! (JBOD#1474)


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