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[H]<STRANGE FICTION> Recruiting for EN! 4/7M

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<Strange Fiction>(Kil'jaeden). We are made up of many Elite Raiders. Most of us have been progression raiding in top guilds since original Karazhan and have grown tired of the elitist attitudes and the over demanding raid schedules of 3-4 nights a week of 4+ hours each or more. As we only raid two days a week (6 hours/week), we are very committed and focused during the raid but also pride ourselves on still maintaining a laid back atmosphere. We expect all raiders to come prepared with consumables and an up-to-date knowledge of the encounter(s) and their classes/specs.

Current Progression: 7/7H and 4/7M
We are looking to balance our roster in order to prep for Mythic progression.

Raid Times:
Wednesdays/Sundays @ 9:30pm – 12:30am PST
(We ask that all raiders be online 15 mins before raid so that the raid can be assembled properly and we can be ready to pull right at 9:30pm)

Recruitment: Below is a list of what we are currently interested in (preferred iLvl 865+ and Mythic Raiding Experience):

Range DPS - *Shadow Priest
Healers - Any (Prefer Restro Shammy)
Melee - Closed
Tanks - Closed

More Information:
If you are interested in hearing more, please feel free to add through battle-tag or apply at http://strange-fiction.enjin.com/

GM: Paragon#1682
Recruiting Officer: Jovy#11531
Officers :

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