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[Kil'Jaeden][H] <Legion Unleashed> (7/7 H EN, 2/3 H ToV, 7/10 N NH) RDPS

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<Legion Unleashed>

We're currently raiding Tues/Thurs 8:30-1130PM EST.Possibly looking at a third optional day of raiding to catch up. We're rebuilding our guild after a long time away from WoW. Not planning of going all out balls to the walls hardcore but want to be semi competitive. We're also not asking for a lot; Be on time and have consumables for raids; Know your class; MOVE OUT OF CRAP! Our raid days/times are pretty flexible, willing to accommodate as best as we can.

Feel free to contact us for more info or apply on our website: lu.enjin.com. Not looking just for a body, we want to add to our TEAM! Willing to consider any class, but looking for.

High Demand: Hunter, Mage, Priest, Warlock.

Low Demand: Death Knight, Demon Hunter, Monk, Paladin, Rogue



**Update 2/9/2017** 7/10 N Nighthold

**Update 2/3/2017** 7/7 H EN - 2/3 H ToV

**Update 2/2/2017** 4/10 N Nighthold & Classes

Edited by Upgreyadd

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