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[H][Tarren Mill]<Invictum> Mythic Progression Guild Recruiting!

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(7/7M, 2/3M, 3/10M) Tarren Mill, Horde

We are a small community of players from all corners of Europe and even some players from outside of Europe. We were born in September 2016 together with the launch of Legion and we’re building to become a strong semi-hardcore raiding guild on Tarren Mill. We will always strive to become stronger and stronger for every raid that is released and to have as fast and smooth progression as possible without raiding 7 days/week. We are aiming high, and even though we only raid 3-4 days/week we’re still looking for hardcore-minded players. We’re looking for exceptional and dedicated players that will play the game every day and will always push themselves to improve and become better players.

The recruitment of exceptional players will always be open! We’re always looking for players that can improve our raiding team. So even if you can’t find your class/spec in the list of what we’re looking for, don’t hesitate to apply, ALL exceptional applications will be considered!
4-5 DPS - Elemental Shaman, Demon Hunter, Rogue, Warlock, Balance Druid, Death Knight.
1-2 Healers - Restoration Shaman, Holy Priest, Mistweaver Monk

We have 21 raiders in the team at the moment and we want a raiding team of 25-26 players to always have different options depending on what kind of boss we're facing and to not get punished if we have some people away for a raid sometime.

Apply at: www.invictumwow.enjin.com

Raid Days:
We expect our raiders to be online in game and on Discord at least 15 minutes before the raid starts!

Wednesdays – 19:00-23:00 Server time.
Sundays – 19:00-23:00 Server time.
Mondays – 19:00-23:00 Server time.

During the first few weeks of progression when new content is released, everyone should be prepared to raid for an extra day if the leaders wants that and everyone should also be able to stay for an extra 30-60 minutes during a raid if we’re close to killing a boss!

What we expect from you:
Class Knowledge - That you can play your class/roles at an extremely high level and always pushing yourself to improve and become even better all the time.

Preparation - We expect you to come prepared to new encounters! This includes watching videos of the encounters if possible, otherwise read about them or being able to participate at PTR Raid Testing with the guild. This also includes bringing potions, flasks, food and runes to the raids.

Attendance - We expect our raiders to have high attendance since we only raid 3 days/week. We understand that sometimes real life stuff shows up that you haven't planned for but if you miss to many raids or show up late for to many raids, it will most likely result in a guildkick. This also includes being able to stay for an extra 30-60 minutes if the Raid Leaders decide to extend the raid.

Maturity - We expect all of our raiders to be mature during raid times. Swap-outs will happen and we expect you to be mature enough to handle being benched on certain bosses. This includes being able to take constructive criticism and use it become better instead of getting angry. This also includes not to cry about loot-distribution! The age-requirement is therefore set at 20 but if you seem like a very good and mature player even though you're younger, exceptions can be made, but we'll never accept someone under the age of 18.

Communication - We're using Discord for voice communication during raids and we expect all raiders to be present with a microphone and headphones during raids. You will also need to have good knowledge of the English language both spoken and written.

Commitment - Commitment to the guild and the raidteam is a must! If you don't wanna spend the time that is needed to reach our goals, both in raids and outside of raids, you shouldn't even bother applying. This means that you should always prioritate the guild above yourself and that you’re doing everything you can to be as good of a player as possible!

Experience - We expect you to have experience from the highest level of raiding (Heroic back in the days or Mythic) and that you know what progression is like and what is expected from everyone in a raidteam.

What you can expect from us:
Good Leadership - A committed and experienced leadership with a harsh but fair attitude, who quickly address and resolve any issues in the guild.

Nice RaidenvironmentA stable raidteam where everyone pulls their weight to reach the goals of the guild. A raidteam where slacking and underperforming players gets replaced as fast as possible. A raidteam that knows when to joke around and when to be 100% focused on what’s ahead.

Loot Council - A fair loot council, where loot is seen as a tool for progression and will be given to the class/role which most benefits the guild’s progression.

Fast Pace Progression - Since we only raid 3 days/week we're focused and prepared on what's ahead of us all the time to make sure we can progress in a fast pace to reach our goals and end up with respectable ranks.

High ActivityA guild that never sleeps, there will always be someone online in the guild and on the guilds Discord. Stuff going on all the time, Mythic+, ALT-Raids, Transmog runs and much more.

Contact for more info:
Guild Master - Zupahh - BattleTag: Zupah#21674
Council - Fréshtop - BattleTag: Jockek#2787
Council - Feltalor - BattleTag: Gundius#2129
Officer - Druídzor - BattleTag: Whinarn#2656
Officer - Sunwuko - BattleTag: Sunwuko#21117
Officer - Madshrew - BattleTag: Funkenstein#2108

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