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[The Maelstrom][A] <Nightshift> Looking for a guild merge.

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We, <Nightshift> - The Maelstrom (Connected with Deathwing, Karazhan and Lightning's Blade), are a Mythic raiding guild with the following schedule:

Wednesdays, Sundays, Mondays
22:15 - 01:00 Server time

The raiding days can be changed (although friday and saturday are not good for most), the hours are less flexible (up to 1 hour earlier start, 1 hour earlier end), so, if the hours fit you, please, keep reading.

We're a decently old guild in The Maelstrom server, we were formed during Siege of Orgrimmar, by a group of 10 people that splitted from another guild we were into, from there on and due to the changes in mythic requirements we changed to 20-man raiding. 
At the moment we are at 1/10M in nighthold with a couple wipes at ~3% in chromatic anomally. But due to quite a few of our members having to quit or change schedules for various reasons, we find ourselves short on people, and i mean SHORT (we miss around 7 ppl atm). Since recruiting such a large amount of people proves extremely hard nowadays and since i see a lot of people recruiting, we decided we should try to find a guild to merge with. 

So, if you're compatible with us in terms of raiding times and if you need people, please, give me a "shout", so we can discuss the details that a merge like this entails and reach an understanding (Can also provide logs of several of our raids)

IGN: Illiderp - The Maelstrom; Dephnei#2790

Edited by positiv2

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Hey @Kahlen,

I updated your title to follow the rules. If you want the title to read something different, let me know and I will change it to reflect both your wish and the rules.

Best regards,

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