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Feral Druid PvP 7.1.5

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Guest Epithet

You're missing a major aspect of Incarnation in PvP: cats get vanish. You have the ability to use Stealth while in combat, completely removing you from action (granted it doesn't last long if you're covered in DoTs). The other thing you could mention is chain stuns with Rake. Despite diminishing returns, a few stuns in a row could be enough to distract a healer while teammates take out damage dealers.

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On 4/9/2017 at 11:33 AM, Guest Epithet said:

You're missing a major aspect of Incarnation in PvP: cats get vanish. You have the ability to use Stealth while in combat, completely removing you from action (granted it doesn't last long if you're covered in DoTs). The other thing you could mention is chain stuns with Rake. Despite diminishing returns, a few stuns in a row could be enough to distract a healer while teammates take out damage dealers.

Cloak of Shadows into Vanish is easy to pull off, but with so many Affliction Locks and Fire Mages you're probably going to have something ticking on you that you can't cleanse as a Feral. The stun from Rake is definitely a thing but watch out for diminishing returns.

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On 4/9/2017 at 7:33 PM, Guest Epithet said:

Despite diminishing returns, a few stuns in a row could be enough to distract a healer while teammates take out damage dealers.

This can be majorly damaging to your efforts to get a kill if timed incorrectly though. Assuming they have either trinket or some kind of removal prepared, you could end up setting a full DR onto a healer and getting barely any actual use out of it, therefore allowing the enemy a period of free-casting without any worry of being CC-ed. I'd rather multi-stun than ST-full DR someone.

It's definitely something you have to be very careful of!

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It's my first post and I am here to check how it's going with feral droods in 7.3 PvP. Well, since it's a fresh topic, there is not that much information on the channels about talents; I share my experiences so far. 

1. row: I still go with lunar inspiration for the ability of ranged attack and generating combo points. Predator depends on kills so it doesn't work at all until the end of the arena. Blood Scent might be useful but I still think Lunar Inspiration is more useful when you get slow, root etc...

2.row: Wild Charge is much better comparing other 2 choices as feral druid. Daze is the only offensive ability in this row. Assuming you have a healer so you don't need renewal and you have to stay in fight and keep DoTs up, not run away with displacer beast. 

3.row: Guardian Affinity is the strongest to me. Arena is a tight place and it's better to have damage reduction instead of ability to cast some heal. You should stay in range of healer and be able to use bandages if it's that necessary but having reju or healing touch is not that important. Balance affinity is probably much better for PvE. 

4.row: I prefer Mighty Bash cause stun is more useful as melee. The point; you need to deal damage while a target is disabled. I sometimes prefer to play with typhoon in BGs against multiple casters. I prefer Mass Entanglement in PvE. 

5.row: Most shiny row in 7.3... Incarnation is still powerful except you can use prowl only once in incarnation. Well, I think it's a huge loss as feral cause we don't have too many CC abilities and also a weak class to avoid attacks. To become invisible was not only for stun (as offensive) but it was only to avoid a Chaos Bolt, Fear, Ebonbolt (as defensive) etc... On the other hand, Jagged Wounds also nerfed from 33% to 20% and came to the same row as Incarnation. Even if it (JW) was same, I'd prefer to go with incarnation cause you use 50% energy for your abilities during incarnation and 1 stealth is still incredibly valuable. Soul of the forest might be a good alternative for PvE. 

6.row: This row is also arguable. I still haven't decided what is best for me yet. I started by trying Savage Roar... (I also use Bloodtaloons at 7th row) Savage Roar+Bloodtaloons combination grants you a significant buff. You deal 115 damage instead of 100 damage with savage roar active. While savage roar is active and you use bloodtaloons, that 115 damage becomes 138 damage because of the compound (only for next 2 melee attacks, after that you still have 15% damage buff from SR). This is when you combine savage roar with bloodtaloons in 7.3. But I switched to Brutal Slash+Bloodtaloons combination after a 15-20 trials. Why? Because in PvP there are not as much space/freedom as PvE. Best use of SR is ofcourse with 5 combo points but it's not that easy to make 5 combo points comparing to pve. I mean, it's not a boss fight, people chase your CDs, DMs and you do the same. You decide 1/10 of a sec, there is not DBM to show you when and what the hostile will cast/use. In the end, I prefer to use Brutal Slash for the massive hit. 

7.row: I use 20% damage buff of BT for next 2 melee attacks and I decide whether I need a DoT or massive hit with (ferocious bite/ Brutal Slash). I considered to use moment of clarity for the brutal slash extra gain but random things doesn't go well in PvP. Elune' s Guidance still looks weak to me. Yes, gaining combo point is not as easy as PvE but still, you can/should.

PS. I forgot to mention, ferals have got 33% overall damage buff. I didn't mention all changes in talents. If you need, you can check feral druid talents in 7.3 from https://www.icy-veins.com/wow/feral-druid-pve-dps-spec-builds-talents


I find this combination much more useful. This is not a suggestion, this is how I FIND my best gameplay. I just tried to explain why I use them. Hope it helps. 


Edited by catish
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On 8/31/2017 at 10:06 PM, catish said:

I find this combination much more useful. This is not a suggestion, this is how I FIND my best gameplay. I just tried to explain why I use them. Hope it helps. 

Passing this on to the writer for consideration when doing the 7.3 updates! Thanks so much for your input :D

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Guest ConcernedReader

May want to update guide based on nerfs from 09/26.

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3 hours ago, Guest ConcernedReader said:

May want to update guide based on nerfs from 09/26.

Passed on to the writer - thanks for the heads up!

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there is a couple things that i do not get with this guide.

1. why take Lunar Inspiration at all wouldn't Blood Scent be a more solid choice for the passive 10%

2. why guardian affinity over balance affinity? wouldn't making all your melee attacks a range be better combined with movement speed increase it would make you hard to kite. besides with survival instincts you have a decent damage negating ability.

3. wouldn't you want Elune's Guidance for the 30 sec cd with some great offensive capabilities.


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On 2/1/2018 at 9:05 PM, Hoggo said:

1. why take Lunar Inspiration at all wouldn't Blood Scent be a more solid choice for the passive 10%

Because the build is based on the idea of spread pressure, which is more difficult to enforce without the ranged capability of Moonfire. 

On 2/1/2018 at 9:05 PM, Hoggo said:

2. why guardian affinity over balance affinity? wouldn't making all your melee attacks a range be better combined with movement speed increase it would make you hard to kite. besides with survival instincts you have a decent damage negating ability.

This set is based on what you struggle with. Guardian is recommended because it is more forgiving, since you will get focused often without it. You will struggle heavily to put out any pressure if you're being focused.

On 2/1/2018 at 9:05 PM, Hoggo said:

3. wouldn't you want Elune's Guidance for the 30 sec cd with some great offensive capabilities.

You gain a lot more damage from BT - the burst of Elune's really isn't worth it at all.

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Guest _Ddruid

So he plays a Monk.

Why dont get a guy that actualy plays high raiting druid to do the guide ?

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