Feral Druid DPS Spec, Builds, and Talents — The War Within Pre-Patch

Last updated on Jul 23, 2024 at 00:30 by Wordup 26 comments
General Information

On this page, you will find out the best talents for each tier for your Feral Druid in World of Warcraft — The War Within Pre-Patch. We also have default talent lists for various types of content, such as raiding or Mythic+. If you play with Warmode on, we have your PvP talents covered as well.

If you were looking for WotLK Classic content, please refer to our WotLK Classic Feral DPS Druid talents.


Best War Within Pre-patch Talent Builds for Feral Druid

Note that these builds are popular build recommendations for various different damage profiles. For more specific recommendations for the Raid and Mythic+, check out the dedicated pages below.


Talent Cheat Sheet for Feral Druids

Within the Feral tree, there are several core talents that are used at all times, alongside a mix of specialty talents that lean your build to either single-target or AoE.

The prevalent codes for both single-target and AoE builds are as follows:

  • Single Target
  • Cleave
  • AoE

The specialized single-target build sacrifices a significant amount of AoE to optimize its throughput for boss damage, and thus is recommended for raiding situations. The AoE build, however, picks up the tools required to deal with the majority of Feral's multi-target potential while still maintaining a solid core, making it more suited for Mythic+. The Cleave build strikes a middle ground that picks up AoE tools, while still trying to maintain as much of the core of single-target as possible to hybridize. Below, there are details about how each build is set up, any potential swaps that can be made, and when it is appropriate to do so. You can use each of the buttons to switch to information about each respective build.


Dragonflight Talent Builds for Feral Druid

Single-Target Cleave AoE


Due to some of the gearing options in Season 4 alongside the condensed burst window provided by the Season 4 set bonus, a build that invests into Convoke the Spirits Icon Convoke the Spirits for single-target is currently recommended.

Be sure to make use of the 'Copy Export String' button to import the best build directly into your game!

For all Feral single-target builds, you often give up a great deal of AoE and cleave potential, but in exchange, you round out your resource generation and focus further into your single-target potential. Due to the Season 4 set, you are required to take Feral Frenzy Icon Feral Frenzy to activate it and gain access to a strong 30-second burst damage cooldown to pair with each Tiger's Fury Icon Tiger's Fury. This is elevated even further with Convoke the Spirits Icon Convoke the Spirits, granting an extremely potent 4-second window of burst.

Key talents along with potential swaps are as follows:

  • Bloodtalons Icon Bloodtalons - the stronger of the two finisher amplifiers, but requires additional gameplay to make full use of. Made a lot easier to cycle with either Brutal Slash Icon Brutal Slash or Lunar Inspiration Icon Lunar Inspiration to inject another activator into the rotation. If you find this too much to manage, Lion's Strength Icon Lion's Strength is not far behind.
  • Coiled to Spring Icon Coiled to Spring - if you are struggling with Combo Point management and want a safeguard against overcapping, this is an option over Merciless Claws Icon Merciless Claws.
  • Saber Jaws Icon Saber Jaws - this significantly increases the bonus damage from consuming excess Energy with Ferocious Bite Icon Ferocious Bite. This provides a very high amount of damage, and as such is strongly recommended but if you are struggling to manage Energy around this, you can opt into Circle of Life and Death Icon Circle of Life and Death instead. Note that it does not interact with Apex Predator's Craving Icon Apex Predator's Craving procs.
  • Apex Predator's Craving Icon Apex Predator's Craving - the proc rate dynamically changes with the number of active Rip Icon Rip effects you have present, making it a good pick regardless of target count.
  • Sudden Ambush Icon Sudden Ambush - provides us with a way to get the Pouncing Strikes Icon Pouncing Strikes bonus for Rake Icon Rake much more consistently throughout an encounter.
  • Adaptive Swarm Icon Adaptive Swarm - amplifies the other DoT effects and aligns well with each Feral Frenzy Icon Feral Frenzy to push its damage further.
  • Ashamane's Guidance Icon Ashamane's Guidance - this can reduce the cooldown of Convoke the Spirits Icon Convoke the Spirits down to 1-minute, at the cost of some extra casts during the channel. This is a much more niche pick due to the high-value point it costs, but can find good value in specific encounters.


A more hybridized approach can sometimes be necessary on some encounters, and due to Feral having some quite costly packages specialized packages a more versatile build can sometimes be ideal. This build provides the strongest options to improve your damage per point in multi-target situations, without sacrificing the strong core of single-target needed for bosses.

Be sure to make use of the 'Copy Export String' button to import the best build directly into your game!

In order to deal AoE sacrificing some points to pick up Primal Wrath Icon Primal Wrath and Rampant Ferocity Icon Rampant Ferocity is necessary. Main points given up to achieve this are Merciless Claws Icon Merciless Claws and Adaptive Swarm Icon Adaptive Swarm. There are also two options that can be changed as well depending on the encounter:

  • Double-Clawed Rake Icon Double-Clawed Rake is slightly more niche, but it is an option to maintain multiple Rake Icon Rakes amplified by Sudden Ambush Icon Sudden Ambush, and you can swap out a point from Tireless Energy Icon Tireless Energy for this depending on the fight archetype.
  • If a fight only needs the bare minimum amount of cleave that can be covered by Primal Wrath Icon Primal Wrath, you can drop Rampant Ferocity Icon Rampant Ferocity for Adaptive Swarm Icon Adaptive Swarm.


There are a number of AoE options on the tree, but the recommended build here aims to pick up as much of the high-value options as possible while trying to maintain a solid core for single-target. Some things are unavoidable, however, so this is very much tailored toward maximizing output at large target counts.

Be sure to make use of the 'Copy Export String' button to import the best build directly into your game!

Due to some of Feral's most valuable AoE tools coming exclusively from the talent tree, this is where you build most of your damage for multi-target situations. These picks range from versatile cleave options to exclusively AoE picks that have a granular impact on how far you want to invest into it. Some of these are preference, while others are simply too valuable to ever drop, even if they only fixate on one damage profile. Bear in mind that in The War Within, Energy is less plentiful in AoE, so maintaining some solid generation is necessary.

  • Feral Frenzy Icon Feral Frenzy - while mostly single-target on its own, this is required to activate the Season 4 set bonus, so cannot be dropped.
  • Primal Wrath Icon Primal Wrath - this is our primary way of applying Rip Icon Rip in AoE, required to activate a number of other effects.
  • Rampant Ferocity Icon Rampant Ferocity - while exclusively AoE, it has excellent value due to keeping Ferocious Bite Icon Ferocious Bite relevant at higher target counts. This is costly to pick up, but whenever extra targets are present it is just too strong to ever ignore.
  • Apex Predator's Craving Icon Apex Predator's Craving - gives a way to leverage both your active Rip Icon Rips, and the AoE component of Ferocious Bite Icon Ferocious Bite from the above to keep both finishers relevant. It can also lead to additional funnel damage.
  • Double-Clawed Rake Icon Double-Clawed Rake - very high-value talent for AoE to make multi-target application of Rake Icon Rake much smoother. It has no single-target impact, however, but most of the value is improving the other Rake-related talents.
  • Infected Wounds Icon Infected Wounds - similar to above, these are usually paired together in AoE. This is important pathing to reach Taste for Blood Icon Taste for Blood too, so is hard to justify dropping.
  • Sudden Ambush Icon Sudden Ambush - this is also related to the above two talents, as these allow you to double up on the value of each proc to empower Rake Icon Rake casts. This also provides strong single-target and low-target cleave options, rounding out the Rake talents.
  • Convoke the Spirits Icon Convoke the Spirits vs. Incarnation: Avatar of Ashamane Icon Incarnation: Avatar of Ashamane - both of these are worthwhile options, and it mostly comes down to what other talents you selected and the type of burst you want. Especially with the Season 4 set, the value of Convoke is higher and also opens up the opportunity to grab Ashamane's Guidance Icon Ashamane's Guidance for 1-minute burst cycles.
  • Tireless Energy Icon Tireless Energy - having at least one point in this is good for comfort due to some issues with Energy starvation. A second point is often overkill, but if you are struggling to keep things rolling then it is a worthy, but costly pickup.


While the builds above cover different broad profiles, they do not cover the specific nuances of each boss. It can be a tricky decision to decide between other conflicting interests. Generally, we recommend the Single-Target Convoke build for most raid encounters, but for bespoke builds made for each boss, you can check our tips page below:



Mythic+ tends to require a more versatile damage profile that can necessitate you mixing and matching different talents to cover a full run, depending on affixes or composition each week. You can check our page below if you want advice tailored to Mythic+.


Feral Druid Talents Explained

Some of the Feral talents also require additional maintenance during moment-to-moment gameplay. On our rotation page, you can find more details on how to incorporate these into your priority.


Feral Druid Talent Details

Spec Rows 1-4 Spec Rows 5-7 Spec Rows 8-10 Class Talents

Tier 1 Talents - Rows 1-4

Ability Explanation
Omen of Clarity Icon Omen of Clarity Causes your auto-attacks to have a chance to make your next Shred Icon Shred, Swipe Icon Swipe or Thrash Icon Thrash cost no Energy. This generates a significant amount of Energy and is required to sustain the rotation in most cases, so is always taken.
Coiled to Spring Icon Coiled to Spring This grants a buff whenever you generate a Combo Point over your current cap, increasing the direct damage of your next finisher by 10%. With perfect play, this has fairly limited value, but if you are struggling to manage your Combo Points comfortably and often find yourself wasting some, this can make things a little easier.
Primal Wrath Icon Primal Wrath An active finisher that deals direct damage and applies Rip Icon Rip to all targets hit. This is our AoE Bleed application and is taken in any situation where multiple targets are present.
Merciless Claws Icon Merciless Claws Increases Shred Icon Shred damage by 20% and Swipe Icon Swipe / Brutal Slash Icon Brutal Slash damage by 15% against Bleeding targets. This is effectively a passive boost due to our Bleeds and is a solid increase in single-target, but weaker in AoE.
Thrashing Claws Icon Thrashing Claws This is moreso an ease-of-use option, causing Shred Icon Shred and Swipe Icon Swipe to apply the Thrash Icon Thrash effect. This removes Thrash entirely from your rotation, making it easier to maintain the Bleed, but at a performance loss.
Predator Icon Predator Provides a flat bonus to Tiger's Fury Icon Tiger's Fury duration and increases the direct damage of Combo Point generating abilities by 40% of your Haste. This provides extra uptime on Tiger's Fury most importantly, but also gives some extra scaling from Haste, which is welcome.
Double-Clawed Rake Icon Double-Clawed Rake Causes Rake Icon Rake casts to apply to a second target. Makes multi-DoT maintenance easier and is taken in multi-target situations.
Sabertooth Icon Sabertooth Increases Ferocious Bite Icon Ferocious Bite damage and causes each Combo Point spent by it to increase your DoT damage dealt to your primary target by up to 15% for 4 seconds. This is required pathing so is always taken, but is mostly for priority target damage.
Tireless Energy Icon Tireless Energy Increases base Energy regeneration by 8/15% and max Energy by 20/40. It gives more room for pooling and is a solid choice in most situations, and due to the reduced availability of Energy in both single-target and AoE situations at least one point is always taken.
Pouncing Strikes Icon Pouncing Strikes Grants a 60% damage bonus to Shred Icon Shred and Rake Icon Rake from stealth, gives Shreds buffed this way double the Critical Strike chance and Rake a stun effect. On its own, it is not very important, but with supporting talents such as Sudden Ambush Icon Sudden Ambush, this can provide some extra damage. Regardless, though, this is mandatory for pathing deeper into the tree.

The first block of talents are mostly universal increases to the core rotation, dictating your access to Energy-related effects to build the primary cycle. The only big decision here is whether you take Primal Wrath Icon Primal Wrath and Double-Clawed Rake Icon Double-Clawed Rake, but you will always path through Sabertooth Icon Sabertooth and Pouncing Strikes Icon Pouncing Strikes to unlock the second tier of talents. Ideally, you will spend the minimum possible points here to gain access to later options.


Tier 2 Talents - Rows 5-7

Ability Explanation
Survival Instincts Icon Survival Instincts Powerful, but long cooldown defensive option. While this is not throughput, pathing through it is required to reach our major offensive cooldown, so it is always taken.
Berserk Icon Berserk Our major cooldown, increasing all ability damage by 10% for 15 seconds, and causes Finishing moves to also refund up to 3 Combo Points generated above the cap of 5. Also causes all Combo Point-generating abilities to generate an additional Combo Point, and passively generates 1 Combo Point per second. It provides a huge flood of resources alongside overflow protection, and has some enhancing talents to focus more on this window.
Berserk: Heart of the Lion Icon Berserk: Heart of the Lion Reduces the cooldown of Berserk Icon Berserk down to 2 minutes, making it much easier to align with most encounter mechanics.
Berserk: Frenzy Icon Berserk: Frenzy Causes Combo Point generating abilities to apply a Bleed effect for 135% of the damage dealt over 8 seconds. Adds further Strength to your Berserk windows, especially in single-target, and is always taken.
Sudden Ambush Icon Sudden Ambush Gives finishing moves a 6% chance per Combo Point to cause your next, Shred Icon Shred or Rake Icon Rake to deal damage as if you were stealthed. Thanks to Pouncing Strikes Icon Pouncing Strikes, this is an extremely strong single-target option, and keeps up in some cleave situations as well.
Raging Fury Icon Raging Fury Increases the duration of Tiger's Fury Icon Tiger's Fury by 5 seconds. This pairs with Predator Icon Predator to bring the duration to 20 seconds, and makes pathing to Bloodtalons Icon Bloodtalons much easier.
Tiger's Tenacity Icon Tiger's Tenacity Tiger's Fury Icon Tiger's Fury causes your next 3 Finishing moves to refund 1 Combo Point, and snapshotted DoTs deal an additional 10% damage. This is a strong competitor, and is an option if you can play around the extra Bleed management.
Infected Wounds Icon Infected Wounds Increases the damage of Rake Icon Rake by 30% and adds a small slow while active. An all-round good talent that works well in multi-target thanks to Double-Clawed Rake Icon Double-Clawed Rake.
Dreadful Bleeding Icon Dreadful Bleeding Increases Rip Icon Rip damage by 20%. This affects all of your active Rips and is always taken.
Moment of Clarity Icon Moment of Clarity Increases the chance for Omen of Clarity Icon Omen of Clarity procs to trigger by 30%, allowing it to accumulate a second charge and increase the damage of abilities that consume it by 15%. A good all-round talent that smooths out the rotation, and is always taken.
Brutal Slash Icon Brutal Slash Replaces Swipe Icon Swipe with a stronger, cooldown/charge-based ability. This is generally worth the trade-off as you rarely need to Swipe Icon Swipe more than once when building Combo Points back up to 5, and has benefits in single-target, especially with Bloodtalons Icon Bloodtalons. Competes with Wild Slashes Icon Wild Slashes on the choice node, but this is more of a simple passive, which is generally weaker.
Taste for Blood Icon Taste for Blood Increases the damage dealt by your Ferocious Bite Icon Ferocious Bite by 15%, and an additional 15% during Tiger's Fury Icon Tiger's Fury. A solid option for a variety of builds and is taken in both single-target and AoE thanks to Rampant Ferocity Icon Rampant Ferocity.
Rampant Ferocity Icon Rampant Ferocity Causes your Ferocious Bite Icon Ferocious Bite casts to also deal damage-based on Combo Points spent to nearby enemies affected by your Rip Icon Rip. This is affected by Mastery and is Feral's way of converting Ferocious Bite casts into AoE damage.
Lunar Inspiration Icon Lunar Inspiration Allows you to cast Moonfire Icon Moonfire in Cat Form Icon Cat Form, but causes it to cost 30 Energy and generate 1 Combo Point. This is now a worthwhile single-target option that can be used to activate Bloodtalons Icon Bloodtalons, but is in an awkward place and has a higher gameplay requirement than alternatives.
Predatory Swiftness Icon Predatory Swiftness Mandatory pathing node that allows Regrowth Icon Regrowth or Entangling Roots Icon Entangling Roots to be instantly cast in Cat Form Icon Cat Form following successful Finishing moves, providing a good survival boost or crowd control.

This tier of talents mostly dictates what final talents you have access to and round out your focus depending on if it is more Bleed or Bite-focused. Many choices here are quite versatile, but some are specialized, allowing you to pick and choose based on how you want to navigate the tree and where you want to end up. Generally, though, the central block of Berserk Icon Berserk, Dreadful Bleeding Icon Dreadful Bleeding and Raging Fury Icon Raging Fury are always taken.


Tier 3 Talents - Rows 8-10

Ability Explanation
Carnivorous Instinct Icon Carnivorous Instinct Provides a flat increase to the damage bonus provided by Tiger's Fury Icon Tiger's Fury. This is a strong selection due to the high uptime of the buff, but below the 20-point line points are very tight, and fitting this in is difficult.
Bloodtalons Icon Bloodtalons / Lion's Strength Icon Lion's Strength Both options are strong, effective buffs to your Finishing Moves. Bloodtalons Icon Bloodtalons is the more complex of the two, requiring you to pool slightly and cycle your abilities correctly, but rewards you with a higher damage buff to your Finishers. Lion's Strength Icon Lion's Strength on the other hand is less conditional if you do not have other talents, such as Brutal Slash Icon Brutal Slash to conveniently trigger it, and it is easier to execute. One of these two options is almost always taken and, generally Bloodtalons is superior so long as you can handle the extra gameplay requirements.
Feral Frenzy Icon Feral Frenzy Deals a small amount of damage and applies a heavy, short-duration Bleed on your target with a 45-second cooldown and generates 5 Combo Points when activated. This is a powerful instant generator and is taken in most single-target situations.
Adaptive Swarm Icon Adaptive Swarm is a short DoT/HoT that increases the potency of your over-time-effects when active on a target. It will also jump between allies and enemies in a cycle, healing, and dealing damage in the process. Due to the Strength of Rip Icon Rip and our other bleeds and its relatively high uptime, this is a strong single-target option but falls off in multi-target.
Unbridled Swarm Icon Unbridled Swarm Adds a multi-target component that improves Adaptive Swarm Icon Adaptive Swarm further in situations where you can have multiple active, but it has minimal effect in single-target.
Frantic Momentum Icon Frantic Momentum Grants Finishing moves a 6% chance per Combo Point spent to grants 10% Haste for 6 seconds. A solid increase in any target count is required pathing to reach strong end talents.
Incarnation: Avatar of Ashamane Icon Incarnation: Avatar of Ashamane / Convoke the Spirits Icon Convoke the Spirits Both of these are powerful options, either improving your Berserk Icon Berserk by increasing the duration and reducing Energy costs while active or grants a powerful burst cooldown in Convoke the Spirits Icon Convoke the Spirits that will cast a flurry of Druid spells (preferring Ferocious Bite Icon Ferocious Bite) over a 4-second channel. Both of these are strong in different scenarios depending on if you want condensed or extended burst, but we generally take Convoke the Spirits for the additional burst.
Ashamane's Guidance Icon Ashamane's Guidance Improves your previous talent selection
  • Reduces the cooldown of Convoke the Spirits Icon Convoke the Spirits by 1 minute, reduces the number of spells cast by 4 and increases the chance for it to trigger Feral Frenzy Icon Feral Frenzy.
  • Causes your Rake Icon Rake and Rip Icon Rip to each individually increase targets' damage taken from you by 3% while Incarnation is active and for 30 seconds after it fades.
This is a strong option regardless of which you take, however, points are quite tight in this row, making it hard to fit in. With Incarnation, this can be strong for single-target, but getting the value is hard in AoE, and it can be very awkward to play around. For Convoke, this is very encounter-dependent but 1-minute cooldowns can be very potent in the right situation.
Saber Jaws Icon Saber Jaws This increases the bonus damage conferred to Ferocious Bite Icon Ferocious Bite when it spends additional Energy. This does put additional resource strain on the spec, but in exchange, it turns Bite into an extremely potent finisher that can be pooled for extra burst.
Soul of the Forest Icon Soul of the Forest Increases the damage of your Finishing moves and causes them to generate 2 Energy per Combo Point spent. This is a powerful talent in all situations and has an impact on how smooth the rotation plays with regards to your Energy available, so it is always taken.
Circle of Life and Death Icon Circle of Life and Death Causes your Bleed effects to deal their damage 20% faster. This effectively gives you more ticks of all of them in a shorter time, and due to how much damage they deal, this is a powerful talent but is more AoE-oriented due to the strong competition for single-target options deep in the tree.
Veinripper Icon Veinripper / Rip and Tear Icon Rip and Tear A choice node that is mostly used for pathing, and both are valid options but provide modest increases. Rip and Tear Icon Rip and Tear is generally preferred in AoE situations where you are castingPrimal Wrath Icon Primal Wrath while Veinripper Icon Veinripper removes some of the maintenance components of your Bleeds, increasing their duration.
Apex Predator's Craving Icon Apex Predator's Craving Gives all of your Rip Icon Rip damage ticks a small chance of causing your next, Ferocious Bite Icon Ferocious Bite to cost no Energy or Combo Points and guarantee it deals the maximum possible damage. This has a 6% proc chance that scales down with each additional Rip active, so while it procs more often in AoE, it is not linear. With the addition of other Bite talents and the more consistent proc rate, this is an extremely solid pickup in all situations.

All of the talents below this line are quite powerful, so you ideally want 10 points spare when you reach here to spend. That means pathing earlier should be done with that in mind. What you take depends on preference, target count, and desired damage profile.


Druid Class Talents

Feral Druids are given Rake Icon Rake and Rip Icon Rip by default, and there are a variety of performance-related talents that should be taken in any talent build:

  • Thrash Icon Thrash
  • Killer Instinct Icon Killer Instinct
  • Primal Fury Icon Primal Fury
  • Rising Light, Falling Night Icon Rising Light, Falling Night
  • Instincts of the Claw Icon Instincts of the Claw
  • Lycara's Teachings Icon Lycara's Teachings

It is also always recommended to pick up Skull Bash Icon Skull Bash both as an interrupt and a short charge.

In addition to the above talents, it is generally recommended for all builds to include a variety of defensive talents. The recommended options are:

  • Well-Honed Instincts Icon Well-Honed Instincts
  • Improved Barkskin Icon Improved Barkskin
  • Renewal Icon Renewal
  • Thick Hide Icon Thick Hide
  • Oakskin Icon Oakskin
  • Ursine Vigor Icon Ursine Vigor

Finally, it is also strongly recommended that all builds include a few mobility talents:

  • Feline Swiftness Icon Feline Swiftness
  • Wild Charge Icon Wild Charge / Tiger Dash Icon Tiger Dash
  • Stampeding Roar Icon Stampeding Roar / Improved Stampeding Roar Icon Improved Stampeding Roar*

Both mobility on the left choice node are valuable, and it comes down to preference between more burst speed or a displacement charge. Improved Stampeding Roar Icon Improved Stampeding Roar does bring the cooldown to 1 minute, which is very valuable, but points are tight at the bottom of the tree, so it cannot always be fit in.

Not all defensive or mobility talents need to be included, but you should try to incorporate an appropriate number of each into your builds, as having none is often a bad idea. The remainder of your points can be spent as you desire for specific Utility, crowd control, or pathing requirements; however, we strongly recommended that you at least consider including some of the following generally applicable utility options:

  • Skull Bash Icon Skull Bash
  • Incapacitating Roar Icon Incapacitating Roar
  • Fluid Form Icon Fluid Form
  • Typhoon Icon Typhoon
  • Ursol's Vortex Icon Ursol's Vortex
  • Innervate Icon Innervate
  • Nature's Vigil Icon Nature's Vigil

Of note here is Innervate Icon Innervate and Nature's Vigil Icon Nature's Vigil. This provides both an external boost to healers in your team via additional mana and a healing cooldown that converts some of your damage into additional healing. Control options are especially useful in Mythic+, with the stand-out being Incapacitating Roar Icon Incapacitating Roar as a low cooldown AoE interrupt tool.

For a more detailed description of each of our class talents, please refer to the Feral Druid DPS Spell Summary page.


PvP Talents (War Mode)

"War Mode" is an optional feature that enables open-world PvP encounters that confer some benefits when active:

  • Grants access to PvP talents in the open-world.
  • 10% increase in World Quest rewards at max level.
  • 10% more experience gained while leveling.
  • Earn Conquest Points, which can reward gear every week.

With the benefits of War Mode for leveling and PvE content, it is recommended to enable the feature to maximize your leveling and rewards at maximum level. However, you will open yourself up to open-world PvP, so be aware of hostile enemy players who could interfere with you; this is a risk you will have to decide on your own if you want to take.

If you are interested in doing PvP as a Feral Druid or want to know how to navigate Feral Druid PvP encounters, check out our dedicated PvP guide.


Feral Druid War Mode Talents

In this section, we will rank the PvP talents for leveling and playing in open-world PvE scenarios.


Feral Druid PvP Talents

Generally, the selections are made to optimize your ability to kill enemies faster, increasing your pace when moving through content.

  1. Fresh Wound Icon Fresh Wound can provide additional burst to targets when applying your Rake Icon Rake effect and is a solid increase across the board when cycling between targets.
  2. Ferocious Wound Icon Ferocious Wound provides additional damage to your Ferocious Bite Icon Ferocious Bite that can be useful on high health targets due to the maximum health reduction it applies. Value is mostly tied to the difficulty of the enemies you are encountering.
  3. Leader of the Pack Icon Leader of the Pack increases the movement speed of you and nearby allies by 10% and causes players to heal for 3% of their maximum health when they critically strike with an 8-second cooldown. This provides some additional speed and sustain passively.
  4. Savage Momentum Icon Savage Momentum causes successful interrupts with Skull Bash Icon Skull Bash to reduce the cooldown of Tiger's Fury Icon Tiger's Fury, Stampeding Roar Icon Stampeding Roar and Survival Instincts Icon Survival Instincts by 10 seconds. This can be useful for moving around the world and extra burst windows on targets. Still, you will generally be using Predator Icon Predator in the open-world, so that overlap makes it less damage-oriented.
  5. Thorns Icon Thorns can provide some use if in situations with extra enemies present, to allow you to deal additional damage back when being hit.

King of the Jungle Icon King of the Jungle can provide minimal uses for extra movement speed. Still, you will only have a large number of Rip Icon Rips active if you are AoEing large groups with Primal Wrath Icon Primal Wrath, at which point you will likely not be moving far away.

Freedom of the Herd Icon Freedom of the Herd, High Winds Icon High Winds, Reactive Resin Icon Reactive Resin, Malorne's Swiftness Icon Malorne's Swiftness, Wicked Claws Icon Wicked Claws, and Strength of the Wild Icon Strength of the Wild on the other hand, they have very limited PvE uses, being more focused on in-combat control and group assistance. These are much more focused on PvP encounters, so they are not recommended for open-world play.



  • 23 Jul. 2024: Updated for The War Within Pre-Patch.
  • 07 May 2024: Reviewed for 10.2.7.
  • 22 Apr. 2024: Reviewed for Season 4, slight touch ups but no major changes to builds.
  • 19 Mar. 2024: Reviewed for Patch 10.2.6.
  • 15 Jan. 2024: Reviewed for Patch 10.2.5, moved Convoke build to recommended for single target.
  • 06 Nov. 2023: Updated for Patch 10.2 with new builds.
  • 04 Sep. 2023: Reviewed for Patch 10.1.7, small restructuring to some sections but same recommendations.
  • 10 Jul. 2023: Re-added Hybrid build, reworded some segments and also highlighted importance of Dire Fixation.
  • 01 May 2023: Updated for Patch 10.1 to include new Patch 10.1 changes and build options.
  • 20 Mar. 2023: Reviewed for Patch 10.0.7.
  • 24 Jan. 2023: Updated for Patch 10.0.5.
  • 11 Dec. 2022: Reviewed for Dragonflight Season 1.
  • 28 Nov. 2022: Updated for Dragonflight launch.
  • 25 Oct. 2022: Updated for Dragonflight pre-patch.
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