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[Cenarion Circle/Sisters of Elune][H] <After Dark> (10/10 N, 2/10 H) LF DPS/Offtank

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Currently Seeking: DPS (All), Offtank (Any) Healer (Closed) Bonus points if you are a warlock or DPS with working healer or tank offspec.


<After Dark> is a skilled but laid back guild that is most active during evenings and weekends. We strive to be a friendly community of players that are willing to help our friends get things done. We are currently seeking members to fill out our raiding team for Thursday and Saturday nights. We clear normal raids on Thursday and are hoping to bolster our roster to do more heroics on Saturdays.


If you are looking for a community that values teamwork and clears content without the stress of mythic raiding, <After Dark> might be for you!


Progression: Nighthold 10/10N 2/10H


Requirements: Minimum 880ilvl or 450K DPS. We do not mind if you are a little below the requirements if you are ready and willing to do mechanics properly and make up the ilvl/DPS difference in a timely manner. Players that repeatedly ignore mechanics have and will be asked to leave the raid team. Raiders are required to bring their own flasks to raid or provide herbs to the guild herbalist for flasks. Food is provided but donations of bacon/meat/fish are welcome.


Contact: Gunios on Cenarion Circle (Battletag roninwookie1419)

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