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[Mal'Ganis] [H] <Imperial> (9/9N) LF RDPS/HEALS

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<Imperial> on Mal'ganis is a new guild composed of old raiders looking to break back into the raiding scene in a big way. Some of us have been playing regularly for years, some of us have taken a few expansions off, but each of us has a singular goal in mind: getting ourselves and this guild into mythic progression as soon as possible. Obviously, this is a new guild, so some time investment is necessary, as we will be starting off with heroic and recruiting a full 20-man roster for mythic. 

Many guilds nowadays don’t have that camaraderie of yesteryear. Now, people join and leave guilds without giving it a second thought. The concept of loyalty is one we’re big on, of doing what you can to help create success for the guild, whether that be helping with mats for raiding, recruiting, helping others with their classes and with fights, or anything in between. And if that is a guild that sounds like one you want to have a hand in creating, please drop me a message (Btag = Aurathaine#1155), or respond on this thread. 

We are looking to push heroic content starting as soon as possible, and mythic very quickly after that. At this point in the expansion, if everyone takes their role seriously, studies up, does their raids and mythic+ each week, there’s no reason we cannot have a geared 20 man raid team to tackle mythic within the next few weeks. But with that in mind, we are looking primarily for non-hunter ranged dps and non-paladin healers to join our team. I hope to hear from some of you soon, and whether I hear from your or not, I’ll see you on the field of battle…

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