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[H] Reboot - Eternal Kingdom (Area52) Late Night

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Reboot of Eternal Kingdom on Area52 is recruiting competitive raiders committed to personal improvement, as well as contributing to a professional and collaborative team environment.

Raid times:
-Tues/Wed/Thurs 9:30pm-12:30am PST (12:30am-3:30am EST)

Team Goals:
-Heroic AOTC clears to Mythic Progression

Team Needs:

About Reboot:
-We are a newly forming team under the Eternal Kingdom umbrella. Our team leads have CE experience from previous tiers/expansions, and we are looking to develop a new team this expansion focusing on personal and raid progression, and most importantly team synergy built on the foundation of trust with like minded individuals. 

-The team leads are all experienced players who grew tired of the toxic environments plaguing far too many other guilds and teams over the years. We have all decided to form a new team focused on doing things correctly from the foundation up 100%. We will provide the tools, effective feedback, and 1 on 1 time needed to help players become stronger in all aspects to become players of the mythic caliber. 

-We are not pushing right away to mythic progression, instead we are utilizing our time effectively through heroic and AOTC clears to cultivate, motivate and train players up to become better each raid night, to build a long lasting strong team.

Team Expectations:
-We expect all raiders to hold themselves to a high standard of Professionalism, Progression and Collaboration between team members. 

-We expect each raid member to contribute to the greater wellbeing of the team. This means coming to raid prepared each raid night with their specs fully optimized (simC/Raidbots/Pawn/Stat Weights) when it comes to gems, enchants, talents, consumables and are using the appropriate add-on/weakauras to ensure you are performing to the best of your abilities.

-We expect each team member to come prepared knowing the strategies for each boss before entering raid by taking a look at strat/kill videos/warcraftlogs replays.

-We expect all raiders to be able to take constructive criticism well so they can look into their own logs/wowanalyzer to improve their gameplay wherever it is needed.

-Fill out an application for Team Reboot at: https://www.eternal-kingdom.com/apply-form/?team=Reboot

-Cmplex#1798 (Discord Cmplex#6174) - Team Leader
-Fethend#1781 (Discord Fethend#0001) -Co-Raid Lead
-Papasmurfs#11857 (Discord Papasmurfs#3425) - Recruitment Officer

Edited by Papasmurfs
spelling error

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Looking for a Holy Paladin and a Disc Priest for healers. We need more ranged DPS as well preferably Hunter, Warlock or Mage. Any exceptional DPS/Healers feel free to still apply as well!

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