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The Story of Varok Saurfang in Patch 8.1

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Varok Saurfang's story continues in Patch 8.1. Check out what awaits the High Overlord in Tides of Vengeance! This article contains spoilers.


Blizzard released a cinematic titled "Old Soldier", where the High Overlord reacts to the Burning of Teldrassil. He's not content with Sylvanas' decisions and does not like where the Horde is heading.

Saurfang becomes fed up with the events of the Battle for Lordaeron and is taken to the Stockades by Anduin. Later in the Stormwind Extraction Scenario, you find him locked up in a cell, but he does not want to return to Orgrimmar.

If you missed our first installment of Saurfang's story in Battle for Azeroth, you can check it out here.

Saurfang's Story in Patch 8.1

Blizzard added a new NPC called Varok Saurfang in Tides of Vengeance and the Orc received a new skin as well. He's no longer referred to as "High Overlord" and does not wear his usual armor.


Saurfang escaped the Stockades and Horde players are sent to investigate what happened to him. Sylvanas does not want him to fall into the hands of the Alliance and demands you to take him back to Orgrimmar. Our favorite Zappyboi makes an appearance at the end of the questline, joining him in battle.

Varok Saurfang Questline in Patch 8.1

The 8.1 questline starts with Dark Ranger Alina and "The Dark Lady Calls" quest aboard the Bahsee Wall and Sylvanas requests your audience in Orgrimmar.

The Dark Lady Calls

Champion, the Dark Lady has need of you. We cannot speak more of this here. Make haste to Orgrimmar at once. Best not to keep her waiting.

An Abomination Guard is guarding the door in Grommash Hold to ensure that your meeting with Sylvanas stays private.

The High Overlord

I have asked you here to discuss a matter of great improtance to the Horde. Varok Saurfang is no longer present in Stormwind. Let us discuss this turn of events.


Lady Sylvanas Windrunner: Thank you for coming so quickly, <player name>. This is a matter I could entrust only to you.

Lady Sylvanas Windrunner: My spies report that Varok Saurfang has escaped Alliance custody. He'd been held in the Stormwind Stockades since the assault on Lordaeron.

Lady Sylvanas Windrunner: Should the boy-king's forces locate Saurfang, no doubt they will kill him on sight.

Lady Sylvanas Windrunner: While some within our ranks have questioned the High Overlord's loyalties, we cannot allow him to fall back into enemy hands.

Lady Sylvanas Windrunner: I expect you to find him before they do.

Lady Sylvanas Windrunner: Dark Ranger Lyana is an exceptional tracker. She will assist you on this assignment.

Sylvanas wants you to locate Saurfang, because the Alliance would surely kill him on sight. Some members of the Horde question his loyalty and consider him a traitor for his willing surrender at the Battle for Lordaeron.

A Way Out

My spies report that our High Overlord did not leave the way he entered, not any other way we know of. No signs were seen at any of the known exits to the Stockades or sewers. He simply was in his cell one moment, and not the next. Begin your investigation around the city of Stormwind. There must be another way out that we do not know of. Dark Ranger Lyana will meet you there, her tracking skills are second to none. Do not fail me, my champion.


Dark Ranger Lyana: We will rendezvous just outside Stormwind's walls. Keep to the shadows.

Now, you must reach Elwynn Forest to continue the questline. The easiest way was to teleport to Dalaran, use the portal to Karazhan and fly there.

On Track

Keep your head down, we don't want to be seen out here. Our spies keep watching over Stormwind day and night, and saw no signs of Saurfang. Not did we notice any oddly-oversized carts or strange ships in the night, if that was what you were thinking. How then, did he make his escape? Let's look around.


Dark Ranger Lyana: Let's keep moving. Be on the lookout for anything suspicious.

You're going to find a sewer exit outside the city.


Dark Ranger Lyana: A sewer exit. Outside the city, away from prying eyes. Let's take a look at that lock.

Clicking the Old Lock will make the following text appear:


This lock is old and heavily rusted. Scrape marks and flecks of loose rust are present around the keyhole and moving parts. It has been recently used.

Now that you've found Saurfang's escape route, the search continues...


Dark Ranger Lyana: Seems we have found his escape route. Hmm, there is mud around the lake. We should check for tracks.

Dark Ranger Lyana: The mud has been disturbed. Someone tried to disguise their route amongst the reeds. Let's keep moving.

Dark Ranger Lyana: Heavy footprints. Too large for a human. It has to be Saurfang. His trail leads east...

You will be attacked by SI:7 Agents and the quest is complete when you defeat all three.


SI:7 Agent: Well, well... what do we have here?

SI:7 Agent: Seems a couple of Hordies got lost. VERY lost.

SI:7 Agent: Does this area look brown and filthy to you, Hordies?

SI:7 Agent: Sure seems green to me. Not like Horde lands at all.

SI:7 Agent: Let's send them back on their way then, shall we?

SI:7 Agent: My daggers can point 'em in the right direction!

You need to keep moving, because SI:7 Agents are probably looking for Saurfang as well.

Eastern Escape

It's not unusual to see SI:7 spies lurking around the city, but still, something about this doesn't feel right. We need to find where Saurfang's trail picks up. The last tracks were heading east, towards Redridge. At the entrance to Redridge is Three Corners, one of the more well-defended towers the Alliance has. I have an idea, meet me there.

The search for Saurfang continues in Redridge Mountains.

Corner Crossing

If Saurfang was headed in this direction, it would have been difficult for him to avoid the Three Corners watchpost. We could simply walk in there and demand information, but I have a feeling that they would not part with it willingly. So we will take another approach. I have procured this potion from our alchemists. It will turn us into--ugh-- humans for a while. We can then question the guards, perhaps someone saw something.

Use the Humanizing PotionHumanizing Potion to turn yourself into a Human for 10 minutes and ask guards for information. After you taken on the appearance of a Human, Lyana tells you:


Dark Ranger Lyana: Look at you... how sickeningly sweet. It's perfect.

You're going to approach guards and tell them you've lost a puppy. Dark Ranger Lyana goes by the name "Marion Sutton" when transformed.


Marion Sutton: Won't you please help us?

Marion Sutton: My poor sweet daughter lost her puppy!

Marion Sutton: It ran away last night. Did you see it?

Redridge Garrison Watchman: Last night? Don't much remember about last night, do we? Hah!

Redridge Garrison Watchman: Come on! No need to tell 'em about that!

Redridge Garrison Watchman: It's fine! Why, Mr. Shaw himself paid us a visit! It's not every day the leader of SI:7 gives you the night off.

Redridge Garrison Watchman: Truth be told, it wasn't so much the night off as it was a full bottle of very fine rum... and a lack of orders that we shouldn't drink it all in one sittin'.

Redridge Garrison Watchman: Next thing you know, this one's so deep in his cups that he can't hardly stand.

Redridge Garrison Watchman: They don't need to hear any more about that...

Redridge Garrison Watchman: Decides that he's gonna inform Miss Darcy Parker that he's gone and caught feelings for her.

Redridge Garrison Watchman: My heart couldn't take it n'more! A man ain't got no defenses when he's down in his bottles.

Redridge Garrison Watchman: He takes one look at the franks 'n beans she's got boilin' in the pot, and before ya know it, his lunch makes a repeat appearance.

Redridge Garrison Watchman: Had the poached fish and taters. Not a meal I'll soon forget.

Redridge Garrison Watchman: Instead of the wooin' ofa lifetime, poor Darcy had to put a sick man to bed and scrub the floor.

Redridge Garrison Watchman: Let me tell you, nobody knows how to tuck in a man the way she does.

Redridge Garrison Watchman: Don't be givin' up on her, now! You got a big heart, and that counts for somethin'.

Redridge Garrison Watchman: So's to answer your question quick as I can, I don't think we saw any dogs last night. Least not that I can recall.

The guards were super drunk last night and they do not recall anything. It must have been fairly easy for Saurfang to pass by the Three Corner watchpost unnoticed. Now you question Darcy Parker about what happened last night.


Darcy Parker: Oh sweet thing, nothing to worry about. Were you scared? One of the guards just had a little too much fun and he needed to lie down and take a nap. I put him right to bed in the inn, don't you worry.

The search continues in Lakeshire at Inkeeper Brianna. She informs you that guards are staying upstairs at the Lakeshire Inn. After searching the room for clues, you find an Official-Looking Note from Shaw:


<A hastly-scribbled note. It appears to have been intended for the captain of the guards.>

Our spies report the possibility of an attack.

Double the patrols between here and Burning Steppes tonight, pull your guards from other duties if you must.

- Shaw

Signs of Saurfang

With the guards drunk at their posts, Saurfang would have had little trouble passing Three Corners undetected. The path splits up ahead. The back roads of Redridge are poorly-patrolled and infested with gnolls and spiders. In other words, a perfect path for an orc trying to not to be noticed. His most likely path is Lakeridge Highway, we should continue our investigation there.


Dark Ranger Lyana: These back roads would make an ideal route for someone trying to avoid attention. Let's look around. 

You'll find ripped webbing, ichor, and plenty of killed spiders in Lakeridge Highway.


Dark Ranger Lyana: Ripped webbing. Someone definitely passed through here--and it wasn't a gnoll.

Dark Ranger Lyana: They're dead. Based on the print pattern, I'd say it was only a minor scuffle.

Dark Ranger Lyana: That's a lot of ichor. More than I'd expect rom one of these young tarantulas.

Dark Ranger Lyana: Which means that our quarry must have also encountered...

Dark Ranger Lyana: ...their mother.

Defeat the Injured Bristlequeen to complete the quest.


Dark Ranger Lyana: Such a shame. I quite like spiders.

Ever Eastward

All signs point to our quarry heading farther east. To what end, Im an not sure, but I have my suspicions. I am going to scout the area from the air, let's meet up at Redridge Pass.

Tracking Tipoff

Look there, down the hill, one of the Alliance hunters that roams the area. No one knows these pathways like them. If our quarry passed through this area, they would certainly have seen the tracks. Their dogs may even have noticed. Here is another dose of the potion. Let us question this one while he is alone.

It's time to drink  Humanizing PotionHumanizing Potion again and question Hunter McAlister who is later killed, because his dogs notice you're not actual humans.


Marion Sutton: My good sir, can you help us?

Marion Sutton: A filthy orc raided our farm in the night. He stole a priceless family heirloom!

Marion Sutton: Have you seen any signs of such a monstrous brute travelling over the pass?

Hunter McAlister: Found some hug tracks just this mornin'. They led over the mountains pass and into the swamp.

Franklin: Grrr...

Hunter McAlister: if that was your orc, he's a big one. Best watch yourselves.

Danger: Rrrrr... rouf!

Hunter McAlister: Must've been your orc that got my dogs all riled up last night.

Drooble: Ar-oof!

Hunter McAlister: They were barkin' and growlin' up a storm. They do that whenever one of those Horde scoundrels comes around.

Franklin: GRRRR...

Wallaby: Rrrrr...

Hunter McAlister: Come to think of it, sorta like they're doing right now...

Danger: ROUF!

Bernard: Bark!

Hunter McAlister: Hey! You're Horde, ain't ya!? Get 'em, boys!

Killing Hunter McAlister and his dogs makes Zappyboi appear! Zekhan offers the next quest while Lyana informs you she must return to the Warchief.


Dark Ranger Lyana: I must report back to the warchief. You are to take no further action until you hear from me again. Understood?

Zekhan tells you that Saurfang's hiding at a nearby farm.


Zekhan: Ey mon, over here! I be needin' your help!

Zekhan: Saurfang's hidin' out at a small farm nearby. We best be gettin' dere before dey do!

Grim Tidings

Ey mon, dat dark ranger, she lied to ya'! Saurfang knew they'd be comin' for him. He sent me to watch the pass, see who his assassins were, try to warn him if I could. She's not reportin' back nothin', she's goin' to kill him. Probably got a whole group of deathguards just waiting for her to give the signal. We gotta stop dem! You with me?

Dark Ranger Lyana lied to you and she wants to kill him. Better hurry and inform Saurfang who's located in the Swamp of Sorrows.

A Warrior's Death

She gonna try an' take him in, and then no one ever gonna see Varok Saurfang again. Dis was never a rescue mission, dis was about power, an' control, an' Sylvanas think she be holdin' all the cards. But she didn't count on us! Let's go.

Turns out Sylvanas actually tricked you and wants Saurfang dead.

Completing the quest rewards a fun cloak toy - Worn CloakWorn Cloak. A scripted event will begin as soon as you accept the quest and you must defend Saurfang.


Dark Ranger Lyana: Varok Saurfang! You are guilty of treason against the Dark Lady. Exit the hut or I will burn it down... like that tree your Alliance friends loved so dearly.

Zekhan: Ya ain't got a shred of honor between ya! How ya gonna turn ya backs on Saurfang, after all he's done for da Horde?

Dark Ranger Lyana: Champion, you and that troll need to stay out of this. My orders come from the warchief herself!

Varok Saurfang: And what orders might those be?

Dark Ranger Lyana: You turned your back on your duty to the Horde, Saurfang.

Dark Ranger Lyana: And worse, after you abandoned your people, you conspired with humans against your warchief.

Dark Ranger Lyana: You will throw down your weapon at once and come with us.

Dark Ranger Lyana: Or you will die here, in the swamp, alone.

Zekhan: Not alone!

Varok Saurfang: I see you still have not learned to fear the impossible odds, my young friend. It is an honor to stand at your side.

Varok Saurfang: Enough of your prattling, dark ranger! If you came seeking a fight, you shall have it!

Varok Saurfang: For the honor of the Horde! Lok-tar ogar!

Dark Ranger Lyana: Kill the traitor--and all who stand with him!

Zekhan: Ey! We did it, mon! What a battle! You see all dem sparks I be shootin'?

Dark Ranger Lyana and her crew die, but now you must come up with something to fool Sylvanas.

Queen's Favor

I have two things to ask of you, and I do not ask them lightly. First, I need you to retain the favor of the warchief. She will undoubtedly have questions, and seeds of distrust may begin to grow, but she cannot lose you as an ally, not now. She would not so willingly part with one of her greatest champions. In order to do so, it will have to look like you faced me in combat, and lost. I trust you can take a hit. Second, I ask you not to follow me further. I must make this journey alone.


Varok Saurfang: If you are to remain in the Banshee's favor, she needs to believe that I defeated you. But it has to look like you put up a good fight.

Varok Saurfang: Ready? Take a deep breath. I fear I lack practice in pulling my punches.

Talk to Saurfang and tell him to punch you. The screen turns black for a second and you will be afflicted with the "Convincing Blow" debuff for 10 minutes.


Varok Saurfang: Ah, good. You are still alive. Bruised... but alive.

Varok Saurfang: Return to the Banshee Queen. Tell her that I will be no one's pawn.

Varok Saurfang: Zekhan, I need you to remain in Orgrimmar. Let those who wish to restore the honor of the Horde know that they must not give up hope.

Zekhan: No way, mon. I'm comin' with ya! Where da high overlord go, I go.

Varok Saurfang: Not today, my friend. This path I must travel alone.

Varok Saurfang: Go with honor. You will see me again.

Zekhan: We betta'. We be countin' on ya.

Finally, go to Orgrimmar and talk to Sylvanas in Grommash Hold to complete the Queen's Favor quest that rewards Artifact Power.


Lady Sylvanas Windrunner: Let me see if I have this right... Saurfang single-handedly slew my elite forces and a veteran dark ranger?

Lady Sylvanas Windrunner: How fortunate that you escaped with little more than a bruise. Fortunate... but disappointing.

Lady Sylvanas Windrunner: Let me be perfectly clear. You will find the traitor Saurfang. You will deliver him to me. And you will not fail me again.

Lady Sylvanas Windrunner: now go. Remember your duty to the Horde. We have a war to win.

The story ends here. Sylvanas doesn't know you defeated the dark ranger and her forces along with Saurfang and Zekhan. Let's see what the future holds for Varok. Let us know what you think about his story so far and Sylvanas wanting him dead.

Characters Involved in the Questline

Dark Ranger Lyana

Veteran Dark Ranger appointed by Sylvanas to help you track down Saurfang. In the beginning, it all looks like a rescue mission, but further down the questline you learn that she was deceiving you all along. She's later killed by the player, Saurfang, and Zekhan.

Varok Saurfang

Saurfang escaped the Stockades and you find him hiding at a farm in the swamps with simple armor and without the "High Overlord" title, indicating his discontent with Sylvanas' Horde. He probably works with Matthias Shaw who gave guards booze allowing Saurfang to pass by the watchpost unnoticed. You confront Dark Ranger Lyana and her forces as you uncover her vile intentions and learn that the rescue mission was actually a lie and Sylvanas wants him dead. He doesn't want you or Zekhan to follow him, because he clearly states that he must travel the path alone. The character of Saurfang remains the embodiment of the Horde's long-lost honor.


Zappyboi makes an appearance during the questline and fights alongside Saurfang. Blizzard did a really great job at portraying him loyal to Varok at times of need as we saw in the Old Soldier cinematic.

Lady Sylvanas Windrunner

Another lie has been told by the Warchief. First, she makes you believe it's of utmost importance to track down Saurfang, who recently escaped the Stockades, so that the Alliance does not kill him. Later, she accuses Varok of treason against the Horde and wants him dead. After you kill Lyana and her forces, you fool her into believing that Saurfang did all that. Blizzard confirmed in an interview that Sylvanas will not be Garrosh 2.0 in Battle for Azeroth.

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But I'm sure Sylvannas fans will insist she's misunderstood and morally grey.    Saurfang had it coming, or something.

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In every patch someone escapes Stormwind Stockades - shouldn't the Alliance hire better guards? Unless they let Garrosh free on purpose, knowing he can split the Horde and may drive the faction into a civil war, whilst Anduin & friends can collect all the Azerite on the planet. Divide et impera!

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Man... this is super disappointing... she shouldve actually gone to save him. Then had a big argument in orgrimmar. Now this is exactly like panda... she sends an assassin and voljin pretends to die then saurfang leads a rebellion and sylv and sacrificed... this just sucks


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Sylv did nothing wrong, Forsaken moto is "trust nobody", and Alliance needed Horde only when world was at stake, or their blue a$$... 

I hope she wins over this rebel thing, I don't expect her to remain as leader of Horde, but F* Blizz if they keep on killing warchiefs... 

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On 10/13/2018 at 9:07 PM, Migol said:

But I'm sure Sylvannas fans will insist she's misunderstood and morally grey.    Saurfang had it coming, or something.

"Lok'tar ogar" - I guess that counts for nothing when you just submit to be taken into the Stockades. 


Regardless of Sylvanas' little schemes, any Orc would still stand up for their own brothers and sisters. Many died for the Horde, not for Sylvanas, yet he just submits defeat. And then whines about not getting an honorable death. What better way to overthrow a warchief than by showing you can do it better yourself?

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14 hours ago, Xhopeon said:

Sylv did nothing wrong, Forsaken moto is "trust nobody", and Alliance needed Horde only when world was at stake, or their blue a$$... 

I hope she wins over this rebel thing, I don't expect her to remain as leader of Horde, but F* Blizz if they keep on killing warchiefs... 

Thats exactly the text, i was waiting for. Finally someone with a clear mind, who is laughing about this "We are cool revolutionary Rebels, lets make some action and play bad/good superheroes" .. i guess some people are really lucky in their marriage - No Loyality. Besides this, they support an old, lonely and embittered Orc, who is still crying after his Son. "Honor", when Sylvanas sacrificed some of her Soldiers, the hypocrites where yelling "MoRaLlY GrEy", "GaRrOSH 2.0r1!1" but if an Old Orc, like i already wrote, kills some Guards of the Warchief (Siege of Orgrimmar Like) then its "COOOOOL!! LoKTaR OgaR!!"


In the end, the true Horde will win. Blizzard will not tear my beloved Horde apart.


Edited by Nusra
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19 hours ago, Yridaa said:

"Lok'tar ogar" - I guess that counts for nothing when you just submit to be taken into the Stockades. 


Regardless of Sylvanas' little schemes, any Orc would still stand up for their own brothers and sisters. Many died for the Horde, not for Sylvanas, yet he just submits defeat. And then whines about not getting an honorable death. What better way to overthrow a warchief than by showing you can do it better yourself?

If I remember correctly, he had just fought and was basically on his last legs facing the alliance invasion alone, begging Anduin to finish him off as his "warrior's death".    Anduin refused and took him into custody.     That's hardly submitting, that's being overpowered by superior numbers

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2 hours ago, Migol said:

If I remember correctly, he had just fought and was basically on his last legs facing the alliance invasion alone, begging Anduin to finish him off as his "warrior's death".    Anduin refused and took him into custody.     That's hardly submitting, that's being overpowered by superior numbers

Agreed. He begged to fight and die against an army. But Anduin saw it for what it would have been, a slaughter without honor. That's far from blaming Saurfang for "quitting".

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14 hours ago, Nusra said:

In the end, the true Horde will win. Blizzard will not tear my beloved Horde apart.

Sylvanas is the greatest enemy of the Horde right now.  She is enemy to all.  Nothing gray about it.  All of the Horde who follow her are fools, and most are being played for fools.  "The Horde" is only a means to an end for her and she is the one who is the betrayer to "The Horde" and to The Forsaken.

Edited by Sholto

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23 hours ago, Nusra said:

Thats exactly the text, i was waiting for. Finally someone with a clear mind, who is laughing about this "We are cool revolutionary Rebels, lets make some action and play bad/good superheroes" .. i guess some people are really lucky in their marriage - No Loyality. Besides this, they support an old, lonely and embittered Orc, who is still crying after his Son. "Honor", when Sylvanas sacrificed some of her Soldiers, the hypocrites where yelling "MoRaLlY GrEy", "GaRrOSH 2.0r1!1" but if an Old Orc, like i already wrote, kills some Guards of the Warchief (Siege of Orgrimmar Like) then its "COOOOOL!! LoKTaR OgaR!!"


In the end, the true Horde will win. Blizzard will not tear my beloved Horde apart.


Dark Lady watch over you.


I'm with her.

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Uncommon Patron

So Shaw told the guards to double their efforts and then gave them spirits as High Overlord Saurfang passed by ? And we didn't figure that the Alliance is helping High Overlord Saurfang ? If we aren't the dumbest heroes then I don't know what to say(plus we do whatever we are told to, it is like we don't have a free will ).

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9 hours ago, Ancalagon said:

Dark Lady watch over you.

The irony of using this phrase in a pro-Sylvanas way is thermonuclear.  

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On 10/15/2018 at 2:45 AM, Nusra said:

"We are cool revolutionary Rebels, lets make some action and play bad/good superheroes"

You mean just like the entire end of the Panda expansion where basically the entirety of the horde fought their own revolution?  

On 10/15/2018 at 2:45 AM, Nusra said:

Besides this, they support an old, lonely and embittered Orc, who is still crying after his Son.

poor old guy, watched his son frickin die only to be resurrected in service of the the lich king as a mindless drone bent on his own father's (and the world's) destruction or submission?  

Man... what a whiner! amirite

On 10/15/2018 at 2:45 AM, Nusra said:

the hypocrites where yelling "MoRaLlY GrEy", "GaRrOSH 2.0r1!1" but if an Old Orc, like i already wrote, kills some Guards of the Warchief (Siege of Orgrimmar Like) then its "COOOOOL!! LoKTaR OgaR!!"

"some guards of the warchief" who had just literally made attempts on his life for doing the less than the same thing Sylvanas herself did with Garrosh...? 

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Sylvanas had no problems dropping plague to kill and resurrect her own troops as undead in a battle she set up as a trap. Sylvanas does not care about honor or the living. Saurfang saw the truth. The horde is nothing to Sylvanas but a tool for her own agenda. The horde leadership were fools to accept a delirious Vol'jin's decree at the cusp of death, and now they have Arthas 2.0 as warchief. I just don't know how this all goes down without another bloody coup in Orgrimmar.

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On 10/18/2018 at 10:57 AM, Durf24 said:

I still think it's rather stupid that Forsaken players side with Saurfang over Sylvanas.

yea, free will is pretty stupid.  Much more effective if they default to her no matter what. 

Not unlike the "lich queen" comments i hear made sometimes.

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Will his story be available for both factions? I don't like it when the main story is split between Horde and Alliance. Like what happened with Uldir when as Alliance I had no idea why I was there till I leveled my Horde warrior. At least make a short questline that explains what the other faction did or something. Is not that hard. :)

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      Even the recent nerfs to Garrosh Hellscream posed a unique challenge. "I overslept and when I woke up and heard about the nerfs, I was sure someone would have tried it. During the fight, I still had adds up, but luckily, I managed to meet the DPS check to avoid the Empowered Whirlwind."
      This achievement not only honors a friend's memory but also serves as an inspiration to the WoW community. "These changes will affect a lot and might actually push more people to try it," the player reflected.
      Here’s the solo video! We want to congratulate Solozerro once again and express how thrilled we are to have been part of this incredible journey!
      Solozerro's journey has come to an end today with 24 days of MoP Remix remaining! The player has soloed Mythic Garrosh after the recent raid nerfs, nearly 1 months after soloing the Paragons of Klaxxi.
    • By Stan
      We've looked at the latest Druid changes that went live on the War Within Beta this week.
      Restoration Druid - Restoration Druid core passive: Increases damage/healing by 96%: 74%: Improved Prowl, Pouncing Strikes, Shred, Thrashing Claws Increases damage/healing by 31%: 24%: Improved Prowl and Pouncing Strikes Renewal - Usable in all shapeshift forms. Instantly heals you for 20% 30% of maximum health Rip - Lasts longer per combo point. Finishing move that causes Bleed damage over time 1 point : [ 100.5% 110.5% of Attack Power ] over 8 sec 2 points: [ 150.7% 165.8% of Attack Power ] over 12 sec 3 points: [ 201% 221% of Attack Power ] over 16 sec 4 points: [ 251.2% 276.3% of Attack Power ] over 20 sec 5 points: [ 301.4% 331.6% of Attack Power ] over 24 sec Frenzied Regeneration - Heals you for 15% 24% health over 3 sec, and increases healing received by 20%. Primal Wrath - Lasts longer per combo point. Finishing move that deals instant damage and applies Rip to all enemies within 10 yards 1 point : [ 28.6% 34.4% of Attack Power ] plus Rip for 4 sec 2 points: [ 42.9% 51.6% of Attack Power ] plus Rip for 6 sec 3 points: [ 57.2% 68.8% of Attack Power ] plus Rip for 8 sec 4 points: [ 71.5% 86% of Attack Power ] plus Rip for 10 sec 5 points: [ 85.8% 103.2% of Attack Power ] plus Rip for 12 sec Berserk: Frenzy - During Berserk your combo point-generating abilities bleed the target for an additional 135% 150% of their direct damage over 8 sec. Rampant Ferocity - Damage reduced beyond 5 targets.. Ferocious Bite also deals [ 33.3% of Attack Power ] damage per combo point spent to all nearby enemies affect by your Rip Spending extra Energy on Ferocious Bite increases damage dealt by up to 50% 100% Bursting Growth - Damage reduced above 5 targets. When Symbiotic Blooms expire or you cast Rejuvenation on their target flowers grow around their target, healing them and up to 3 nearby allies for [ 20% of Spell Power ]. When Bloodseeker Vines expire or you use Ferocious Bite on their target they explode in thorns, dealing [ 70% 91% of Attack Power ] physical damage to nearby enemies Adaptive Swarm - Upon expiration, finds a new target, preferring to alternate between friend and foe up to 3 times. Command a swarm that heals [ 157.5% of Spell Power ] or deals [ 180% 216% of Spell Power ] Nature damage over 12 sec to a target, and increases the effectiveness of your periodic effects on them by 25% Rake - While stealthed, Rake will also stun the target for 4 sec and deal 60% increased damage. Awards 1 combo points.. Reduces the target's movement speed by 20% for 12 sec Rake the target for [ 21.54% 28% of Attack Power ] Bleed damage and an additional [ 141.4% of Attack Power ] Bleed damage over 15 sec Lunar Insight - Moonfire deals 20 20% additional damage. Berserk - While Berserk: Generate 1 combo points every 1.5 sec. Go Berserk for 15 sec. Combo point generating abilities generate 1 additional combo points. Finishing moves restore up to 3 combo points generated over the cap All attack and ability damage is increased by 10%. 15%. Brutal Slash - Deals 15% increased damage against bleeding targets. Awards 1 combo points.. Deals reduced damage beyond 5 targets. Awards 1 combo points. Applies the Bleed from Thrash Normal: Strikes all nearby enemies with a massive slash, inflicting [ 147.6% 192% of Attack Power ] Physical damage. Thrashing Claws : Strikes all nearby enemies with a massive slash, inflicting [ 147.6% 192% of Attack Power ] Physical damage Incarnation: Avatar of Ashamane - During Incarnation: Energy cost of all Cat Form abilities is reduced by [ 20 25% of Spell Power ]%, and Prowl can be used once while in combat. An improved Cat Form that grants all of your known Berserk effects and lasts 20 sec. Finishing moves restore up to 3 combo points generated over the cap. Generate 1 combo points every 1.5 sec. Combo point generating abilities generate 1 additional combo points. You may shapeshift in and out of this improved Cat Form for its duration All attack and ability damage is increased by 10%. 15%. Thriving Growth - Multiple instances of these can overlap.. Wild Growth, Regrowth, and Efflorescence healing has a chance to cause Symbiotic Blooms to grow on the target, healing for [ 120% of Spell Power ] over 6 sec Rip and Rake damage has a chance to cause Bloodseeker Vines to grow on the victim, dealing [ 135% 121.5% of Attack Power ] Bleed damage over 6 sec Bond with Nature - Healing you receive is increased by 3%. 4%. Druid Guardian 11.0 Class Set 4pc - Arcane damage you deal is increased by 5% and bleed damage you deal is increased by 5%. 8%. Taste for Blood - Ferocious Bite deals 15% 12% increased damage and an additional 15% 12% during Tiger's Fury. Evoker
      Animosity - Casting an empower spell extends the duration of Dragonrage by 4 5 sec, up to a maximum of 16 20 sec. Titanic Wrath - Essence Burst increases the damage of affected spells by 8.0%. 15.0%.
    • By Stan
      As of the War Within pre-patch, Alysrazor in the Firelands raid is bugged, preventing players from getting the Flametalon of Alysrazor mount.
      Blizzard made various updates to flying in the War Within pre-patch, and a possible side-effect could be tied to Alysrazor not leaving her spawn location when you engage her in the raid.
      Hopefully, Blizzard will soon release a fix for the issue. Until then, don't bother soloing the Firelands!
    • By Starym
      It's time for some more preliminary stats, as the pre-patch has been here a whole 3 days (well, not exactly "whole", especially considering the game time gifts)! We're taking a look at how the class changes shifted the dungeon meta, but keep in mind these are really early numbers and fewer players do Mythic+ in post-season.
      Warcraft Logs Points
      The below logs are based on POINTS, and not actual damage or healing, meaning they log the timed completion for the specs, with higher keys getting more points, obviously. The time in which the dungeon is completed is also a factor, but a much, much smaller one, as it grants very few points if you do it significantly faster than just any in-time completion. We're also using the Normalized Aggregate Scores numbers, for clarity, meaning the top spec is marked as 100 and then the rest are ranked in relation to that peak point.
      All Keys
      95th percentile DPS
      While the very top spot remains unchallenged, as Augmentation is set to rule M+ forever, the rest is pretty different! We have some Fyr'alath action right after the Evoker, as Fury and Ret fight it out over the silver, while Shadow falls down to 4th, but is still very much in the game. Unholy makes a solid leap up and passes Elemental, with Fire dropping down some. Devastation and Demonology are newcomers to the bottom 3, where Enhancement welcomes them as a pretty much permanent resident.

      Mythic+ All Keys 95th Percentile Data by Warcraft Logs.
      All Percentiles
      Things are looking similar in the generalist bracket, but Retribution takes down Fury here and Fire is significantly higher. Survival is also doing a lot better than in the top percentiles, and Beast Mastery makes the top 10 as well.

      Mythic+ All Keys All Percentile Data by Warcraft Logs.
      All Percentiles Tank (Points)
      The tanks show basically no change whatsoever, as is customary, with only Protection Warrior managing to climb one up and leave Brewmaster at the bottom.
      Mythic+ All Keys All Percentile Data by Warcraft Logs.
      Healer (Points)
      Holy is pushing up and then some, claiming 2nd right below the long-time emperor, Resto Druid. Shaman climbs up from much lower to grab 3rd, while Discipline falls down to the bottom.

      Mythic+ All Keys All Percentile Data by Warcraft Logs.
      For even more in-depth data for each individual key head on over to Warcraft Logs. And if you're interested in more info on the specs themselves you can always check out our class guides (updated for the pre-patch), as well as our Mythic+ guides and Mythic+ tier list.
    • By Starym
      There's plenty more class changes for both the pre-patch and Season of Discovery, along with dungeon tweaks, Skyriding fixes, profession and PvP adjustments and more!
       July 25 (Source)
      Druid Balance Wrath cast by Convoke the Spirits now consumes Dreamstate buffs from Nature's Grace and the Amirdrassil Season 3 (2-piece) Set Armor bonus. Amirdrassil Season 3 (2-piece) Set Armor: Dreamstate now increases the damage of Wrath and Starfire by 80% (was 100%). Hunter Survival Players who had a Wildfire Bomb override from Wildfire Infusion's previous iteration have had them removed. Warrior Protection Fixed a bug causing Spell Reflection to occasionally fail to reflect a spell. Dungeons and Raids
      Algeth'ar Academy Fixed an issue where Vexamus would not face its target during the cast of Arcane Expulsion on Heroic and Mythic difficulty. Flying
      Pathfinder requirements for Skyriding have been removed from Battle for Azeroth and Shadowlands zones. Player-versus-Player
      Malicia and Field Master Emberath now correctly offer their Dragonflight Season 4 War Mode equipment until the launch of War Within. Resolved an issue that sometimes prevented healers from being able to duo queue in Rated Battleground Blitz. Professions
      Reduced Trainer costs for Dragonflight professions. Titles
      The Title "Timber Lord" should now display correctly. Season of Discovery
      Increased the number of Firelands Invader, Obsidian Reaver, and Obsidian Surger spawns for the Blackrock Eruption event across Searing Gorge. The Might of Stormwind buff will now appear properly in the tooltip when a Chronoboon is used. Items Devilcore Leggings and Devilcore Gloves patterns can now drop from additional sources other than King Mosh. All of the revamped or new Molten Core items that were strictly Unique are now Unique-Equipped to allow master looters to hold these items during raids. Season of Discovery versions of recipes should be available again from their trainers, making turn-ins for professions quests possible. Mage Rewind Time can no longer be cast if the target will not benefit from its healing. Priest Priests who don't have the Divine Spirit talent learned are now prevented from casting higher ranks of Divine Spirit and Prayer of Spirit. Rogue The cooldown on Rogue Shuriken Toss has been reduced to 20 seconds (was 30 seconds). Warlock Shadowflame will no longer be overwritten by Improved Shadow Bolt. Warrior Last Stand cooldown reduced to 3 minutes.
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