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[H]Kazzak<INSOMNIA>[Late Night]3/9M BODA 2/2HC COS

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Discord: https://discordapp.com/invite/nemE8kv
About <Insomnia>
<Insomnia> was created for the sole purpose of providing those who can't attend the traditional raiding schedule with an environment focused on progression raiding. We enjoy a manageable raid schedule that while unique, works well for busy students, those with difficult work schedules, and anyone that enjoys staying up a bit later than usual. With this in mind, we classify ourselves as a "Semi-Hardcore" late-night guild that provides a niche for players who wish to experience this game at a competitive level while also having competitive professional and family lives out of game. We want to have fun while expecting the best out of every player!

What We Are Looking For
We prioritize recruiting dedicated and skilled players over the most optimal class, so anyone will be considered even if our comp does not currently call for that class/spec. We also place great value on anyone able to play all specs available to their class well and/or keep geared alts to be used for other roles on progression.

What We Expect Of You
We expect every trial and raider to:

Maintain an attendance of at least 80%

Watch videos or read up on boss mechanics before progression starts

Know that being stand-by/benched can be completely unavoidable depending on what the boss we're progressing calls for (This is where being able to play multiple classes and roles comes in handy)

Be able to take constructive criticism regarding performance

Report absences in the discord channel specifically for this purpose

Always be willing to improve

Have a stable internet connection and a working microphone

What You Can Expect Of Us
As a trial or raider you can expect:

A stable raid environment

An officer team with the raiders' best interests in mind

To be notified if you're starting to under-perform and which part of your performance could be improved

A fair analysis of individual players' raid performance (We don't just look at dps!), more info on this below

How We Analyze Raid Performance
We check our raiders' performance by manually going through every pull on our logs, what we watch out for is as follows (and in order of importance)

Wipes Caused Due To Incorrect Handling Of Boss Mechanic > Avoidable Deaths > Avoidable Damage Taken > Boss Mechanics Not Performed Correctly (Debuff Spreads, etc) > Add Damage > Boss Damage

There are exceptions, such as damage to crawgs on Zul, which ideally should be much lower than the damage dealt to the boss (some classes do deal passive AoE damage or as part of their ST rotation, this is also taken into consideration)

Overall, we consider mechanics performance to be a lot more important than DPS, but it's also vital to not be dealing low DPS, this is something you would be notified of should it be the case.

How To Join

If you'd like to join <Insomnia> and take part in our late-night raiding community, you can head on over to the discord linked at the top and fill in a quick application using the form provided and we'll get back to you as soon as possible. Alternatively add angel#8577 in discord  for more info.


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