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[H][CLASSIC][US][PVP][Non-streamer server]<RECYCLED CONTENT>

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Recycled Content is currently recruiting any and all who’s goals are either end game PvE or PvP. We are a semi-hardcore group that has cleared the highest levels of mythic raiding in retail so we know how to min/max effectively to get the most enjoyment without sacrificing progression. We won’t ask you to go through an external website to prove to us how worthy you are as we have a small recruitment process on our discord; prove to us your worth in game and you will be secured spots for later content. We aim to be a serious guild but won’t sweat for realm firsts.


-Previous WoW raiding/pvp experience


-Be active in the community

-Take criticism

- Know your class/role



We will be raiding (at maximum) three days a week, 8-11 CDT (6-9 PDT – 9-12 EST) Tuesday, Friday, and Saturday. Although we doubt we’ll need all this time this will be for the foreseeable future the locked raiding schedule meaning if we clear all the current raid content on Tuesday we will use the rest of the week for any guild related content (raiding on alts, pvp, scepter farming). If for whatever reason you cannot make the times in a given week(s) let us know otherwise it will be cause for termination on the raiding team if repeated.


As to be expected we will be using the DKP system as it is the most effective and fair way to distribute gear. We will be using a loot council in very rare occasions but as said it will not be a common practice. Our officer team will be managing the official DKP lists and will be quite strict.


As said we are a small group of friends who have just started recruitment so we are currently looking for any and all players willing to dedicate their time playing this wonderful game to its fullest. We are obviously taking healers in high priority but will update as we recruit over the next two months.


You can contact me in the following ways:





We look forward to your applications and hope to see you in world of warcraft classic!

Edited by Tykier

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