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[A - Sentinels - US] <Perfect Storm> Recruiting all classes/specs to expand roster!

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[A - Sentinels - US] <Perfect Storm>




Perfect Storm remains one of the oldest guilds on the Sentinels Server - many members have committed years to the development of the culture within the guild - we strive to minimize the typical drama seen in most guilds over time.  While we genuinely look forward to spending time with each other either in raids to demonstrate our prowess or other social activities within the game, raid progression will never be allowed to tear the guild apart.  If you believe that you possess the character to be a contributor of this iconic guild, then by all means fill out an application.  We always have room for people that we deem worthy of wearing our banner - We are .... Perfect Storm!




Guild Application:


Who we are:

Perfect Storm is a well recognized alliance guild on the Sentinels server.  We are composed of people who find that low drama and high integrity helps us progress both in game and as a guild. Raiding isn't a requirement but encouraged, as it's a great way to develop lasting friendships and unite the guild. Many of us have significant others, children, jobs during the day, or school to attend and find that a a relaxed attitude toward progression works well for us when all of our other responsibilities are taken care of. We are competitive by nature but recognize the need for balance between the game and real life and therefore avoid having a hardcore raiding schedule. We are looking for like minded people to join our family to explore end game content, old world content, and everything in between.

The ideal candidate:
We are ready to take in new members, and are currently recruiting all classes. The ideal candidate likes to have fun and is fun to be around. You are friendly, mature, respectful, and have sense of humor. You want to be the best you can be at your class, and constantly search for ways to improve.

What to do next:

Fill out an app! Your application will then be followed by review process. You will be contacted in game if we wish to conduct an interview and feel you would be a solid candidate for our guild. This interview will be conducted over vent with a Recruiting Officer. If Perfect Storm is the kind of guild you are looking for, please pst Persimone in game or message here. Your application is important to us and we will make every effort to respond as quickly as possible.


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