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[A] [Stormrage] <Shorties and Forties> 10/10H | Tue/Thur 7-10 EST | LF DPS

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About us:
Shorties and Forties is a semi-hardcore, soon to be mythic raiding guild. We have a laid back atmosphere and enough banter to keep discord from being silent, but are able to focus up and get serious when we need to. This is our first raid tier together and we got AOTC, but in future tiers plan to push for CE. If you want to raid with a group of people you would have a beer with, you’re in the right place.

Raid Schedule:
Progression: Tue/Thur 7-10 EST
Optional skip run: Tue ~5 EST

Current Progression:
10/10 N
10/10 H


Fire Mage
MM Hunter
Balance Druid
Affliction Lock
Shadow Priest

Sub/Outlaw rogue

Even if you aren’t playing one of these classes/specs, we are always considering exceptional players of any needed role if we mesh well!


Edited by deathbagels

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