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[H - Area 52] Duck Tales 2/10M, 10/10H LF Healer and RDPS, Thursday/Sunday 8pm-12 EST

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About Us: We are a core group of 12/12m Nya and high io players looking to add a few more to our roster to continue our CN mythic prog.

Guild Goals: Maintain a community of competitive players who enjoy playing the game together in a positive and inclusive environment. We are focused on mythic raid progression and mythic+ pushing, with a little pvp mixed in. For this tier while we are building up, we are aiming CE in the next 6-8 weeks.

Expectations: Raiders are expected to keep up with their gear progression on any characters they wish to bring to raid. All specs are welcome, we aren't interested in making a carbon-copy of any race-to-world-first-guild's composition and forcing our players into that mold, we believe player skill and class mastery is always superior to forced-meta comps.

Let me know if you'd like to talk more by adding me on discord Daaru#6033

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