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I need help, badly (FROST)

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Hi all,


So I've been a mage for about two weeks and I've accrued a decent bit of normal mode gear, but I feel like my DPS is still significantly lacking. I didn't have logging on for malk sadly, but I got paragons and several garrosh attempts. 


My armory: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/blackrock/Rassmagic/simple

Logs: http://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/H3QkyM2TK6nmFrXj


I've got a weakaura set up to flash on my screen when I have less than 5 seconds remaining on Invoker's, so I should have 100% uptime but I don't know if this is optimal as my friend pointed out I could be missing several FB per fight. I'm trying my best to use the rotation recommended here, but I'm sure I've made some mistakes. Looking at the log already I can see my LB uptime needs work. Any other advice would be greatly appreciated as I really want to be a good contributor to my raid's dps.


I'm also open to respeccing if it would be best for my raid. I'm pretty happy with how all 3 specs play from what I've seen of them.

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Hopefully someone with more knowledge than me will respond, but I saw a couple of things.

Looking at your last Garrosh attempt, you only used Icy Veins twice in an 11+ minute attempt.

I personally like to use 3 minute CDs on the transition when Garrosh is standing there and you have to dodge him.  If it is taking you more than 3 minutes to get to the first one of these, then you can hit IV on the pull and still have it up at that point.   You may find a better place than this to use it.

I don't see you using Alter Time.

One thing I found on my mage (that I admittedly don't play that often) is if I dropped haste for mastery I did more damage.  Basically I went for one of the living bomb haste breakpoints, and then stacked mastery after that.  The slower casts take some getting used to, but with all the instants you get you still get a lot of casts.

You might try this if you can afford the gems / reforges.

Hope this helps!


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Hello mate
It's very nice of you to try and help Edo, but some of the things you are saying are not that correct.
Some are extremely incorrect.
Gearing wise:
Get to the 12138 Haste Breakpoint (use AMR to set up the variables) and then dump everything else into Mastery. (check akraens guide for that)
Glyph Icy Veins. On Garrosh Glyph CoC and Icelance.
Cooldown stacking is extremely important so use Icy Veins on cooldown and whenever you have trinket/meta procs in your Icy Veins use Alter TIme (something you are lacking). Alter Time can account for another 500000% dps so learn to use it :)
The Icy Veins guide has a dedicated section on that so you can learn extensively how it works.
Generally cooldowns are used on cooldown.
Your Invoker's energy buff uptime can be abit better but you have that generally under the knee. Just try to not let it fall off at any time.
Your living bomb uptime on the other hand was very very low. you only had 30% uptime. On garrosh you should aim for 75+ and on all other single fights aim for as close to 100% as possible.
You also got 66 Fingers of Frost procs and used 77 ice lances. Generally try not to use Icelance except if out of FoF charges. Glyphed CoC, Fireblast and blinking in order to cover more distance do more damage.
You used Mirror Image twice and Icy veins twice in an 11 minute fight. You could had gotten 3 casts. 
Additionally you got 55 Brain Freeze procs and only used 48 Frostfire Bolts.
Frost mage is all about reaction to procs.

Lastly in an 11 minute fight you could have 12 Frozen orbs and you only had 9
So in order of priority:
-Fix living Bomb uptimes

-use stuff on cooldown
-Learn to use Alter Time.

-React to procs
-Slight Alteration to your gemming and reforging

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I'm just going to correct one thing, Berlinia, and that's the reforging strat. Akraen explicitly laid out at least 3 different stat setups. It is perfectly viable to go for a lower haste rating, and stack mastery, particularly for players who have less gear and/or are less experienced at playing a frost mage. Perhaps (and this is just me speculating) it would be better for the OP to try a lower haste/higher mastery setup for a bit, in order to get used to proc management and the like, before adjusting to a higher haste build, which is faster paced.

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That is quite correct. There are three gemming/reforging strats indeed but I personally find that the lower your haste values the more difficult/annoying playing is. Especially for new mages it feels very weird to be sitting there casting Evocation for 2.5 seconds (I hate it as well but that's something else).
It is definatelly true that it's easier for proc management, but it's far more difficult as you don't have room for error. However once again that comes down to personal prefference and the OP might indeed preffer lower values of Mastery!

Also keep in mind that lower levels of haste make it a pain for your opener as PBoI generally fucks so hard with you that you can't walk anymore (thank blizzard for RPPM :P )
I assume you can just try out what you like the best mate smile.png


Edit: Most definatelly don't aim for the 14242 breakpoint untill you regularly cast 90% of your procs.

Edited by Berlinia
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Thanks for the great replies everyone! I changed some of my gems and reforged to more mastery, and picked up some weakauras settings from another thread. I'll log again tonight and post the results. 

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Good day to you fellow mage and welcome back

I will be looking strictly at your garrosh 25man kill.

a)Living Bomb uptime. Your living bomb is your highest damaging ability in the whole encounter. When I saw that I was abit concerned that you were padding the meters. You didn't really do that, but you kept LB up on Desecrated weapons. You should do that if you do not sacrifice snapshotting and very high uptime on Garrosh. You have 64% Uptime on garrosh. This means that in your effort to LB the desecrated weapons, you let your Living Bomb fall on the main target. This leads to the assumption that you also didn't really try to snapshot. 


Conclusion: Start applying Living Bomb to additional targets if you are capable of managing the uptime and snapshotting on the main target!

b)Frozen Orb uptime. In a 9 minute fight you only used Frozen Orb seven times. Frozen Orb is very important even for your single-target damage so use it on cooldown! I understand that Garrosh's mechanics can screw with you on that matter but still try to get the most casts out of the spell as you can

Conclusion: Frozen Orb on cooldown

c)You have 57 casts of Icelance and received 55 procs of Fingers of Frost. Remember that Fireblast and Cone of Cold (glyphed) both do more damage than a normal ice lance so generally refrain from using it. On another not you have 39 Frostfire bolts cast whereas you got 46 procs of Brain Freeze. Try to react faster to your procs as each Brain Freeze not used is a dps loss. Now I don't know if this is entirely true but you seem to have received only 38 Frozen Thought buffs (2set). This would mean that you Hardcast one Frostfire bolt which must never never never ever  happen.

Conclusion: React to procs

d)Invocation uptime. Your uptime is at an 88%. It can be better but I give you the benefit of the doubt that there were times when Invo was down but you had to move (Terrace Intermission). What you do have though is 10 buffs of Invocation vs 12 casts of Evocation. From what I am seeing you are very often recasting Evocation twice in a row. This either means poor positioning forcing you to move, which you can fix, or that you spam evocation making it queue up as your next spell as well. Which you can also work on.

Conclusion: Fix invocation usage.


e)Cone of Cold. You are using Cone of Cold (which is very good mind me), but you could had used it more. For example I don't see you using it during P1 adds. While moving out of the Weapon you can cone of cold and Arcane Explode in order to keep your dps running. This is a minor thing and I would work on the rest first.

Conclusion: Cone of Cold usage can be improved.

I think this is everything. Don't be afraid to ask any more help at any time :)

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