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Icy Takes+ Part IV

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It's that time of the week! This section is a bit shorter than the others we've covered so far, but no less full of things to talk about, and likely the most exciting part of the prologue! Let's wrap up the Ul'dah storyline today.

When we left off, we had exposed Fufulupa's captain, Baldewyn, of extorting the people of Crescent Cove and taking money for himself, all while declaring it was the will of Lord Lolorito - who we've already learned is someone so well-connected that it's the best idea not to cross him. After Fufulupa thanks us, he gives us a letter implying Baldewyn was working with someone named Owyne.

Fufulupa says that can't be possible, as Owyne is one of the Sultansworn; the Sultana's own personal guard, comprised of paladins. We take the letter to Momodi, and she thanks us for all we've done for Ul'dah despite "seeing the seedier side of things." Reading the letter, she swears us to secrecy when she realizes the implications of its contents.


The Sultana's crown has been stolen! It turns out, that's the issue Papashan and the Sultansworn were investigating all along, back in the beginning. Seeing as how we've helped resolve issue after issue in Ul'dah, it looks like those in the know want to bring us into the fold to help them out. Bidding us to take the letter to Owyne, we go to the Sultansworn HQ and get to work!


I feel a little out of place...

Owyne reads the letter and fills us in that it was only just a moment of carelessness that lost the crown. They had been searching for something - anything - to identify the thieves, but with no luck...at least, not until we brought the letter.

The letter turns out to be a ransom note, addressed to Owyne specifically...as it was his duty to guard the crown the night it was stolen. Explaining to us the importance of the symbol, he decides to pay the ransom...and asks us to accompany, just in case something goes wrong.


We go with Owyne to the meeting, where we meet Garibald and his fellows in purple garments. It makes no mention of them here, but people in purple robes around Thanalan are usually associated with the Alacran; Ul'dah's deadliest and most powerful crime syndicate. After Garibald threatens to cut off the deal, Owyne quickly offers the payment without realizing what it truly is:

The Trader's Spurn, a powder from the Alchemist's guild which has the magical property of turning corpses into Ashkin - the undead. Owyne realizes what he's given in horror, as it seems the Alacran intend to use the powder to attack Ul'dah and take more power for themselves. Garibald calls more of his men, and promises to give Owyne - and us - a swift death. Until...


Better soldiers. Better dramatic entrances. Papashan.

Papashan, sporting some fresh duds and weaponry arrives to back us up! A great battle ensues between a large number of Garibald's men and the Sultansworn. After a riveting battle, a Sultansworn scout spots more to the north. Papashan, telling Owyne that all is forgiven, leads the charge after the fleeing thieves to acquire the crown once and for all.

And yet, while they go off to partake in thrilling heroics, a familiar black-masked mage arrives to face us alone.

"The source of his power becomes clear..." He says to us, before invoking some dark magic - and creation magic, once more - to call forth a powerful voidsent similar to the one we'd fought at the Sultantree. The duel is on!


"Your very being imperils the plan. You cannot be suffered to live." Plan? What plan? We know what that is after finishing Shadowbringers and Endwalker, but that's quite some foreshadowing for a level 14 quest. 

After dispatching the voidsent, the mage himself jumps into the fray...and Thancred arrives just in time to help us! Despite the mage never revealing his name, and commenting more than once about how strong we are, he falls relatively easily and laments that "the wisdom of the Paragons" has been "brought low."

Thankfully, Thancred seems to know what that means. He tells us that's the name that the Bringers of Chaos - the Ascians - have given themselves. It's the first time we hear the title, but most certainly not the last as they're the primary antagonists for so, so long.

The Handsome Not-So-Stranger explains to us a few things about our future foes before departing, insisting we'll meet again. As he departs, we find a dark crystal - not unlike the Light one we found in the first section - glowing eerily before shattering and dissipating. 


Kneeling optional, I guess.

The Sultana herself arrives after we catch up with Owyne and Papashan to thank us for our service in returning the crown to rightful hands. Though it doesn't outright mention it, Sultana Nanamo bears a striking resemblance to Lady Lilira, whom we rescued at the Sultantree in the very beginning...

She introduces us to Raubahn, a familiar face for most of us. Given this is the first time we see him, he certainly cuts an imposing figure.


Good to meet you, Eorzean Sean Bean.

Raubahn invites us to the Sultana's banquet as her personal guest to celebrate the return of the crown, and we of course accept. Owyne tells us that we've got a lot to get ready for, as there are certain customs that must be observed by guests, and sends us once more to Momodi...

Next time on Icy Takes+, we'll be discussing some Ul'dahn politics, and get to visit the other two city-states to get a brief glimpse of their culture and situations before we move on to the rest of the adventure. With this, the Ul'dahn storyline is concluded! 



1) I'm convinced that Garibald's men were Alacran. In the Monk storyline - and others - we get to learn a little more about them and their ambitious schemes. But what would they want with Traders' Spurn and an undead army? Crime is obviously working out for them, but have they set their sights higher? Will we see a great deal to do with the Alacran in the future? It's a distinct possibility with the open paths before us.

2) Traders' Spurn was used by the enemy city-state of Ul'dah, Sil'dih. It's said that Traders' Spurn was used to combat the Ul'dahn's superior numbers. Seeing as patch 6.2, dropping in two short days, takes us into the ruins of Sil'dih once more, can we expect a lot of undead? What are other sources of undead in the world, as we see on the Isles of Umbra and elsewhere?

3) The Black-Masked Ascian, though we don't know it at this point in the story, is just a mere grunt or footsoldier. Even so, he bears a dark crystal. Do all Ascians? How many of the black-masked Ascians are there? We know the red-masked ones are the members of the Convocation, but we don't see many more black-masked Ascians going forward.

4) Several times in the duty to defeat the black-masked Ascian, he mentions and questions our "might." There are several quotes from him in awe at how strong we are, at first saying the source is clear, and later asking where it's coming from. Is this early - VERY early - mentions of Dynamis? In Endwalker, we know that Dynamis is heavily fueled by emotion, and is quite a bit stronger than raw aether...though it's a concept that not many know of, save for the alchemists of Thavnair - who call it Akasa (pronounced AH-kah-shah).


What do you think? Anything I missed or thoughts of your own? Let us know below!

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      Disciple of War or Magic level 100 Solution Nine (X:19.1 Y:18.8) Stylish Stranger Players must first complete the main scenario quest "Dawntrail." ???
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      New orchestrion rolls have been added.
      The Manderville Gold Saucer

      New Triple Triad cards have been added.

      Actions and traits have been adjusted as follows:
      Each action and trait is listed as it appears at level 100.
      For further explanations of action changes and adjustments, please refer to the job guide.
      Gladiator / Paladin
      Action   Adjustment Total Eclipse   The additional effect "Increased enmity" has been added. Prominence   The additional effect "Increased enmity" has been added. Marauder / Warrior
      Action   Adjustment Overpower   The additional effect "Increased enmity" has been added. Mythril Tempest   The additional effect "Increased enmity" has been added. Primal Rend   The effect duration of Primal Rend Ready has been reduced from 30 to 20 seconds. Primal Ruination   Potency has been increased from 740 to 780. Dark Knight
      Action   Adjustment Unleash   The additional effect "Increased enmity" has been added. Stalwart Soul   The additional effect "Increased enmity" has been added. Shadowstride   The additional effect "Increased enmity" has been added. Gunbreaker
      Action   Adjustment Demon Slice   The additional effect "Increased enmity" has been added. Demon Slaughter   The additional effect "Increased enmity" has been added. Trajectory   The additional effect "Increased enmity" has been added. Pugilist / Monk
      Action   Adjustment True Strike   Potency has been increased from 290 to 300.
      Raptor's Fury potency has been increased from 440 to 500. Snap Punch   Potency has been reduced from 300 to 270.
      Flank potency has been reduced from 360 to 330.
      Coeurl's Fury potency has been increased from 400 to 420.
      Flank Coeurl's Fury potency has been increased from 460 to 480. Twin Snakes   Potency has been increased from 380 to 420.
      Increased potency effect of Raptor's Fury has been changed from 150 to 200. Arm of the Destroyer   Potency has been increased from 100 to 110.
      Opo-opo Form potency has been increased from 110 to 120. Demolish   Potency has been increased from 340 to 360.
      Rear potency has been increased from 400 to 420.
      Increased potency effect of Coeurl's Fury has been changed from 100 to 150. Rockbreaker   Potency has been increased from 130 to 150. Four-point Fury   Potency has been increased from 120 to 140. Dragon Kick   Stacks of Opo-opo's Fury are now only granted while in Opo-opo Form. Tornado Kick   Potency has been increased from 850 to 1,200. Celestial Revolution   Potency has been increased from 450 to 600. Flint Strike   Potency has been increased from 600 to 800. Enlightenment   Potency has been increased from 170 to 200. Shadow of the Destroyer   Potency has been increased from 110 to 120. Rising Raptor   Potency has been increased from 330 to 340.
      Raptor's Fury potency has been increased from 480 to 540. Pouncing Coeurl   Potency has been reduced from 340 to 310.
      Flank potency has been reduced from 400 to 370.
      Coeurl's Fury potency has been increased from 440 to 460.
      Flank Coeurl's Fury potency has been increased from 500 to 520. Samurai
      Action   Adjustment Tendo Setsugekka   Recast time has been reduced from 3.2 to 2.5 seconds. Tendo Kaeshi Setsugekka   Recast time has been reduced from 3.2 to 2.5 seconds. Viper
      Action   Adjustment Death Rattle   Range has been increased from 3 to 5 yalms. Twinfang Bite   Range has been increased from 3 to 5 yalms. Twinblood Bite   Range has been increased from 3 to 5 yalms. First Generation   Range has been increased from 3 to 5 yalms. Second Generation   Range has been increased from 3 to 5 yalms. Third Generation   Range has been increased from 3 to 5 yalms. Fourth Generation   Range has been increased from 3 to 5 yalms. Black Mage
      Action   Adjustment Umbral Soul   Now acquired at level 35 (previously level 76). Red Mage
      Action   Adjustment Manafication   Effect duration has been increased from 15 to 30 seconds. Astrologian
      Action   Adjustment Lightspeed   Now a charged action with a maximum of 2 charges.
      Recast time has been reduced from 90 to 60 seconds. Astral Draw   Recast time has been reduced from 60 to 55 seconds. Umbral Draw   Recast time has been reduced from 60 to 55 seconds. Macrocosmos   Potency has been increased from 250 to 270.
      The following adjustments have been made to Raptor's Fury and Coeurl's Fury:
      Maximum stacks of Raptor's Fury have been reduced from 2 to 1. Maximum stacks of Coeurl's Fury have been reduced from 3 to 2. In accordance with this change, the display of the Beast Chakra Gauge has been adjusted.

      The new raid dungeon AAC Light-heavyweight Tier has been added.
            Level Requirement   Disciple of War or Magic level 100 Item Level Requirement   Average item level 685 or above Party Size   Eight players Time Limit   90 minutes * Players can queue solo via the Duty Finder after unlocking the raid.
      Disciple of War or Magic level 100 ??? ??? Players must first complete the Chronicles of a New Era quest "A New Challenger Appears." Rewards
      Treasure coffers that appear upon completing AAC Light-heavyweight Tier will not yield gear, but instead yield tokens that can be traded for gear of your choosing. You can only receive one token per match of AAC Light-heavyweight Tier each week. In the event you are awarded a token from the loot list, you relinquish your right to vie for all remaining tokens regardless of whether you selected Need or Greed.

      Also note that there is no weekly restriction on entering AAC Light-heavyweight Tier.
      * Reward eligibility is reset every Tuesday at 1:00 a.m. PDT (8:00 GMT / 18:00 AEST)
      Item Exchange
      The items obtained from treasure coffers can be exchanged for gear by speaking with Hhihwi in Solution Nine (X:8.7 Y:13.4).
      Item Type   Required Token / Number of Tokens Head   Light-heavy Holohelm x2 Body   Light-heavy Holoarmor x4 Hands   Light-heavy Hologauntlets x2 Legs   Light-heavy Holochausses x4 Feet   Light-heavy Hologreaves x2 Accessories   Light-heavy Holoearring x1 Completion Reward
      Upon completing AAC Light-heavyweight M4, players can also earn a Light-heavy Holoblade once per week. This reward can be exchanged with Hhihwi in Solution Nine (X:8.7 Y:13.4) for universal tomestones, which can in turn be exchanged for weapons.
      * Reward eligibility is reset every Tuesday at 1:00 a.m. PDT (8:00 GMT / 18:00 AEST)
      * Weapons will be available for exchange for universal tomestones after the introduction of Allagan tomestones of heliometry, which are scheduled to be released two weeks after Patch 7.01.
      The following duties have been added to Duty Roulette: Normal Raids:
      AAC Light-heavyweight M1 AAC Light-heavyweight M2 AAC Light-heavyweight M3 AAC Light-heavyweight M4 The following additions and adjustments have been made to Duty Roulette: Mentor:
      New duties have been added. AAC Light-heavyweight M1 AAC Light-heavyweight M2 AAC Light-heavyweight M3 AAC Light-heavyweight M4 The required average item level to register for Duty Roulette: Mentor has been increased from 670 to 685. The following trials have been added to Stone, Sky, Sea:
      AAC Light-heavyweight A new target ring has been added.
      While under the effect of Directional Disregard, enemy target rings will take on a distinct new shape. This indicates that directional requirements do not need to be met when attacking these targets.

      New items have been added.
        Items added in Patch 7.01 will be listed at a later date.
      The furnishing Stone Partition can now be dyed.
      Requirements to access the scrip exchange in Tuliyollal have been changed.
      Before   After Players must first speak with Rhodina in Solution Nine (X:9.2 Y:13.4).   Players must first complete the quest "Go West, Craftsman." New minions have been added.

      In order to reduce server congestion, the area newly added in Patch 7.01 will be split into multiple instances.
      * We will monitor server activity and remove this feature when congestion is determined to no longer be an issue.
      The number of field instances implemented in Patch 7.0 have been changed as follows:
      Map   Number of Instances Tuliyollal   3   2 Urqopacha   6   3 Kozama'uka   6   3 Old Sharlayan will no longer be separated into multiple instances.
      New achievements and titles have been added.
      New trophies and achievements have been added (PlayStation®5, Xbox Series X|S).
      New music and sound effects have been added.

      The following issues have been addressed. An issue during certain main scenario instanced battles added in Patch 7.0 wherein players became unable to progress under certain conditions. An issue when undertaking level 90 trials wherein players were not rewarded experience points upon completion. An issue when undertaking level 91, 93, 95, and 97 instanced dungeons as a paladin wherein players were rewarded gear they had already obtained. An issue when undertaking level 95 instanced dungeons wherein incorrect gear was rewarded upon completion as a dragoon or reaper. An issue wherein the description of the PvE monk action Thunderclap erroneously stated its maximum charges as 2 instead of 3.
      * This was a text-only issue. The action itself remains unchanged. An issue when playing as viper wherein the action Serpent's Tail would not change to other actions when the player was affected by 31 or more status effects. An issue wherein the description of the bard PvE action Rain of Death erroneously stated that its recast timer is shared with Bloodletter even after learning the action Heartbreak Shot.
      * This was a text-only issue. The action itself remains unchanged. An issue wherein the description of the dancer PvE action Closed Position erroneously stated which action's effects are shared with a dance partner.
      * This was a text-only issue. The action itself remains unchanged. An issue wherein players could manually disable the effects of Subtractive Palette, Aetherhues, and Aetherhues II.
      * Updated 16 July, 2024 at 7:30 (GMT) / 17:30 (AEST) An issue when playing as white mage wherein the barrier effect of PvE action Divine Caress was overwritten by a less potent version of itself. An issue during Crystalline Conflict wherein the motion for viper's Swift Sprint was incorrect under certain conditions. An issue when playing as viper during PvP wherein the effect of Snake Scales was nullified by the white mage action Miracle of Nature. An issue when playing as miner or botanist wherein the trait Revisit would cause automatic gathering under certain conditions. An issue when playing as miner or botanist wherein the trait Revisit would cause timeworn maps to reappear at gathering points. An issue wherein hidden items would not appear at certain gathering points. An issue when playing as fisher wherein the actions Ambitious Lure and Modest Lure were incompatible with the text commands "/action" and "/macroicon". An issue with the fishing log in which the display of fish would vanish and be marked as completed. An issue wherein repair materials were incorrectly set for exquisite Zwill crossblades and exquisite renaissance brushes. An issue wherein the graphics for certain gear and fashion accessories were incorrectly displayed. An issue wherein dyes were not reflected properly in certain gear. An issue when playing as an Au Ra wherein certain tail graphics differed depending on tail size. An issue when playing as a female Miqo'te wherein equipping a Scion hearer's hood with certain hairstyles would cause gear graphics to display incorrectly. An issue with the Shared FATE window wherein the Dawntrail area would not display under certain conditions. An issue with the currency HUD element (labeled "Gil" in HUD Layout) wherein including Allagan tomestones of comedy as part of the display rotation prior to Patch 7.0 caused the HUD element to be blacked out. An issue wherein white diagonal lines would appear in screenshots. An issue wherein sending a Tell using the "Send Tell" subcommand did not lock the chat mode into sending Tells to the target character. An issue when sending chat messages or emotes ("/emote") wherein including the name of a targeted blacklisted character would cause the character name to appear as "Unknown" in the chat box message. An issue wherein sound notifications would play in party chat for blacklisted or muted characters. An issue when using a DualSense™ wireless controller wherein the joystick sensitivity was lower than intended. (Windows®)
      * Updated 17 July, 2024 at 2:30 (GMT) / 12:30 (AEST) An issue wherein lowering the game's resolution while dynamic resolution is enabled caused the game's graphics to appear distorted. (Xbox Series X|S) Other minor text issues have also been addressed. Other various issues have also been addressed.

      An issue wherein the fade-out timing is incorrect for an orchestrion roll added in Patch 7.01 when playing it in a playlist.
    • By Neviriah
      After five years, Vieras are still not able to wear hats, and players are frustrated about it!
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      Many players have been making fun of this situation since entering the Dawntrail expansion, as shown in the following Reddit posts:
      Posted by RoninK_OW:
      "Entering Dawntrail as Viera, knowing I'm only gonna be able to wear 4 of the 20+ new hats..." The topic was also already brought up several months before the release of Dawntrail, as seen in this Reddit post by DrForester:
      "Ladies and Gentlemen, the one hat that Viera and Hrothgar will be getting in 7.0" While the community had hoped to be able to wear their favorite headwear during this long-awaited vacation, it appears that the Viera have once again been forgotten. However, players are optimistic that 8.0 will allow them to finally wear their favorite haircut and hat. Since Yoshi-P has stated that no more races will be introduced to the game in the near future, perhaps the team will have time to make holes for the bunnies' ears!
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