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Fury Warrior 6.2

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Guest Neelah

Quick question, what is it that happens at 11% haste that makes that the number to shoot for?

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Guest Stråtrövarn

Apologies in advance if I am deadwrong.

Can you give us some more explanation why you recommend Enchant Gloves - Greater Haste and Enchant Bracer - Mastery over their strength versions. If you already are superclose to the haste breakpoint, wouldn't the strength enchants suite better?

In my case, I will be able to achive the haste breakpoint by putting in 2-3 haste/str gems to achive the breakpoint, so the haste enchant will be rubbish for me.


Would be nice if you atleast mentions the strength enchants and explain if and when to use them.


Other then that, great guide. keep it up! smile.png

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after patch 6.0.2 warrior update , this guide especcialy rotation guide must be update becouse of colossus smash 


There is no mention of Colossus Smash on the Fury Rotation page, since as you said, this ability has been removed. What are you referring to?



Apologies in advance if I am deadwrong.

Can you give us some more explanation why you recommend Enchant Gloves - Greater Haste and Enchant Bracer - Mastery over their strength versions. If you already are superclose to the haste breakpoint, wouldn't the strength enchants suite better?


In my case, I will be able to achive the haste breakpoint by putting in 2-3 haste/str gems to achive the breakpoint, so the haste enchant will be rubbish for me.


Would be nice if you atleast mentions the strength enchants and explain if and when to use them.


Other then that, great guide. keep it up! smile.png


The Haste/Mastery enchants are simply better point for point. :)


Isn't Cata foods and flasks better now than their MOP equivalents? Compare inv_misc_food_meat_cooked_08.jpgBeer-Basted Crocolisk to inv_misc_food_cooked_golden_black_pepperBlack Pepper Ribs and Shrimp, that's 2 more STR, plus the STA bonus.


If I recall correctly, Blizzard indicated that this is not intentional, so I assume it has been or will be hotfixed soon. In any case, the difference is tiny.

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Quick question, what is it that happens at 11% haste that makes that the number to shoot for?


It's so you can get two Bloodthirsts in before Enrage falls off.

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Darkstell, on 14 Oct 2014 - 2:21 PM, said:snapback.png

after patch 6.0.2 warrior update , this guide especcialy rotation guide must be update becouse of colossus smash


There is no mention of Colossus Smash on the Fury Rotation page, since as you said, this ability has been removed. What are you referring to?

Fury Changes   In order to make sure that you’re able to spend all of your resources within each Colossus Smash window, we added an extension to it onto Raging Blow. Plus, we've updated some to spell alerts to improve usability.


  • Raging Blow now extends the duration of Colossus Smash by 2 seconds, and has a spell alert on the left and right slots.
  • Glyph of Colossus Smash is a new glyph available to Fury Warriors. The glyph increases the duration of Colossus Smash's effect to 20 seconds, but reduces its effectiveness.


these are sentences about fury and colossus smash from last 6.0.2 update notes that's why I said ''after patch 6.0.2 warrior update , this guide especcialy rotation guide must be update becouse of colossus smash''

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I'm not sure if you're aware, but fury no longer has access to Colossus Smash. That's why the guide has no mention of it.

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Guest TheHolyLancer

I was wondering why the stat weight says 50% crit is our soft cap?


Namely, since BT now only gets 30% extra crit and not double, shouldn't it be around 70% buffed? Or are there some other mechanics that says 50% is better rather than just BT?



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Guest Ray

I was wondering why the stat weight says 50% crit is our soft cap?


Namely, since BT now only gets 30% extra crit and not double, shouldn't it be around 70% buffed? Or are there some other mechanics that says 50% is better rather than just BT?


Yeah, was wondering about this too... Is it because we can easily fit 2 bloodthirsts in 1 enrage window?

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There are a few points that i disagree with in the guide and if i am wrong I would love to know why. :)  This is mostly off the cuff theory craft that i did over lunch looking at my character and abilities in game. Will try to get damage meters working tonight to see if i can actually get numbers on a combat dummy.  My Character is Grogimer on Dragonblight that i am basing this on. 


On Tier 4 Talents:

Dragon roar is better for single and multiple targets unless it is against a boss or elite immune to stun. Even with the longer timer dragon roar does more damage to a single target and is a guaranteed crit. Currently looking at my character and storm bolt does less than half of the damage a dragon roar will on a normal elite target. And shockwave becomes a better choice than dragon roar as your cooldown is reduced. Right now i can get off 4 shock waves to 1 dragon roar as long as i am hitting 3 or more targets.


Second unquenchable thirst i believe is a better damage dealer for single target than furious strikes if you have your crit above 40%. Once you have this you are almost guarenteed for 100% uptime on enrage. 70%+ time you will follow a bloodthirst with a raging blow which is better damage than a wild strike. The other 30% will be a wild strike (this reduces as you get more crit and crit buffed) And the only time to priority over wild strike is if you are doing AOE or in a boss fight and you have storm bolt. (some may say i will be rage starved by using wild strike 30% of the time but last night i was killing elites on timeless isle and never noticed me running out. Will pay more attention this evening.)


Rage dumping is over. It is used for firing off an ability when you miss up to 2 crits with bloodthirst.If you miss 2 you should be firing off berserker rage or hitting bloodthirst again. which will give you raging blows.


Execute rotation. You have raging blow and wild strike in the rotation. In reality neither of those should be there as execution is better damage. You loose 20 rage each cycle of bloodthirst execute so depending on your auto attack rage  generation you may have to throw in another bloodthrist around number 6 execute. 


And i am out of time. :)  will post more later. 



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Guest Redd

Berserker rage does not enrage you any more says clearly in the patch notes

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Berserker rage does not enrage you any more says clearly in the patch notes


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Berserker rage does not enrage you any more says clearly in the patch notes

This is wrong. It was giving it to me at lunch time when i was farting around with it. And i checked the patch notes on the wow site and i don't see it. So unless they did it in the last hour it is still giving it. 

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There are a few points that i disagree with in the guide and if i am wrong I would love to know why. smile.png  This is mostly off the cuff theory craft that i did over lunch looking at my character and abilities in game. Will try to get damage meters working tonight to see if i can actually get numbers on a combat dummy.  My Character is Grogimer on Dragonblight that i am basing this on. 


On Tier 4 Talents:

Dragon roar is better for single and multiple targets unless it is against a boss or elite immune to stun. Even with the longer timer dragon roar does more damage to a single target and is a guaranteed crit. Currently looking at my character and storm bolt does less than half of the damage a dragon roar will on a normal elite target. And shockwave becomes a better choice than dragon roar as your cooldown is reduced. Right now i can get off 4 shock waves to 1 dragon roar as long as i am hitting 3 or more targets.


Second unquenchable thirst i believe is a better damage dealer for single target than furious strikes if you have your crit above 40%. Once you have this you are almost guarenteed for 100% uptime on enrage. 70%+ time you will follow a bloodthirst with a raging blow which is better damage than a wild strike. The other 30% will be a wild strike (this reduces as you get more crit and crit buffed) And the only time to priority over wild strike is if you are doing AOE or in a boss fight and you have storm bolt. (some may say i will be rage starved by using wild strike 30% of the time but last night i was killing elites on timeless isle and never noticed me running out. Will pay more attention this evening.)


Rage dumping is over. It is used for firing off an ability when you miss up to 2 crits with bloodthirst.If you miss 2 you should be firing off berserker rage or hitting bloodthirst again. which will give you raging blows.


Execute rotation. You have raging blow and wild strike in the rotation. In reality neither of those should be there as execution is better damage. You loose 20 rage each cycle of bloodthirst execute so depending on your auto attack rage  generation you may have to throw in another bloodthrist around number 6 execute. 


And i am out of time. smile.png  will post more later. 


1) This is untrue. Storm Bolt is a better spell right now in single target as long as the target in question in stunnable. Try simming it with the latest simc builds, Dragon Roar does not pull out ahead. Not very sure about shockwave, would hae to look into it, but the opportunity cost for all those GCDs would like be far too much to outweigh the damage it does.


2) Half untrue. After Sudden Death got nerfed back to 10% during patch day, people ran simulation in T16M BIS gear to see which talent was currently optimal. FS > SD > UQT on single target for TG, but for SMF SD is still > FS. I'll fix that.


3) Not wasting rage is still more important than enrage uptime. If you have zerker rage up, you shouldn't be losing enrage uptime in the first place, anyway.


4) Raging Blow is still better DPR than Execute, and as such still has a place in the execute rotation. Execute replaces Wild Strike as your primary rage dump, the only reason Wild Strike is included right now is when bloodsurge is proc'd, making it free. But even that's low on the priority list.

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1) This is untrue. Storm Bolt is a better spell right now in single target as long as the target in question in stunnable. Try simming it with the latest simc builds, Dragon Roar does not pull out ahead. Not very sure about shockwave, would hae to look into it, but the opportunity cost for all those GCDs would like be far too much to outweigh the damage it does.


2) Half untrue. After Sudden Death got nerfed back to 10% during patch day, people ran simulation in T16M BIS gear to see which talent was currently optimal. FS > SD > UQT on single target for TG, but for SMF SD is still > FS. I'll fix that.


3) Not wasting rage is still more important than enrage uptime. If you have zerker rage up, you shouldn't be losing enrage uptime in the first place, anyway.


4) Raging Blow is still better DPR than Execute, and as such still has a place in the execute rotation. Execute replaces Wild Strike as your primary rage dump, the only reason Wild Strike is included right now is when bloodsurge is proc'd, making it free. But even that's low on the priority list.

1.a. Still disagree on the stormbolt on stunable targets. And if the sim is showing it is better i would question the sim. Or I am missing something. I would attach screenshots of the tooltips of the abilities in game but can not right now. But you can get 2 stormbolts off in the time it takes to do 1 dragon roar. Without crit on either the stormbolts have less damage dealing on 2 uses than 1 dragon roar. After that  dragon roar is a guaranteed crit and bypasses armor. Damage on my toon for SB is 1216 and DR is 2670  



1.b. you are probably right on the missed cooldowns on shockwave but if you are looking at 3+ mobs i would really have to sit down and look at what i would be giving up in that same circumstance. 




Will reply to the rest as i get some time this evening. 


Just adding to this since it is the last one in the chain.

2.  You may be right. After going back through doing the numbers by hand with the rotation i have in mind i would only match the dps but would have rage issues. Will play it both ways over the next week and see. 

3. with enrage down i loose 45% of the damage i deal during that window because of mastery. So i will disagree that it is less important. However i can see your point as long as the enrage window is down for less than 3 seconds.

4. I will concede on. :) 

Edited by GrogIcyVeins

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Guest TheHolyLancer

Yeah, was wondering about this too... Is it because we can easily fit 2 bloodthirsts in 1 enrage window?

Even then, that is haste, hast till 11% then crit to 70% makes more sense. Can someone verify this with sims?

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1.a. Still disagree on the stormbolt on stunable targets. And if the sim is showing it is better i would question the sim. Or I am missing something. I would attach screenshots of the tooltips of the abilities in game but can not right now. But you can get 2 stormbolts off in the time it takes to do 1 dragon roar. Without crit on either the stormbolts have less damage dealing on 2 uses than 1 dragon roar. After that  dragon roar is a guaranteed crit and bypasses armor. Damage on my toon for SB is 1216 and DR is 2670  



1.b. you are probably right on the missed cooldowns on shockwave but if you are looking at 3+ mobs i would really have to sit down and look at what i would be giving up in that same circumstance. 




Will reply to the rest as i get some time this evening. 


Just adding to this since it is the last one in the chain.

2.  You may be right. After going back through doing the numbers by hand with the rotation i have in mind i would only match the dps but would have rage issues. Will play it both ways over the next week and see. 

3. with enrage down i loose 45% of the damage i deal during that window because of mastery. So i will disagree that it is less important. However i can see your point as long as the enrage window is down for less than 3 seconds.

4. I will concede on. smile.png



1) On STUNNABLE targets, yea sure DR is better. But the amount of boss fights with stunnable targets are few and far between, and on the ones with them you'd go DR anyway.

2) Anecdotal evidence, is. Sim it for a definitive answer.

3) Right now we don't even have much downtime on enrage due to massive crit % in current gear, but in WOD we'll be unenraged all the time without much to do about it. If you're not near rage cap, you can always just sit on empty GCDs waiting for enrage, anyway.

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Guest Iwasafk

Can you update your feedback on the new T16 Bonus', Since Colossus smash no longer exists, the 2pc set now increases bloodthirst damage by 10%, imo Bloodthirst doesn't hit very hard to begin with, making this of little use, however since it is a very frequent spell, is this worth gearing for? Also execute hits like a truck now, is it wise to gear for the 4pc now?

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Guest Hoboedd

Why is the fury warrior guide approved by an arms warrior?

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Guest Hoboedd

Why is sudden death execute procs 7 on the list of single target then written as highest priority at the bottom of that list?

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