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Sacrifice recruiting Kazzak-eu

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<Sacrifice 7/10HC> Based on Kazzak-EU is a raiding guild that will be focusing on Mythic raiding throughout Draenor on a 3days a week schedule. The guild was made in 2008 and is led by real life friends that have common goals towards raiding. At this time we're building up a solid raiding team while progressing through heroic content.
We are looking for mature, dedicated and experienced players that have the patience and the determination to have nice and steady progress. The raids are planned Tuesday & Thursday 19h00-22h00 and Sunday 14h30-17h30 server time. Therefore we ask people to be available on those days/times before applying/contacting us. Also we'd want you to take advice and criticism with an open mind, and be knowledgeable about both your class and role.
Recruitment Needs:
Balance Druid
Deathknight DPS
Enhancement shaman
Feral Druid
We always consider applications from any exceptional player even when not listed above.


Apply at www.sacrifice-guild.shivtr.com

Edited by Trixerz

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