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[US-Gilneas][H] <Newbpocalpyles> 6/7H

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Greetings everyone!

We are Newbpocalpyles. A small but tight knit group of semi-hardcore raiders looking for more like-minded folk to push through to Mythic raiding in WoD.

Brief history: We are a small group of players that have known each other for the better part of 15 years, some of us since Everquest vanilla days. Our raid leaders were involved in the formation of Assent, the Everquest guild that was #1 Worldwide progression through many expansions. We have also been involved in WoW since beta, and have been in some of the top guilds worldwide in the past. However we have all grown up, and have lives, and can not dedicate that much time to raiding anymore. That being said, raiding is our passion, it is in our blood.

We want to get in to Mythic content, and test our abilities. We have managed to scrounge up a core group of players to push through the current Highmaul raid content. In the first week we formed our own guild, our runs cleared 7/7 Normal and 6/7 Heroic. We have the potential, but need solid players to fill the ranks to meet the 20 man mythic requirement.

Our current schedule is a speed run through Normal late Tuesday (This will change to Heroic once we stop needing gear from Normal) at 10PM EST. We have been clearing Heroic 6/7 on Wednesday with an early start at 8PM. finishing up whatever is left (Currently Imperator) Sunday at 8PM.

We will look at any applicant, but our highest needs are DPS and healers please find me in game at Sheave#1325 to chat. We look forward to hearing from you!

Edited by Sheave

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