Astrologian Job Guide for FFXIV — Dawntrail 7.1
Astrologian is a healing job in Final Fantasy XIV that uses a combination of divination, cards, and the stars to heal and support their allies. They can only be played after reaching Ishgard, the main city of the Heavensward expansion, and completing a short questline in the city after reaching Level 50.
What is Astrologian's Playstyle?
Astrologian (AST) is a healer that draws inspiration from tarot and astrology, using cards from its divining deck to bolster its allies' damage and support them with defensive buffs.
Astrologian has an anticipatory playstyle that heavily rewards encounter knowledge, as several of its powerful signature healing abilities occur after a delay and must be prepared in advance. It has the lowest personal damage of any job in the game, instead focusing on increasing the damage of its allies, more than making up for its low personal damage.
How do you Unlock Astrologian?
To unlock Astrologian, you must gain access to the city of Ishgard by completing the final Main Scenario Quest of A Realm Reborn, "Before the Dawn." The Astrologians' guild (the Athenaerium Astrologicum) can be found in Ishgard in The Pillars (X:15.2, Y:10.0). Accept the quest "Stairway to the Heavens" from Jannequinard. Upon completing the quest, you will unlock Astrologian, which starts at level 30.
Astrologian Gauge
The Arcana Gauge displays your currently held cards from Astral Draw and Umbral Draw. There are six major arcana, divided into the astral deck and the umbral deck. Each draw provides an offensive card, a defensive card, and a curative card. Once you reach level 70, the draw actions also provide their corresponding minor arcana, for a total of four cards per draw.
The astral deck is shown here on the left, with the umbral deck shown on the right. For both decks, the card slots from left to right are the offensive card, the defensive card, the curative card, and the minor arcanum.
Offensive Cards
Your offensive card is always played by using Play I. The astral offensive card is The Balance, which is for melee jobs (including tanks). The umbral offensive card is The Spear, which is for ranged jobs (including casters and healers). They provide a 6% damage buff for 15 seconds when played on the correct role. The buff is reduced to 3% when played on the incorrect role.
Defensive Cards
Your defensive card is always played by using Play II. The astral defensive card is The Arrow, which increases all healing received by the target by 10% for 15s, including oGCDs, self healing, and healing from other players. The umbral defensive card is The Bole, which reduces the target's damage taken by 10% for 15s.
Curative Cards
Your curative card is always played by using Play III. The astral curative card is The Spire, which provides a small shield to the target for up to 30s. The umbral curative card is The Ewer, which provides a powerful regen that heals for a total of 1000 potency over 15s.
Minor Arcana
At level 70, you unlock Minor Arcana, which adds the smaller space on the right side of the Arcana Gauge. Astral Draw will give you a Lord of Crowns, and Umbral Draw will give you a Lady of Crowns.
Astrologian Video Resources
If you would prefer to watch a video that provides an overview of Astrologian, feel free to give the video below a watch. The video was provided by Julia Care, a member of the community on The Balance Discord server.
Astrologian Actions
Action Name |
Effect |
Malefic Lv. 1 |
MP Cost: 400.0 Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 150. |
Benefic Lv. 2 |
MP Cost: 400.0 Restores target's HP. Cure Potency: 500 Additional Effect: 15% chance next Benefic II will restore critical HP Duration: 15s |
Combust Lv. 4 |
MP Cost: 400.0 Deals unaspected damage over time. Potency: 50 Duration: 30s |
Lightspeed Lv. 6 |
Reduces cast times for spells by 2.5 seconds. Duration: 15s Maximum Charges: 2 |
Helios Lv. 10 |
MP Cost: 700.0 Restores own HP and the HP of all nearby party members. Cure Potency: 400 |
Ascend Lv. 12 |
MP Cost: 2400.0 Resurrects target to a weakened state. |
Essential Dignity Lv. 15 |
Restores target's HP. Cure Potency: 400 Potency increases up to 900 as the target's HP decreases, reaching its maximum value when the target has 30% HP or less. Maximum Charges: 3 |
Benefic II Lv. 26 |
MP Cost: 700.0 Restores target's HP. Cure Potency: 800 |
Astral Draw Lv. 30 |
Draws the Balance, the Arrow, the Spire, and the Lord of Crowns from your divining deck. Additional Effect: Restores 20% of maximum MP Upon execution, Play I changes to The Balance, Play II changes to The Arrow, Play III changes to The Spire, Minor Arcana changes to Lord of Crowns, and Astral Draw changes to Umbral Draw. Shares a recast timer with Umbral Draw. |
Play I Lv. 30 |
Plays the drawn arcanum after executing Astral Draw or Umbral Draw. Astral Draw Effect: Action changes to The Balance Umbral Draw Effect: Action changes to The Spear |
Play II Lv. 30 |
Plays the drawn arcanum after executing Astral Draw or Umbral Draw. Astral Draw Effect: Action changes to The Arrow Umbral Draw Effect: Action changes to The Bole |
Play III Lv. 30 |
Plays the drawn arcanum after executing Astral Draw or Umbral Draw. Astral Draw Effect: Action changes to The Spire Umbral Draw Effect: Action changes to The Ewer |
Umbral Draw Lv. 30 |
Draws the Spear, the Bole, the Ewer, and the Lady of Crowns from your divining deck. Additional Effect: Restores 20% of maximum MP Upon execution, Play I changes to The Spear, Play II changes to The Bole, Play III changes to The Ewer, Minor Arcana changes to Lady of Crowns, and Umbral Draw changes to Astral Draw. Shares a recast timer with Astral Draw. ※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar. ※Astral Draw changes to Umbral Draw when requirements for execution are met. |
Aspected Benefic Lv. 34 |
MP Cost: 400.0 Restores target's HP. Cure Potency: 250 Additional Effect: Regen Cure Potency: 250 Duration: 15s |
Aspected Helios Lv. 40 |
MP Cost: 800.0 Restores own HP and the HP of all nearby party members. Cure Potency: 250 Additional Effect: Regen Cure Potency: 150 Duration: 15s |
Gravity Lv. 45 |
MP Cost: 400.0 Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 120 to target and all enemies nearby it. |
Combust II Lv. 46 |
MP Cost: 400.0 Deals unaspected damage over time. Potency: 60 Duration: 30s |
Divination Lv. 50 |
Increases damage dealt by self and nearby party members by 6%. Duration: 20s Additional Effect: Grants Divining Duration: 30s |
Synastry Lv. 50 |
Generate an aetheric bond with target party member. Each time you cast a single-target healing spell on yourself or a party member, the party member with whom you have the bond will also recover HP equaling 40% of the original spell. Duration: 20s |
Malefic II Lv. 54 |
MP Cost: 400.0 Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 160. |
Collective Unconscious Lv. 58 |
Creates a celestial ring 8 yalms around the caster. Duration: 18s Additional Effect: Reduces damage taken by 10% for self and any party members within 30 yalms and applies Wheel of Fortune to self and any party members within 8 yalms Duration: 5s Wheel of Fortune Effect: Regen Cure Potency: 100 Duration: 15s Effects will be applied continuously to self and all party members standing within the celestial ring. Collective Unconscious effect ends upon using another action or moving (including facing a different direction). Cancels auto-attack upon execution. |
Celestial Opposition Lv. 60 |
Restores own HP and the HP of all nearby party members. Cure Potency: 200 Additional Effect: Regen Cure Potency: 100 Duration: 15s |
Earthly Star Lv. 62 |
Deploys an Earthly Star in the designated area and grants the effect of Earthly Dominance. Duration: 10s Executing Stellar Detonation while under the effect of Earthly Dominance creates a Stellar Burst dealing unaspected damage with a potency of 205 to all nearby enemies. Also restores own HP and the HP of all nearby party members. Cure Potency: 540 After 10s, Earthly Dominance effect is changed to Giant Dominance. Duration: 10s Waiting 10s or executing Stellar Detonation while under the effect of Giant Dominance creates a Stellar Explosion dealing unaspected damage with a potency of 310 to all nearby enemies. Also restores own HP and the HP of all nearby party members. Cure Potency: 720 |
Stellar Detonation Lv. 62 |
While under the effect of Earthly Dominance, detonates the currently deployed Earthly Star, creating a Stellar Burst that deals unaspected damage with a potency of 205 to all nearby enemies. Additional Effect: Restores own HP and the HP of all nearby party members Cure Potency: 540 While under the effect of Giant Dominance, detonates the currently deployed Earthly Star, creating a Stellar Explosion that deals unaspected damage with a potency of 310 to all nearby enemies. Additional Effect: Restores own HP and the HP of all nearby party members Cure Potency: 720 |
Malefic III Lv. 64 |
MP Cost: 400.0 Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 190. |
Minor Arcana Lv. 70 |
Plays the drawn arcanum after executing Astral Draw or Umbral Draw. Astral Draw Effect: Action changes to Lord of Crowns Umbral Draw Effect: Action changes to Lady of Crowns |
Combust III Lv. 72 |
MP Cost: 400.0 Deals unaspected damage over time. Potency: 70 Duration: 30s |
Malefic IV Lv. 72 |
MP Cost: 400.0 Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 230. |
Celestial Intersection Lv. 74 |
Restores own or target party member's HP. Cure Potency: 200 Additional Sect Effect: Erects a magicked barrier which nullifies damage equaling 200% of the amount of HP restored Duration: 30s Maximum Charges: 2 |
Horoscope Lv. 76 |
Reads your fortune and those of nearby party members, granting them Horoscope. Duration: 10s Effect upgraded to Horoscope Helios upon receiving the effects of Helios or Helios Conjunction. Duration: 30s Restores the HP of those under either effect when the cards are read a second time or the effect expires. Horoscope Cure Potency: 200 Horoscope Helios Cure Potency: 400 |
Horoscope Lv. 76 |
Restores own HP and the HP of all nearby party members. Potency is determined by the Horoscope effect of party members. Effect expires upon execution. Horoscope Potency: 200 Horoscope Helios Potency: 400 |
Neutral Sect Lv. 80 |
Increases healing magic potency by 20%. Duration: 20s Additional Effect: When casting Aspected Benefic or Helios Conjunction, erects a magicked barrier which nullifies damage Aspected Benefic Effect: Nullifies damage equaling 250% of the amount of HP restored Helios Conjunction Effect: Nullifies damage equaling 125% of the amount of HP restored Duration: 30s Additional Effect: Grants Suntouched Duration: 30s |
Fall Malefic Lv. 82 |
MP Cost: 400.0 Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 270. |
Gravity II Lv. 82 |
MP Cost: 400.0 Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 130 to target and all enemies nearby it. |
Exaltation Lv. 86 |
Reduces damage taken by self or target party member by 10%. Duration: 8s Additional Effect: Restores HP at the end of the effect's duration Cure Potency: 500 |
Macrocosmos Lv. 90 |
MP Cost: 600.0 Deals unaspected damage to all nearby enemies with a potency of 270 for the first enemy, and 40% less for all remaining enemies. Additional Effect: Grants Macrocosmos to self and all nearby party members Duration: 15s For the effect's duration, 50% of damage taken is compiled. Restores HP equal to a cure of 200 potency plus compiled damage when the effect expires or upon execution of Microcosmos. Amount restored cannot exceed the target's maximum HP. Recast timer cannot be affected by status effects or gear attributes. |
Microcosmos Lv. 90 |
Triggers the healing effect of Macrocosmos, restoring HP equal to a cure of 200 potency plus 50% of compiled damage. Amount restored cannot exceed the target's maximum HP. |
Oracle Lv. 92 |
Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 860 to target and all enemies nearby it. Can only be executed while Divining. |
Helios Conjunction Lv. 96 |
MP Cost: 800.0 Restores own HP and the HP of all nearby party members. Cure Potency: 250 Additional Effect: Regen Cure Potency: 175 Duration: 15s |
Sun Sign Lv. 100 |
Reduces damage taken by self and nearby party members by 10%. Duration: 15s Can only be executed while Suntouched. |
Action Name |
Effect |
The Balance Lv. 30 |
Increases damage dealt by a party member or self by 6% if target is melee DPS or tank, or 3% for all other roles. Duration: 15s ※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar. ※Play I changes to The Balance when requirements for execution are met. |
The Arrow Lv. 30 |
Increases HP recovery via healing actions for a party member or self by 10%. Duration: 15s ※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar. ※Play II changes to The Arrow when requirements for execution are met. |
The Spear Lv. 30 |
Increases damage dealt by a party member or self by 6% if target is ranged DPS or healer, or 3% for all other roles. Duration: 15s ※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar. ※Play I changes to The Spear when requirements for execution are met. |
The Bole Lv. 30 |
Reduces damage taken by a party member or self by 10%. Duration: 15s ※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar. ※Play II changes to The Bole when requirements for execution are met. |
The Ewer Lv. 30 |
Grants healing over time effect to a party member or self. Cure Potency: 200 Duration: 15s ※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar. ※Play III changes to The Ewer when requirements for execution are met. |
The Spire Lv. 30 |
Creates a barrier around self or target party member that absorbs damage equivalent to a heal of 400 potency. Duration: 30s ※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar. ※Play III changes to The Spire when requirements for execution are met. |
Lord of Crowns Lv. 70 |
Deals unaspected damage with a potency of 400 to all nearby enemies. ※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar. ※Minor Arcana changes to Lord of Crowns when requirements for execution are met. |
Lady of Crowns Lv. 70 |
Restores own HP and the HP of all nearby party members. Cure Potency: 400 ※This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar. ※Minor Arcana changes to Lady of Crowns when requirements for execution are met. |
Role Actions
Action Name |
Effect |
Repose Lv. 8 |
MP Cost: 600.0 Afflicts target with Sleep. Duration: 30s Cancels auto-attack upon execution. |
Esuna Lv. 10 |
MP Cost: 400.0 Removes a single detrimental effect from target. |
Lucid Dreaming Lv. 14 |
Gradually restores own MP. Potency: 55 Duration: 21s |
Swiftcast Lv. 18 |
Next spell is cast immediately. Duration: 10s |
Surecast Lv. 44 |
Spells can be cast without interruption. Additional Effect: Nullifies most knockback and draw-in effects Duration: 6s |
Rescue Lv. 48 |
Instantly draws target party member to your side. Cannot be used outside of combat or when target is suffering from certain enfeeblements. |
Astrologian Traits
Action Name | Acquired | Effect |
Maim and Mend | Lv. 20 |
Increases base action damage and HP restoration by 10%. |
Enhanced Benefic | Lv. 36 |
Grants a 15% chance that your next Benefic II will restore critical HP. Duration: 15s |
Maim and Mend II | Lv. 40 |
Increases base action damage and HP restoration by 30%. |
Combust Mastery | Lv. 46 |
Upgrades Combust to Combust II. |
Malefic Mastery | Lv. 54 |
Upgrades Malefic to Malefic II. |
Malefic Mastery II | Lv. 64 |
Upgrades Malefic II to Malefic III. |
Hyper Lightspeed | Lv. 68 |
Reduces Lightspeed recast time to 60 seconds. |
Minor Arcana Mastery | Lv. 70 |
Lord of Crowns can be drawn when executing Astral Draw, and Lady of Crowns can be drawn when executing Umbral Draw. |
Combust Mastery II | Lv. 72 |
Upgrades Combust II to Combust III. |
Malefic Mastery III | Lv. 72 |
Upgrades Malefic III to Malefic IV. |
Enhanced Essential Dignity | Lv. 78 |
Allows the accumulation of charges for consecutive uses of Essential Dignity. Maximum Charges: 2 |
Malefic Mastery IV | Lv. 82 |
Upgrades Malefic IV to Fall Malefic. |
Gravity Mastery | Lv. 82 |
Upgrades Gravity to Gravity II. |
Enhanced Healing Magic | Lv. 85 |
Increases the healing potency of Benefic to 500, Helios to 400, Benefic II to 800, Aspected Benefic to 250, Aspected Benefic's Regen effect to 250, Aspected Helios to 250, and Aspected Helios's Regen effect to 150. |
Enhanced Celestial Intersection | Lv. 88 |
Allows the accumulation of charges for consecutive uses of Celestial Intersection. Maximum Charges: 2 |
Enhanced Divination | Lv. 92 |
Grants Divining upon executing Divination. Duration: 30s |
Magick Mastery | Lv. 94 |
Increases the potency of Combust III's damage over time to 70, Fall Malefic to 270, and Macrocosmos to 270. |
Enhanced Swiftcast | Lv. 94 |
Reduces Swiftcast recast time to 40 seconds. |
Aspected Helios Mastery | Lv. 96 |
Upgrades Aspected Helios to Helios Conjunction. |
Enhanced Essential Dignity II | Lv. 98 |
Allows a third charge of Essential Dignity. |
Enhanced Neutral Sect | Lv. 100 |
Grants Suntouched upon executing Neutral Sect. Duration: 30s |
Astrologian Lore
Ever has man coveted knowledge, and none more so than that of his fate. Thus did he labor to master the skill of foresight—but initial efforts bore little fruit. That is, until he looked to the stars above, which foretell the coming seasons, and learned to read the heavens.
Though this gift is known today as astrology, the people of Sharlayan saw fit to not only read the stars, but to write their movements as well. By attuning their aetherial energies to that of constellations, they learned to wield magicks with heretofore unseen properties.
Thus was astromancy born—a new form of magick which grants its users power over fate. Employing a star globe and divining deck in their miraculous deeds, fortune always smiles upon these masters of arcana.
- 12 Nov. 2024 (healing page): Reviewed for Patch 7.1
- 12 Nov. 2024 (DPS rotation page): Reviewed for Patch 7.1
- 12 Nov. 2024 (Leveling page): Reviewed for Patch 7.1
- 12 Nov. 2024 (gear page): Reviewed for Patch 7.1
- 12 Nov. 2024 (job changes): Updated for Patch 7.1.
- 12 Nov. 2024 (melding page): Reviewed for Patch 7.1
- 12 Nov. 2024 (this page): Reviewed for Patch 7.1
- 22 Aug. 2024 (gear page): Updated Savage BiS sets.
- 01 Aug. 2024 (gear page): Updated for Patch 7.05 - Week 1 Savage sets added.
- 07 Jul. 2024 (healing page): Updated for Patch 7.0 - Dawntrail launch.
- 07 Jul. 2024 (Leveling page): Updated for Patch 7.0 - Dawntrail launch.
- 07 Jul. 2024 (this page): Updated for Patch 7.0 - Dawntrail launch.
- 05 Jul. 2024 (job changes): Updated for Patch 7.0.
- 21 Jun. 2024 (DPS rotation page): Updated for Patch 7.01
- 21 Jun. 2024 (gear page): Updated for Patch 7.01 - Dawntrail launch, pre-Savage gearsets.
- 21 Jun. 2024 (melding page): Updated for Patch 7.0 - Dawntrail launch.
- 06 Jun. 2024 (job changes): Updated with Dawntrail media tour info.
- 05 Jun. 2024 (DPS rotation page): Updated for Patch 7.0 - Dawntrail launch.
- 16 May 2024 (job changes): Updated with pre-Dawntrail information from Job Action trailer and Live Letter 81.
- 06 May 2024 (keybindings page): Guide added.
- 25 Jan. 2024 (healing page): Reviewed for Patch 6.55
- 25 Jan. 2024 (DPS rotation page): Reviewed for Patch 6.55
- 25 Jan. 2024 (Leveling page): Reviewed for Patch 6.55
- 25 Jan. 2024 (gear page): Updated Anabaseios sets to use the Manderville relic weapon.
- 25 Jan. 2024 (melding page): Reviewed for Patch 6.55
- 25 Jan. 2024 (this page): Reviewed for Patch 6.55
- 16 Oct. 2023 (healing page): Reviewed for Patch 6.5
- 16 Oct. 2023 (DPS rotation page): Reviewed for Patch 6.5
- 16 Oct. 2023 (Leveling page): Reviewed for Patch 6.5
- 16 Oct. 2023 (gear page): Improved sets for The Omega Protocol with new Item Level 635 dungeon gear.
- 16 Oct. 2023 (melding page): Reviewed for Patch 6.5
- 16 Oct. 2023 (this page): Reviewed for Patch 6.5
- 29 Jun. 2023 (gear page): Improved sets for The Omega Protocol and Dragonsong's Reprise with the new Manderville relic.
- 07 Jun. 2023 (gear page): Added new Patch 6.4 sets for The Omega Protocol and Dragonsong's Reprise.
- 27 May 2023 (gear page): Reviewed for Patch 6.4
- 24 May 2023 (healing page): Updated for Patch 6.4 - Collective Unconscious mitigation range increased to 30y and given a base duration of 5 seconds.
- 24 May 2023 (DPS rotation page): Reviewed for Patch 6.4
- 24 May 2023 (Leveling page): Updated for Patch 6.4 - Collective Unconscious mitigation range increased to 30y and given a base duration of 5 seconds.
- 24 May 2023 (melding page): Updated for Patch 6.4 - New tier of Tincture of Mind.
- 24 May 2023 (this page): Reviewed for Patch 6.4
- 13 Jan. 2023 (healing page): Reviewed for Patch 6.3
- 13 Jan. 2023 (DPS rotation page): Reviewed for Patch 6.3
- 13 Jan. 2023 (Leveling page): Reviewed for Patch 6.3
- 13 Jan. 2023 (gear page): Reviewed for Patch 6.3
- 13 Jan. 2023 (melding page): Reviewed for Patch 6.3
- 13 Jan. 2023 (this page): Reviewed for Patch 6.3
- 22 Sep. 2022 (gear page): Reviewed for Patch 6.2
- 29 Aug. 2022 (healing page): Reviewed for Patch 6.2
- 29 Aug. 2022 (DPS rotation page): Updated for Patch 6.2 - Crown Play removed. Redraw now guarantees a new astrosign.
- 29 Aug. 2022 (Leveling page): Updated for Patch 6.2 - Crown Play no longer exists. Redraw now guarantees a new astrosign.
- 29 Aug. 2022 (melding page): Reviewed for Patch 6.2
- 29 Aug. 2022 (this page): Reviewed for Patch 6.2
- 20 Apr. 2022 (healing page): Reviewed for Patch 6.1
- 20 Apr. 2022 (DPS rotation page): Reviewed for Patch 6.1
- 20 Apr. 2022 (gear page): Reviewed for Patch 6.1
- 20 Apr. 2022 (melding page): Reviewed for Patch 6.1
- 20 Apr. 2022 (this page): Reviewed for Patch 6.1
- 12 Apr. 2022 (Leveling page): Updated for Patch 6.1 - Combust duration increased from 18s to 30s.
- 02 Apr. 2022 (Leveling page): Guide added.
- 10 Feb. 2022 (gear page): Guide added.
- 31 Jan. 2022 (healing page): Guide added.
- 31 Jan. 2022 (DPS rotation page): Guide added.
- 31 Jan. 2022 (melding page): Guide added.
- 31 Jan. 2022 (this page): Guide added.
- 19 Dec. 2021 (job changes): Page added.
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Zyrk is a self-described "career Healer" and long-time healer mentor (and admin) on The Balance Discord. He likes spreadsheets, words, and the Oxford comma more than he likes most people. His healing career, beginning in Patch 2.1 (December 2013), has been defined by his passion for learning and improvement — a passion he endeavors to share with others through the creation, and presentation of informative resources and his work on The Balance Discord as a whole.
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