Scholar Healer Tips for Asphodelos Savage — Endwalker 6.1

Last updated on Apr 20, 2022 at 05:53 by Zyrk 5 comments

This page will outline Scholar-specific optimization for the Savage difficulty of Pandaemonium: Asphodelos. It assumes, at minimum, a basic understanding of the job and how end game encounters work.


Scholar in Pandæmonium Savage: Asphodelos

Asphodelos is the first raid tier released in the expansion FFXIV: Endwalker and consists of four fights, with the fourth fight having two phases and being split with a checkpoint:

  1. Warder of the Condemned: Erichthonios (P1S)
  2. Mythic Creation: The Hippokampos (P2S)
  3. Mythic Creation: The Phoinix (P3S)
  4. Hemitheos: Hesperos (P4S)

If you are looking for more generalized guides, you should take a look at our Savage guides written by Lyra Rose, linked below each section.

Disclaimer: This document contains suggestions. As with all fights, you should coordinate with your co-healer in order to come up with an organized healing plan that minimizes DPS lost to healing.


P1S: Erichthonios

This is a fairly straightforward fight that does not have much incoming damage. The only damage intensive portion you would expect to experience during prog is having a party member fail Intemperance.

Prepull: This fight does not start with a raidwide, so do not worry about putting up prepull shields on the party. Put up an Adloquium Icon Adloquium on the tank, and consider using a Recitation Icon Recitation + Excogitation Icon Excogitation on them as well to help heal the initial Heavy Hand.



  • For the left/right and in/out Gaoler's Flail mechanics, learn the hitboxes so that you can do the movement using only slidecasting.
  • Good places to use Summon Seraph Icon Summon Seraph include Intemperance #1 Fourfold Shackles, since Consolation Icon Consolation can hit everyone while they are spread out during these mechanics.
  • Intemperance #1 is also a great spot to use Expedient Icon Expedient.

P2S: Hippokampos

This fight increases incoming damage compared to P1S but it is still very manageable. The hardest hitting mechanic is the Channeling Overflow plus Coherence, and it is recommended that you coordinate party mitigation for this.

Prepull: This fight starts with a Murky Depths raidwide followed by a Double Impact tank buster. It is recommended that you preshield with an Adloquium Icon Adloquium into Deployment Tactics Icon Deployment Tactics. Consider putting a Recitation Icon Recitation + Excogitation Icon Excogitation on the pulling tank to help with the Double Impact.

  • Having the fairy centered is very useful in this fight as she can easily the entire party with her AoEs while the arena is flooded, regardless of where they are.
  • During prog, I would recommended heavily mitigating each Sewage Deluge and especially the Channeling Overflow + Coherence. Deploying before said Overflow will provide a good amount of leeway.
  • Summon Seraph Icon Summon Seraph is useful at many places in this fight, but especially during Overflow + Coherence.
  • Watch your DoT during Channeling Flow #1 (2:46 - 3:05). If your DoT expires right as you get stunned, you may miss a tick or two.
  • Pay attention to your group's buff timings. They are likely holding the 4-minute buffs until after Kampeos Harma. Make sure to still dump Aetherflow stacks before Kampeos so that Aetherflow Icon Aetherflow does not get delayed.

P3S: Phoinix

This fight requires significantly more healing than the prior two, and includes an actual healing check mechanic. If you are progging, be ready to use Sacred Soil Icon Sacred Soil very proactively. It gets a lot of value from the frequent raidwides and double busters/autos.

Prepull: Just like P2S, this fight starts with a raidwide followed by a double tankbuster. It is recommended that you use an Adloquium Icon Adloquium into Deployment Tactics Icon Deployment Tactics. Consider putting a Recitation Icon Recitation + Excogitation Icon Excogitation on the pulling tank as well.

Noteworthy Mechanics

  • Add phase: Damage during this phase is not included in your parse, so feel free to use GCD heals here, just watch your MP. Try to end this phase with three Aetherflow stacks, and both Aetherflow Icon Aetherflow and Dissipation Icon Dissipation off CD so you can maximize your Potion plus buffs window after adds (don not worry too much about this if you are progging).
  • Fountains of Fire: The Trickle of Fire healing buff mirrors to your fairy in real time. This makes Summon Seraph Icon Summon Seraph amazing for this mechanic, as a single Consolation Icon Consolation will fully cover a tower for each healer. The easiest way to handle this mechanic is as follows:
    1. Towers appear
    2. Use Summon Seraph Icon Summon Seraph
    3. First Towers Explode
    4. Use Consolation Icon Consolation
    5. Second Towers Explode
    6. Use Consolation Icon Consolation
    7. Use Recitation Icon Recitation
    8. Third Towers Explode
    9. Use Adloquium Icon Adloquium on self (Note: Your cohealer has to heal themselves for only this tower)
    10. Fourth Towers Explode
    11. Move the center and use Deployment Tactics Icon Deployment Tactics
    The Deployed shield at the end will cover both the following raidwides, as well as the following tankbuster on the main tank (the off tank will still take damage due to autos).
  • Firestorms of Asphodelos: Probably the hardest mechanic to heal losslessly due to continuous chip damage with repeated dangerous raid damage, in addition to how soon it comes after Fountains of Fire. This is a fantastic place to use Expedient Icon Expedient, but be sure to use other oGCDs that are available.
  • Life's Agonies: The first true heal check mechanic of the tier. Ideally your cohealer is an AST, since they can easily solo heal this with Macrocosmos Icon Macrocosmos. If they are not an AST or Macrocosmos is not available for some reason, consider using either Healer or Tank LB3. If LB3 also is not an option, you need to pull out all the stops to heal this in time. Fey Illumination Icon Fey Illumination, Dissipation Icon Dissipation, Indomitability Icon Indomitability, Recitation Icon Recitation + Emergency Tactics Icon Emergency Tactics + Succor Icon Succor, use whatever it takes to full heal the party. Be aware that tanks will require a bit more since they have higher max HP. Whispering Dawn Icon Whispering Dawn can be used before the Fledglings shoot their cones to put up the regen without the healing debuff.


  • During Darkened Fire, you can use AoE abilities to hit multiple targets. Just make sure that you do not wipe the group by failing to focus down your assigned add.
  • The baited Fireplume can be avoided with slidecasting using either Sprint Icon Sprint or Expedient Icon Expedient.
  • Dragging out the adds phase to the maximum possible length will result in your second pot coming up right before the boss becomes targetable. This lets you do a full re-opener without an awkward potion weave.
  • Even ignoring adds phase, this is the first fight with intensive single-target healing. You should not need a bunch of GCD heals, but you should try to make good use of Aetherpact Icon Aetherpact and Protraction Icon Protraction.

P4S Part One: Hesperos

This fight is another step up from the previous one in terms of overall healing required. Once again, do not be shy about using Sacred Soil Icon Sacred Soil if you are progging. There are many instances of repeat damage where Sacred Soil will provide fantastic value.

Prepull: This fight starts with a series of raidwides. It is recommended that you use an Adloquium Icon Adloquium into Deployment Tactics Icon Deployment Tactics.

Noteworthy Mechanics

  • First Bloodrakes: The beginning of this fight is a long series of raidwide damage. I recommend that you use Expedient Icon Expedient during these, as it will be up again for Belone Bursts. If you do a Dissipation First Opener, the fairy will come back shortly before the Bloodrake tethers resolve, allowing you to use Summon Seraph Icon Summon Seraph. It will also be up again for Belone Bursts when used here.
  • Belone Bursts: Expedient Icon Expedient and Summon Seraph Icon Summon Seraph are very valuable for this mechanic. During prog, I highly recommend doing Recitation Icon Recitation + Adloquium Icon Adloquium + Deployment Tactics Icon Deployment Tactics before the party takes orbs, as it allows you to take both sets of orbs without healing in between, making the mechanic easier to resolve.
  • Decollation Spam: If you are seeing enrage on the fight, I highly recommend saving Expedient Icon Expedient and Summon Seraph Icon Summon Seraph for these. Seraph is especially useful if Poison spreads are the last mechanic before Decollation, as Consolation Icon Consolation can hit the party easily while spread out.


  • You can use Surecast Icon Surecast during the Cape/Sword mechanic during Pinax regardless of what weapon he chooses so that you do not actually need to adjust depending on weapon. If you time this correctly, it will also cover the water knockback if that occurs in the second set.

P4S Part Two: Hesperos

This fight has some very healing intensive mechanics with long periods of low healing required between them. Luckily this lines up very well with our CD timings. Scholar's unique advantages really shine in this fight.

Prepull: This fight starts with a raidwide followed by about 30s of no incoming damage. I highly recommend doing Recitation Icon Recitation + Adloquium Icon Adloquium + Deployment Tactics Icon Deployment Tactics prepull so that these abilities will be back up for Act 2.

Noteworthy Mechanics

  • Akanthai: Act 2: The party is spread out and doing a lot of movement during this mechanic, so Expedient Icon Expedient and Summon Seraph Icon Summon Seraph do fantastic work. For prog, I very highly recommend using Recitation Icon Recitation + Adloquium Icon Adloquium + Deployment Tactics Icon Deployment Tactics before the party spreads out, as it makes the healing requirements much easier to manage and provides a safety net for mistakes.
  • Akanthai: Act 4: Due to repeated heavy damage and forced movement, Expedient Icon Expedient and Summon Seraph Icon Summon Seraph are once again highly valuable. During prog Recitation Icon Recitation+Adloquium Icon Adloquium + Deployment Tactics Icon Deployment Tactics can once again be helpful if done before the party moves out to take/pop towers, but it is less impactful than in Act 2.
  • Akanthai: Curtain Call: A simple mechanic paired with a lengthy healing check. Where Life's Agonies was a spring, Curtain Call is a marathon, designed to deplete your CDs. It is important that your party coordinates their mitigation while you and your cohealer coordinate your CDs. If you are seeing more than just the first half of Curtain Call, you will need to use GCD healing. During prog, be prepared to use a number of Succor Icon Succor casts to get through this mechanic. Curtain Call is long enough that you can get three usages of 30s CDs, two usages of 60s CDs, and one usage of 120s CDs. Start with the 30s ones, followed by the 60s ones, and be ready to use them soon after they come off CD. Fill in the gaps with the 120s CDs.


  • This is the most MP intensive fight of the tier due to Curtain Call. Be sure to bring Super-Ethers and have some Piety gear if you are progging.
  • I highly recommend using the Dissipation First Opener on this fight, even in prog. The extra MP is very valuable, and the 3-minute and 6-minute Dissipation timings line up very well. The fairy returns in time to prepare for Act 1.


  • 20 Apr. 2022: Updated for Patch 6.1
  • 31 Mar. 2022: Guide added.
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