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Reforge on herald toon?

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I'm gearing a warlock for "herald of the titans" title and wanted to do some transmog, but since I don't have much experience doing it by myself (I always used Ask Mr. Robot) want to know if there is any page I can use to get my reforges. Tried AMR but it gives me MoP enchants and gems

On gems I have a some idea on what to use, but have no clue on enchants since I started playing a few months ago.

Any help is appreciated.

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Well From what I've been doing on my resto druid, I just went to my haste break-point and then reforged everything else to mastery. Mastery at level 80 is quite strong for a lot of classes. I would say before you do any reforges to first properly gem and enchant (what I did on my druid was +20int in red, +10 int/haste in yellow, +10 int/spirit in blue) and had my enchants. After that I used an addon called ReforgeLite to reforge. I set the reforge priority and added a haste breakpoint. It got my breakpoint and then reforged everything else to mastery.

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I'm gearing a warlock for "herald of the titans" title and wanted to do some transmog, but since I don't have much experience doing it by myself (I always used Ask Mr. Robot) want to know if there is any page I can use to get my reforges. Tried AMR but it gives me MoP enchants and gems

On gems I have a some idea on what to use, but have no clue on enchants since I started playing a few months ago.

Any help is appreciated.

I fiddled around a bit with the database sites to try to filter only WotLK and lower enchants, but couldn't get anything satisfactory. Even so, you should be able to browse enchanting by slot, and just look at what enchants are highest on the list but don't have the "requires a level 300 or higher item" requirement.

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I think these are all the available enchants that are usable for the gear level.. I feel like there should be more though and the list might be missing some.. Nonetheless you can look at those and find for each slot.

I know shoulder enchant and head enchants is not there because you either need to be an inscriptionist or have any toon with Sons of Hodir rep to buy the BoA enchant. Head enchants are removed from the game.

Edited by krazyito65
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I think these are all the available enchants that are usable for the gear level.. I feel like there should be more though and the list might be missing some.. Nonetheless you can look at those and find for each slot.

I know shoulder enchant and head enchants is not there because you either need to be an inscriptionist or have any toon with Sons of Hodir rep to buy the BoA enchant. Head enchants are removed from the game.

Thanks for the link and the shoulder enchant tip, I didn't know i have to buy them from Sons of Holdir rep

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Thanks for the link and the shoulder enchant tip, I didn't know i have to buy them from Sons of Holdir rep

I think that if your character has Inscription as a profession, it can make an Inscription-specific shoulder enchant equivalent to that of the Sons of Hodir.

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I have enchant and tailoring (very low skil level yet) and I already got to exalted, bought a lot of relics of ulduar for little money. Thanks for the tip

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I know if you have tailoring you can have mop equivlant leg enchant and cape enchant, but inscription you can only use the cata version (inv_misc_mastersinscription.jpgFelfire Inscription)

So for any caster, I think they are the best profession. Regardless though the FoS is pretty easy now and this is only if you really want to max out the 80 for whatever reason.

Edited by krazyito65

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Well, Yesterday i finally got the FoS and the title.

This was my setup, since wotlk gear doesn't have mastery i choose to reforge everything to hit cap, haste and crit. I got around 12k dps at the end and started over 20k with BL, berserk (troll racial), 1.2k int pot and Doomguard


If there are some people intrested i could make a post (in my bad english) about the FoS and how to gear to get it

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