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Hearthstone General Drakkisath

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Guest Zaijen

First turn (normal) Alexztrasa, Draki on 15 health, turn 3 Draki death! ;)

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Got him with this, kel'thusad+sunwalker are definitely the MVPs. Got Sunwalker out, then KT, then mindcontrolled his Lord of the Arena - from then on, just crushed all my stuff against his, clearing and refreshing divine shields.

Any tough\renewable taunt would work wonders here, i suppose.

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Guest Gaspard9764

Priest with mind control is your best friend. Just wrecked him. Mind Control acts as a removal and gives you his minion to use next turn. I managed to get both MC's in my first two hands or so and killed him like turn 3. No need for legendaries.

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Guest Commander

You can't win with this deck, he just plays twisting nether when you get KT out.

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Yes, that can happen, but it won't happen every time. As mentioned in the guide, he doesn't simply Twisting Nether a 1 minion board when you have KT down, so you have time to build up a board and gain an advantage. If he does eventually Twisting Nether your big KT board, hopefully you will have gained enough initiative to still close the game out. This fight is a lot more RNG dependant than some in the expansion, so unfortunately you just have to keep trying.

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Guest Guest

In my opinion there's a big flaw to the technique with KT in this match. The Kidnappers keep messing with your game no matter what, even if you got him behind 3 taunts, he combos a Kidnapper and everything goes straight to hell there

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There's 2 Kidnappers in the deck, and in my experience, the AI's draw is heavily weighted to have one early (this is a recurring theme with the boss fights, they seem to be tilted towards specific opening hands), so the chances of the Kidnapper coming down against your KT is quite small. Twisting Nether is a much bigger concern in my experience.

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Guest Knight KITT

I've managed to get KT in my opening hand maybe eight times (with many, many Concedes in between), and every single time he's either gotten kidnapped or destroyed with Drakkisath's command. It's pretty frustrating. I'm going to try Priest with KT and Sunwalker and Mind Control and see if that's better.

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Guest Thane

I just killed him in a way that I didn't even thought I could. I've built a deck with big cards and among them, Majordomo Executus. First try.. he used mindgames and Majordomo showed up on his side of the board. I've killed him and the big boss with 50hp+30armor became Ragnaros, an 8hp minion very easy to deal with.

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These are the cheapest decks I beat Heroic General Drakkisath with.

Drakkisath's Hero Power: The cost of all cards are set to 1 mana. You only have 1 mana crystal every turn, Drakkisath has 2. Though you can play any high costed card on turn 1, due to the card restriction combined plays are much harder and even more luck dependant. With only basic cards you have trick the AI or you are going to lose.
Win condition 1: Drakkisath has Mind Games in his deck. You can abuse it by putting Majordomo Executus into your deck. Should Drakkisath copy Majordomo, kill it instantly and deal with Ragnaros' 8 hp as soon as possible. To raise the propability for this rather unlikely event the number of minions in your deck has to be reduced drastically.
Win condition 2: Play Sludge Belcher on turn 1, followed by Kel'Thuzad, then hope for no Drakkisath's Command, Kidnapper or double Flamestrike.

Naxx Priest (0 Dust)
Difficulty: hard (may take more than 10 tries)

2x Holy Smite
2x Mind Vision
2x Power Word: Shield
2x Divine Spirit
2x Mind Blast
2x Resurrect
2x Shadow Word: Pain
2x Shadow Word: Death
2x Sen'jin Shieldmasta
2x Holy Nova
2x Sludge Belcher
2x Lord of the Arena
2x Reckless Rocketeer
1x Kel'Thuzad
1x Majordomo Executus
2x Mind Control

Mulligan for Sludge Belcher, Kel'Thuzad and Resurrect. Use Resurrect, in case Kel'Thuzad is killed.
If Majordomo is summoned by Mindgames, kill it with Shadow Word: Death and try to kill Ragnaros asap using Mind Blast and Reckless Rocketeer.

Naxx Rogue (0 Dust)
Difficulty: hard (may take more than 10 tries)
Inspiration: https://www.icy-veins.com/hearthstone/cheap-general-drakkisath-rogue-deck-heroic-mode

2x Backstab
2x Deadly Poison
2x Sinister Strike
2x Gang Up
2x Shiv
2x Sap
2x Fan of Knives
2x Assassin's Blade
2x Assassinate
2x Sludge Belcher
2x Lord of the Arena
2x Reckless Rocketeer
2x Vanish
2x Sprint
1x Kel'Thuzad
1x Majordomo Executus

Mulligan for Sludge Belcher, Kel'Thuzad and Gang up. Use Gang up on Kel'Thuzad and pray that you draw him again.
If Majordomo is summoned by Mindgames, kill it with Assassinate and try to kill Ragnaros asap using Assassin's Blade, Deadly Poison, Sinister Strike and Reckless Rocketeer.



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Guest Soch

Used all my rng luck on this one.  Opening cards delt:

 Feugan, Stalagg and Faceless Manipulator


Played Stalagg first he wrecked it with Drakkisath's Command

played Feugan 2nd same Thadius up

played Faceless -Thaddy 1 to face he Fireballed

Double Thaddy to face



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Guest Bajungadustin


Played North sea Kraken

he played "copy Creature put in on field"

which was Major Dormo LOL

played Naturalize which gave him 8 health

killed him with the kracken


super lucky.. not a valid strat lol.. but worth having Dormo in your deck just in case lol



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low-budget Priest vs Heroic Drakkisath... a major fluke!




I defeated General Drakkisath on my 3rd attempt, using only four legendaries (KT; Rend; Onyxia; Maexxna). As you can see from the green Z's, I did not even get KT out until the very last turn, nor did I play Onyxia. I don't have a glamorous tale of victory, but I do have a strange one... This is indeed the faultiest AI I have encountered. I owe my win to the questionable tactics of Drak. Both Kidnappers returned his own minion to his hand, even though I had a minion on the board. My minion was a Force-Tank MAX. It was as if my minion had stealth! I was shocked, but delighted that he would choose to set himself back a turn, twice. That wasn't the strangest part though... He topped the kidnapper confusion by casting Drakkisath's Command on his own minion, even though I had a minion in play. My minion was Master Jouster, but he chose to destroy his own Tank-Force MAX. I was flabbergasted, to say the least. Evidently he saw his Tank-Force MAX as more of a threat than my 5/6 Jouster...? These ridiculous plays by Drak enabled me to mount a defense that took him all the way to fatigue before dealing the final blow. I will not bother including a decklist, because it doesn't matter. I should not have won.

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Guest xBrightEyed

I had tried so many decks before I found this one. I ended up winning the first time using sylvanas on his lord of the arena and then dropped KT and just used sylvanas to clear his side of the board and the rest to defeat him. 

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Guest Slainte

Mage with mirror entity on first hand works amazing, use his high entry card against him.  Drop a few high levels in like core hound or war golem, with a fireball or sheep just in case.  I have big nukes, but rarely needed them.  Won in 6 rds.


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Normal Mode - Druid deck -- got him on first try after like the 4th round with this deck


2X Mark of the Wild

2X Feral Rage

2X Savage Roar

2X Swipe

1X Druid of the Claw

2X Lord of the Arena

1X Windfurry Harpy

2X Bog Creeper

1X Grotesque Dragonhawk

2X Stormwind Champion

2X War Golem

2X Eldritch Horror

2X Fossilized Devilsaur

2X Ironbark Protector (Went with druid specifically for these)

1X Arch-Thief Rafaam (Got him, chose the card +10/+10 to a character -- this really helped me win)

2X Faceless Behemoth

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On 9/16/2016 at 6:41 PM, Guest Great! said:

Killed him at the first try, this guide helped me a lot!
Thank you :)

Glad to hear that it worked! Grats on the kill :)

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Guest Musketeer

First draw I got KT and a Sunwalker. Everything after that was a breeze. Got him first time!

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      Deck code / link: 
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      Deck code / link: 
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