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Shadow Priest Leveling

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This is thoroughly confusing at level 16:

  1. Make sure you still pre-pull with Smite Icon Smite then apply Shadow Word: Pain.
  2. Mind Blast Icon Mind Blast is a hard-hitting single target spell you should pre-pull with and use on cooldown.

Smite isn't even available in Shadow Priest spec right now.

Edited by Ronduwil

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On 10/17/2020 at 2:46 AM, MClemente said:

On the rotation after Level 11 you should use another description for Devouring Plague, since you already have Mind Flay by then.

Thanks for the suggestion!

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Guest Octorian

Starting at Level 1, you only have Smite Icon Smite, so just spam this for now.

Is the first spell in the rotation no matter where you slide the level bar. 

Otherwise, thank you for your amazing work! 

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Guest error in levels

devouring plague isn't available until level 12, mind flay comes at level ten when you first get shadow form.

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Guest mjlnr

Looks like the PVP talent Lasting Plague has been removed recently?

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5 hours ago, Guest mjlnr said:

Looks like the PVP talent Lasting Plague has been removed recently?

Ah yes that was removed in the last patch. I'll update this today. Sorry for the confusion

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On 1/15/2022 at 9:35 AM, Pharao said:

Hi there, why is the "Void Torrent" talent advised, but not present in the rotation?

Can you be specific on what page and section you do not see this listed?

On this page: https://www.icy-veins.com/wow/shadow-priest-pve-dps-rotation-cooldowns-abilities

  • It is listed number 11 on the single target rotation section
  • It is listed number 5 on the opener rotation section
  • It is listed number 12 on the 2-3 target priority section
  • It is listed number 11 on the 4-6 target priority section

It is omitted from a few others (notably Shadowflame Prism and 6+ target priority sections) because Void Torrent is not suggested with either of these situations.

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Thank you for your reply Publik, and the guide it's really useful!

This is the guide i followed, as i just started playing/leveling...: https://www.icy-veins.com/wow/shadow-priest-leveling-guide

The talent is advised starting at level 45, but not in the rotation? Or am i missing something...

The link on that page directed me to this thread (click on the "10 comments" link.)

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Guest Galedorn

why only the shadow points for when leveling  and not priest points 

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Uncommon Patron

I have been following your guide with my first Shadow Priest, and it previously (yesterday) had both the shadow and priest points listed by level.  Now it only has the shadow.  I would really appreciate both of them.  Please?

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16 hours ago, Guest Galedorn said:

why only the shadow points for when leveling  and not priest points 


10 hours ago, Firecat57 said:

I have been following your guide with my first Shadow Priest, and it previously (yesterday) had both the shadow and priest points listed by level.  Now it only has the shadow.  I would really appreciate both of them.  Please?


2 hours ago, JBKilo101 said:

Looks as if the Priest Tree is no longer there with the update.

Hi everyone!

Thank you for reporting this. The writer has been informed and this should be fixed shortly.

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Guest barak

Hi, seems as of the last update from today the shadow tree is missing. Only the priest tree is visible. Yesterday both trees were visible.

Please can you fix this?


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On 3/20/2023 at 11:14 PM, Guest barak said:

Hi, seems as of the last update from today the shadow tree is missing. Only the priest tree is visible. Yesterday both trees were visible.

Please can you fix this?


This has been fixed. If there are any other issues you notice, please let us know.

Many thanks.

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Guest Nagasadow

Why does the slider at 29 say to use Shadow Crash when its not talented until 43?

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Guest Misfit

4th row of the shadow tree is messed up as of today. 

Should be:
Coalescing Shadows / Mind Sear / Mind Spike


But its:
Thought Harvester / Psychic Link / Surge of Insanity

All of which aren't available until later levels.

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On 5/1/2023 at 10:39 PM, Guest Misfit said:

4th row of the shadow tree is messed up as of today. 

Should be:
Coalescing Shadows / Mind Sear / Mind Spike


But its:
Thought Harvester / Psychic Link / Surge of Insanity

All of which aren't available until later levels.

Hey there! Looks like you caught the guide mid-update for patch 10.1. We updated for the new talent tree the night before the launch in NA to get ahead of things. Let me know if you still have questions.

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Heya! This guide is one of the ones where the link to the talent calculator is still a dev-only link. Could you fix that when you have a moment? Thanks for all you do!

  • Thanks 1

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Guest DreamingVoid

2.2 seems wrong: "Starting at Level 1, you only have Smite IconSmite, so just spam this for now."

My spellbook shows this as being a Discipline skill that my Shadow Priest does not have.

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On 11/10/2023 at 9:36 PM, Guest DreamingVoid said:

2.2 seems wrong: "Starting at Level 1, you only have Smite IconSmite, so just spam this for now."

My spellbook shows this as being a Discipline skill that my Shadow Priest does not have.

Hey there! Sorry about that that line was supposed to drop at level 2 with the rest of the rotation. Should be fixed in the next few hours 🙂

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