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The Ritual Bond quest

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I recently started playing WoW and encountered The Ritual Bond, specifically the choice at the end of the quest. 
The choices are: 

  • 10% damage reduction
  • 10% haste bonus
  • 10% increased movement speed

I know the effects are active only in Darkshore, but as a minmaxer, I want to be as efficient as possible. Since I am new to WoW, I don't know what I will benefit the most from, which is why I'm asking here.

So, any general tips on what (not) to take?

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You know, I would go with Movement speed.  Because let's face it....darkshore sucked and moving out of there as fast as possible is always the best option!

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I always choose Movement Speed too, I love it. Moving fast in WoW seems to always be best for me :p

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      Shadowstep x2 [edit15:35 , sorry for the lapsus]:
      Just NEED that for the combo.
      Preparation x2
      casting quest at 2 mana. AoE Dmg with Thalnos  and Fan of knives . USEFULL to cast ENEMY spells that you steal with Swashburglar. 
      good to cast the core with 2 mana , nice with fan of knives. nice with Vanish.
      The Caverns Below x1
      It does not need explain. it's a quest deck :)
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      Fire Fly x2
      you can go late game with this. or quest at third turn. it can easily let you have 5 creatures down on 4th turn = 25 dmg on the 5th turn.
      Do you still have Swashburglar in your hand and Patches in the deck ? a coin ? :)
      Swashburglar x 2  
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      Patches the Pirate x1
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      Glacial Shard x2
      ok , you may go in combo with this. when? you have to predict it. realy usefull in many games against aggro NoFace decks. sometimes let me play 2 more turns , taking no dmg.
      [edit 19/04] wow , awesome card.  counter this Swamp King Dred , and go on on your questing ? NICE , AND TASTY , NOT ?
      Youthful Brewmaster x2
      Gadgetzan Ferryman x2
      Bloodmage Thalnos x1
      Really need to be played with Fan of Knives , you don't play it? every face aggro will (probably) destroy you with those stupid 1/2 , 2/3 , or 3/2 stuff.
      when it's the only option on the 2nd turn just play it. never keep it for too long in your hand.
      Novice Engineer x2
      BEST CARD FOR QUEST. Draw is better than everything. we got also counters in the deck. 
      Edwin VanCleef x1
      Emergency , play it before quest only in emergencies. you can double shadowstep him at turn 5. or it becomes really BIG played after the quest completion. because the quest make it 5/5 while he is in your hand.
      ALERT! : if you are going to play the quest in the next turn , and Edwin is an 8/8 for Example , you can use the quest to heal him after he attacked a provoke creature , or something else dangerous.
      Fan of Knives x2
      Good with Thalnos , with preparation , i prefer this , to Mimic Pod Deck and "dmg" cards like :Counterfeit Coin , Deadly Poison , Sinister Strike , Eviscerate ,Jade Shuriken , I can say that Mimic Pod made me Lose  much more of Win. i think it's a card for a miracle deck (Mimic Pod....)
      Ironbeak Owl x1
      Usefull , better then SAP. NICE VERSUS PRIESTS , PALADINS , sometimes it can be used for the quest.
      sometimes you can silence the heavy provoke creatures of the warrior. he got a slower deck , so you can play the owl for the quest.
      Gluttonous Ooze x1
      Just will save your ASS against WARRIOR , PALADINS , ROGUE , Hunters.
      Igneous Elemental x2
      let's take two more elementals 1/2 , usefull for questing , and mid/late range aggro. anyway good to be played with the coin in your 2nd turn.
      Eater of Secrets x1
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      Sherazin, Corpse Flower x1
      it just revives , and revives , while you are questing/sapping Fire Fly/Swashburglar/Glacial Shard etc etc...
      [edit 19/04] this is revealing a really good card. you can play the Vanish card as the fourth one that revives him. result : every creature go **** and  Sherazin, Corpse Flower stay down alive. quite a good trick.
      Shadowcaster x1
      you can use it with all the creatures you have. the 1/1 after questing , it's a 5/5 :) 
      [edit 19/04] this is revealing too a good option , also for a 2x , Reasons: 1.  you can copy your quest creature , 2. you can copy  another shadow caster so you can chain themselves to get a full table of shadowcasters , and also you have a 4/4 before quest the completion. maybe the solution is to play Shadowcaster...x2 ? and put out the Youthful Brewmaster  , so we can play Biteweed ? this is a good card you can play it 6/6 at the first turn (only if you got  The Coin
      Vanish x1 
      Finally we got some use with Vanish! you can close the quest with this. or deal 5 more dmg with Patches the Pirate , or get back all your Fire Fly /Swashburglar. Good also to Clean the table , and aggro back taking a turn advantage. if u have many fire flyes down  , the enemy won't aggro more than you , because his tougher creatures cost more than 1 mana. just use as last option against murloc decks , quest priest , quest warrior , quest hunter. you have one , play it wisely. maybe for a close combo with Patches the Pirate , but it must an ending game , last 5 dmg for the win. in the early with Preparation can be a good option if you are not drawing cards...
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      I don't play Stonetusk Boar because i don't want an all-in deck , i want a durable and versatile deck.
      I don't play Eviscerate or other Removals , because i need creatures down. no more.
      List of suggested Cards that can synergyze good too and do tricky stuff ***not mentioned in the full deck above***
      Wild Pyromancer (you can do the surprise trick with The Caverns Below to get an earl 1 dmg , good combo versus Face Hunters)
      Sunfury Protector
      Lorewalker Cho (can work inside a "no-spells" deck, but every creature you play must do something. you should play creature that do what spells do)
      I hope you will like it , we can discuss every choice i made about this. For the moment it's a rank 13 confirmed , but people it's starting to play counter decks , and this is more difficult.
      This is weak versus tempo freezing quest mage , face hunters , and warriors that got the right quest deck with the right cards.
      probably weak versus every face deck around. probably if u play pirate versione you lose much because of just 3/4 provoke creatures.
      i'm open to advices by more experienced players :3
      [edit] updating while i wait some admin approve it :D
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