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[Sen'jin][A] <For Valhalla> (7/7H 2/3H) Daytime Raiding

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<For Valhalla> Sen'jin/Quel'dorei is looking for players to join our daytime raid group for mythic and Nighthold progression.

Very active guild with a lot to offer. Mythic + runs all the time as well as a second raid team (nights). Although we enjoy being progressive, we keep things light and fun, but get down to business where it counts.

We reached EN- 7/7 H on Oct-14, ToV 2/3H on Nov-29, and are looking for more players to fill out the team. We already have many very good players with high skill levels and performance percentages. With just a few like minded players we can do so much more. 

Recent logs during EN-H and ToV-N: https://goo.gl/VJHc6b


Our current schedule for the daytime group is:

Tuesdays & Wednesdays: 12:00PM - 3:00PM CST

Time zone conversion: https://goo.gl/FY1heH

We also have a night time group that runs Wed/Thurs 8-11pm CST


If you need any additional info please let me know. You can contact me via this forum or via my btag MRJ#11947.


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