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Patch 8.1: Tyrande's Ascension Scenario (Alliance PoV)

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Tyrande's Ascension is a new scenario available in Patch 8.1, where players unlock Night Warrior customization options for Night Elves. Proceed with caution. Spoilers ahead!

The following article contains 8.1 story spoilers that involve major characters. Click here to leave the article.

Tyrande's story continues in Tides of Vengeance, as players help her transform into the Night Warrior.


  • Tyrande embarks on a mission to become the Night Warrior in Tides of Vengeance.
  • Night Warrior is the incarnation of Elune's wrath. The ritual is very risky, because almost nobody was able to complete it.
  • Tyrande blames Elune for not helping the kaldorei during the Burning of Teldrassil.
  • Nathanos aided by two val'kyr raises Delaryn Summermoon (who died in Warbringers: Sylvanas) and Sira Moonwarden as Forsaken and flees the scene.
  • Alliance kill one of Sylvanas' val'kyr (Brynja).

For more details about Patch 8.1, check out our Tides of Vengeance hub.

Tyrande's Ascension Highlights

You meet with Maiev Shadowsong and Shandris Feathermoon in Stormwind Keep to discuss Tyrande. She left for Darkshore ahead of the Alliance army and intends to wrest it from the Horde herself. Her ship was last seen near the Zoram Strand.

Upon arrival, you kill Forsaken Rogues and search the area to recover


Shandris Feathermoon: She intends to invoke the ancient rites...

Maiev Shadowsong: The ritual will kill her! We depart for Darkshore immediately.

Now, you're able to queue up for the Tyrande's Ascension scenario.

Stage 1 (In Teldrassil's Wake) - Take the rowboat to the Ruins of Auberdine


Maiev Shadowsong: Champion, with me. There is little time.

Maiev Shadowsong: We will not leave Tyrande on her own behind enemy lines. Move!

Shandris Feathermoon: What ritual do you speak of, Maiev? Who is the Night Warrior?

Maiev Shadowsong: She is the incarnation of Elune's wrath. Even witnessing the ritual to become her would put our lives at risk.

Shandris Feathermoon: And the only life Tyrande wishes to risk is her own. Elune watch over her.

Sira Moonwarden: Elune... was she watching over us as Teldrassil burned?

Shandris Feathermoon: We must not lose faith inthe goddess. That is just what the Horde wants.

Maiev Shadowsong: Sira, you scout the shoreline while the rest of us head inland. We will find Tyrande and meet you at Lor'danel.

Maiev Shadowsong: Elune be with you, sister.

Sira Moonwarden: ...As you command!

Stage 2 (Elune's Gaze) - Help Maiev and Shandris search for the Eye of Elune in the Ruins of Auberdine

Now you come across Massacred Horde Grunts that were killed by Tyrande.


Shandris Feathermoon: What happened to them?

Maiev Shadowsong: They tried to stop her.

Maiev Shadowsong: Tyrande seeks the Eye of Elune. It was last kept here in Auberdine.

Shandris Feathermoon: This was once a place of joy and laughter. Now... only silence and death remain.

Shandris Feathermoon: This way. I was stationed here many moons ago.

Maiev Shadowsong: The Eye of Elune must be in the hunter's hall. Push forward.

Stage 3 (Cornered!) - Defeat Bilegut and survive the blight!

You're party is ambushed by Forsaken forces and a commander. They use blight against you.


Maiev Shadowsong: We are too late.

Deathstalker Commander Belmont: Ah, but you're just in time! The Banshee Queen has a keen interest in your heads, night elves.

Deathstalker Commander Belmont: Make it quick! I have a forest to blight.

Defeat Bilegut to proceed to stage 4.


Deathstalker Commander Belmont: It's so hard to find good help these days.

Deathstalker Commander Belmont: Blight it.

Maiev Shadowsong: Stand back.

Shandris Feathermoon: You'll die!

Maiev Shadowsong: Ash'al theradas!

Cowled Plaguebringer: Defeated... by the likes of you...

Cowled Plaguebringer: She... will rule... forever...

Maiev singlehandedly slaughters all the Forsaken attacking your party.

Stage 4 (A Cry for Help) - Investigate the screams

You find a wounded Kaldorei Huntress laying on the ground.


Shandris Feathermoon: Your strength has grown, sister.

Maiev Shadowsong: Vengeance is a powerful weapon.

Shandris Feathermoon: Wait, do you hear that? Survivors!

Shandris Feathermoon: Andu-falah-dor!

Shandris Feathermoon: Sister, are you all right?

Stage 5 (No Elf Left Behind) - Rescue the kaldoei prisoners in the Withering Thicket

Plenty of Horde soldiers are present in Withering Thicket. You must now rescue prisoners and free Ash'alah.


Maiev Shadowsong: We will tend to her wounds. Free the others!

Stage 6 (Closing In) - Ride Ash'alah to Bashal'Aran

You learn more about the Night Warrior ritual on your way to Bashal'Aran.


Shandris Feathermoon: Ash'alah! Where is Tyrande?

Maiev Shadowsong: She has cast everything aside. Only the final rite at the Well of Purity remains.

Shandris Feathermoon: Ready yourselves, sentinels! The High Priestess requires our aid.

Shandris Feathermoon: Come, champion. Ash'alah can bear both of us easily.

Shandris Feathermoon: Maiev. What makes this ritual so dangerous?

Maiev Shadowsong: Legend says that long ago, Elune bestowed her fury upon our greatest warriors to secure Kalimdor.

Maiev Shadowsong: In a sacred ritual, the strongest among them became her avatar--the Night Warrior. Our victory was swift.

Maiev Shadowsong: None who have attempted the ritual since then have survived. Elune's raw power tears them apart.

Shandris Feathermoon: There she is!

Stage 7 (Zenith) - Defend Bashal'Aran and help Tyrande complete the Ritual of the Night Warrior

Tyrande attempts to complete the Ritual of the Night Warrior and you must fend off Horde waves that try prevent her from completing it.


Tyrande Whisperwind: Elune! Your people loved you! Yet you watched, distant and aloof, as they died in torment!

Tyrande Whisperwind: I served you for millennia. But tonight, I do not come as a maiden, mother, or even priestess.

Tyrande Whisperwind: Now, I will serve you only if you grant me justice!

Stage 8 (The Night Warrior)

Activate the Eye of Elune to complete the ritual.


Shandris Feathermoon: The ritual nears completion. Champion, unleash the Eye of Elune!

Tyrande Whisperwind: In'a shul daElune!

Tyrande Whisperwind: Kul erath shul, Kul erath shin.

Tyrande Whisperwind: Ash rokh ilisar! Anu'dorini ash'ka!

A not yet implemented in-game cutscene plays and Tyrande successfully transforms into the Night Warrior.


Tyrande Whisperwind: The Horde shall tremble... as our darkness falls.

Stage 9 (Nowhere to Run) - Hunt down Nathanos Blightcaller

Tyrande says Teldrassil burned, because she decided to spare Saurfang's life.


Tyrande Whisperwind: Maiev, Shandris. Prepare our forces for war.

Tyrande Whisperwind: Champion, with me. Nathanos Blightcaller lurks nearby with two of the Banshee Queen's val'kyr.

Tyrande Whisperwind: We will kill them all.

Tyrande Whisperwind: Teldrassil burned because I chose to spare Saurfang's life.

Tyrande Whisperwind: Countless innocents were murdered. Entire families erased in moments.

Tyrande Whisperwind: The time for mercy is over.

Next, you arrive at Ashwood Depot and it's infested with the Horde. Tyrande petrifies everyone with a single spell, but Nathanos is nowhere to be found.


Tyrande Whisperwind: Anu'dora!

Tyrande Whisperwind: He is not here.

Tyrande casts yet another spell that kills everyone but Deathstalker Commander Belmont.


Tyrande Whisperwind: I failed to protect my people, but I will avenge them.

Sputtering Fleshrenders arrive, Malfurion appears and kills them all.


Malfurion Stormrage: The earth itself will swallow you whole.

Stage 10 (Nowhere to Hide) - Find Nathanos Blightcaller


Malfurion Stormrage: Let us strike as one.

Tyrande Whisperwind: No. Wait for my signal before you attack.

Tyrande Whisperwind: Take Blightcaller. The val'kyr are mine.

Tyrande Whisperwind: Leave him to rot. He does not deserve a clean death.

You'll find Nathanos Blightcaller at Delaryn's Demise with two val'kyr Delaryn's corpse and Sira Moonwarden.

Stage 11 (The Queen's Pawn)


Sira Moonwarden: where... is she...?

Nathanos kills Sira Moonwarden with a single strike and the val'kyr prepare to raise Delaryn and Sira.


Nathanos Blightcaller: Now that we have the preliminaries out of the way, we can begin the ritual.

Tyrande Whisperwind: Blightcaller!

Nathanos Blightcaller: Well, this is inconvenient. Protect the val'kyr!

Tyrande Whisperwind: You will not see another sunrise, monster.

Nathanos Blightcaller: How uncouth for the... Queen of the Tree Elves, is it? No, I suppose that won't do... What exactly do you rule over these days?

Tyrande Whisperwind: I am no queen. I am kaldorei's vengeance.

Nathanos Blightcaller: You are nothing. Raise them!

Nathanos Blightcaller: Enough! Any last words, priestess?

Nathanos Blightcaller: Soon you will share the fate of your dear friend Sira... and the noble Delaryn. Reunions can be so... heartwarming.

Tyrande Whisperwind: Shal'karath!

Nathanos Blightcaller: You cannot hide from me forever, elf.

Tyrande Whisperwind: We do not stand alone. Now!

Nathanos Blightcaller: What?!

Malfurion Stormrage: Your end has come.

Nathanos Blightcaller: You are too late. Behold!

Tyrande Whisperwind: Champion, focus on the val'kyr! I will deal with this brute.

In the end, you'll defeat one of Sylvanas' val'kyr (Brynja), but Nathanos manages to escape and raise both Sira Moonwarden and Delaryn Summermoon.


Brynja: Rise! In the name of Sylvanas, the Banshee Queen, I bestow this gift upon you!

Tyrande Whisperwind: Never again. Ash thoribas!

Tyrande Whisperwind: You must fight the shadow in your hearts, sisters!

Brynja: No! Dark Lady... I am... sorry...

Delaryn Summermoon: We placed our faith in you.

Sira Moonwarden: And you abandoned us. Elune abandoned us!

Nathanos Blightcaller: Witch! You shall pay dearly for that. Let's move!

Delaryn Summermoon: We have nothing left. We are forsaken.

Stage 12 (Eyes of the Forest) - Return to the fleet and scout the Horde army.


Malfurion Stormrage: I will hunt them down.

Tyrande Whisperwind: No. Our forces gather. We will settle this another day.

Maiev Shadowsong: Tyrande, what happened?

Tyrande Whisperwind: Blightcaller yet lives, but at the cost of one of his queen's val'kyr.

Tyrande Whisperwind: The time has come to reclaim our home. Maiev, you will command our forces.

Maiev Shadowsong: You place much faith in me, given our... history.

Tyrande Whisperwind: We cannot dwell in the past... not with our very future at stake. Lead our people to victory as I sate the Night Warrior's wrath.

Maiev Shadowsong: Wait... Where is Sira? She is not with you.

Tyrande Whisperwind: She... Maiev, I must speak to you alone.

Tyrande Whisperwind: Champion, we fought but a fraction of the Horde's forces. I will share Don'thur's vision with you so we may scout them further.

Don'thur's vision is not available on PTR realms yet and this brings the scenario to a close. You will be granted the In Teldrassil's Shadow In Teldrassil's Shadow achievement and unlock Night Warrior Night Elf customization options.

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1) Tyrande looks...emo.   Sorry, there's no other way to look at that black eyed thing ?

2) More really incomprehensible logic.    "I spared Saurfang which led to Teldrassil burning"

...what?     Maybe Saurfang sparing Malfurion (in a really stupid argument) led to that, but killing Saurfang wouldn't have changed Sylvannas' path at all?    I mean, hell, it'd give her a great excuse for the tree burning for "honorable vengeance" for the orcs in her army after he spared Malfurion?

This reeks of whatever disconnect between the story and npc dialogue keeps happening...it's the same as Rexxar saying he joined the war because "Jaina, she's killed too many" (?!?)  

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50 minutes ago, Migol said:

This reeks of whatever disconnect between the story and npc dialogue keeps happening...it's the same as Rexxar saying he joined the war because "Jaina, she's killed too many" (?!?)  

One may question this as well - where were these powers when we were fighting Scourge, Old Gods or Burning Legion? So many threats, and Tyrande only uses them now to fight some undead human and elves.

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1 hour ago, durdyenglish said:

Now that we've made up a customization option for Night Elves, can regular Dwarves get tattoos so we can fake being a Wildhammer?

Maybe some quest explaining that these two clans are working very closely together, so playable dwarves might come from any of these two clans. Probably not a material for allied race (since it's just same dwarf with tattoos, not visible with full armor anyway). I know, races like Lightforged draenei and Highmountain tauren fit into that mold as well, but then again, I was of the opinion that most current allied races should have ended simply as customisations for already playable races.

Edited by Arcling

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I cannot help it, but it feels like an anime.

A: "Hah, you are defeated because of the things we did."
A: *leaves*
P: "No, they have beaten us and we can never recover...."
P: "Theres only one thing left to do."
D: "Dont even think about it. You wont survive"
P: *leaves*
P: *several episodes of screaming*
P: "Time for a rematch, b****"
A: "No, how are you so swolo? But I havent lost yet..."
A: *screaming again*
P: *gets smacked around*
P: "No you loose because of our power of friendship."
A: *escapes*

I dont know but I feel like I know this from somewhere...

On a side note: Tyrande looks like the nun from the movie.

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