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Frost Mage: Still not understanding it

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I am new to mmos and I was playing an Arcane Mage but my fiance said frost mages are better so I am trying to learn how to play it and I have watched videos and gone over the icy viens information but it is still very confusing for me. I know this sounds bad but can anyone like dumb it down or like comment simpler instructions right now i am going off this attachment i made based of some advice and off of icy viens and i am only doing 4152 dps total so I am not sure if this is low or not but I am already level 120 right now 4130f71f1790c7b25a8dd3d23cb4f388.png

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Hey there and welcome to Icy Veins ?


Have you had a look at the easy mode in the Frost mage guide? There is a talent build included which will minimize the spells you can (or have to) use.

Moreover there is the rotation explained:


5. Basic Rotation for Frost Mage

  1. Use your Icy Veins IconIcy Veins cooldown when possible for more damage. Keep in mind any fight mechanics that would either cause you to lose valuable casting time, or a vulnerability to take advantage of. Perhaps you do not want to pop it the second it comes up if the boss will take extra damage in a few seconds!
  2. Cast Frozen Orb IconFrozen Orb when available to generate Fingers of Frost IconFingers of Frost.
  3. Cast Flurry IconFlurry only when you have Brain Freeze IconBrain Freeze.
  4. Cast Ice Lance IconIce Lance to spend your Fingers of Frost IconFingers of Frost charges, or directly after casting a Flurry IconFlurry.
  5. Cast Blizzard IconBlizzard when there are 2+ targets to help your AoE damage.
  6. Cast Frostbolt IconFrostbolt as a filler, and to generate Fingers of Frost IconFingers of Frost and Brain Freeze IconBrain Freeze.


To refer to the picture you posted:

Fingers of Frost Procs are shown on the right and left to your character. That means your next Ice Lance will do a lot more damage than usual.

Same goes for Brain Freeze. That will empower your next Flurry cast and makes it an instant cast. You should always cast an Ice Lance after you cast an instant Flurry. Doing that will make the Ice Lance "shatter" and deal more damage.

Damage cooldown like Frozen Orb and Icy Veins should be used whenever possible (or in "good" situations in a boss fight)


Hopefully that will help a little bit ?

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