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No BlizzCon Planned for 2021

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Due to the ongoing health crisis, Blizzard revealed there won't be a BlizzCon this year either and we can expect a similar event to BlizzConline 2021 in early 2022.

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Greetings Blizzard community,

I hope you’re all staying safe and well. As guidelines in California around in-person gatherings continue to evolve and the status of the pandemic fluctuates around the globe, the teams across Blizzard have been discussing what this means for one of the events we miss the most: BlizzCon. We know some of you might be wondering about your own plans to potentially cross the country—not to mention oceans—and meet your friends, family, and fellow community members in California, so today, we wanted to give you a heads-up that we’ve decided we will not be holding BlizzCon this year.

Building an in-person BlizzCon is an epic and complex affair that takes many months of preparation—not just for us, but also for the many talented production partners, esports pros, hosts, entertainers, artists, and other collaborators we team up with locally and globally to put all of the pieces together. The ongoing complexities and uncertainties of the pandemic have impacted our ability to properly move forward on many of these fronts, and ultimately we’re now past the point where we’d be able to develop the kind of event we’d want to create for you in November.

But we don’t want to let too long go by before we connect with everyone again. So in the meantime, we’re planning a global event for the early part of next year, combining an online show along the lines of our recent BlizzConline with smaller in-person gatherings, and we’ll share more as our plans come together.

We very much look forward to celebrating with you all again. Until then, we’ll see you in Azeroth, Outland, Sanctuary, and all the other worlds we call home.

–Saralyn Smith, Executive Producer of BlizzCon

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17 hours ago, Devylknyght said:

Very Sad. They got nothin. I think Covid is more shining a light on things, rather than being the issue itself.

This has to be some of the biggest "tinfoil hat like" comment I have seen in a while. If you look at every Blizzcon since WoW became a thing; they have announced a new expansion every 2 years (Even after the shitshow that was WoD they did it) so I will not be shocked if this "2021 Blizzcon in 2022" announces a new expansion. Looking at how Shadowlands is slowly turning into another WoD (In terms of how slowly they are patching it) I would not be shocked if 9.2 is the final patch of the expansion where we will deal with the Jailer (As given what's going on in 9.1; there isnt much left...)

And even if they dont announce a new expansion and drag Shadowlands out beyond the "usual" 2 year expansion cycle (Which I would not be shocked by given that no matter how little you belive in it; Covid IS A thing and it DOES affect the work cycle) They surely got something to mention; Overwatch 2 just had a developer update, there has been little news on any of the Diablo fronts so it's ideal ground for that as well. There will always be a new HS expansion and HotS... Okay HotS is pretty dead but anyway. To just proclaim that they got "nothing" is beyond absurd.

Edited by Rexx
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33 minutes ago, Rexx said:

This has to be some of the biggest "tinfoil hat like" comment I have seen in a while. If you look at every Blizzcon since WoW became a thing; they have announced a new expansion every 2 years (Even after the shitshow that wad WoD they did it) so I will not be shocked if this "2021 Blizzcon in 2022" announces a new expansion. Looking at how Shadowlands is slowly turning into another WoD (In terms of how slowly they are patching it) I would not be shocked if 9.2 is the final patch of the expansion where we will deal with the Jailer (As given what's going on in 9.1; there isnt much left...)

And even if they dont announce a new expansion and drag Shadowlands out beyond the "usual" 2 year expansion cycle (Which I would not be shocked by given that no matter how little you belive in it; Covid IS A thing and it DOES affect the work cycle) They surely got something to mention; Overwatch 2 just had a developer update, there has been little news on any of the Diablo fronts so it's ideal ground for that as well. There will always be a new HS expansion and HotS... Okay HotS is pretty dead but anyway. To just proclaim that they got "nothing" is beyond absurd.

I disagree his comment is tinfoil hattish in the least - Blizzard, comparison to other eras and years, is in creative drought right now. I don't want to sound hyperbolic but you essentially said it yourself, there's not a whole lot going on.


If they really wanted to do Blizzcon, I'm sure they could have held it in Texas or some other place that's allowing sporting events to be booked.


I think ever since the Diablo Immortal fiasco, Blizzard for the first time ever saw first-hand that their fanbase isn't afraid to turn on dumb stuff, rather than just blindly praise everything. The gaming industry is as crazy as it's ever been, Blizz is no longer some Mafia Don, they're more nervous about half-assed announcements (IMO).

Edited by TyZone
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48 minutes ago, Rexx said:

This has to be some of the biggest "tinfoil hat like" comment I have seen in a while. If you look at every Blizzcon since WoW became a thing; they have announced a new expansion every 2 years (Even after the shitshow that wad WoD they did it) so I will not be shocked if this "2021 Blizzcon in 2022" announces a new expansion. Looking at how Shadowlands is slowly turning into another WoD (In terms of how slowly they are patching it) I would not be shocked if 9.2 is the final patch of the expansion where we will deal with the Jailer (As given what's going on in 9.1; there isnt much left...)

And even if they dont announce a new expansion and drag Shadowlands out beyond the "usual" 2 year expansion cycle (Which I would not be shocked by given that no matter how little you belive in it; Covid IS A thing and it DOES affect the work cycle) They surely got something to mention; Overwatch 2 just had a developer update, there has been little news on any of the Diablo fronts so it's ideal ground for that as well. There will always be a new HS expansion and HotS... Okay HotS is pretty dead but anyway. To just proclaim that they got "nothing" is beyond absurd.

Every opinion that someone disagrees with is tin foil hat now, i love it lol. 

If they don't announce the next expansion until "early 2022" that is already almost 2 years since SL launch. Just to ANNOUNCE the follow up. Which mean we would be looking at next expac launch into 2023 in all likelihood.  The question is whether this is a rough patch, or the new normal?...

Also, I state that I feel Covid is not the real problem because I myself am a programmer and transitioned to work from home for over a year and my team and I loved it and we actually INCREASED productivity by a large margin. So my personal opinion is that it is being used as more of an excuse, rather than the actual cause of this development drought. 

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5 minutes ago, Devylknyght said:

Also, I state that I feel Covid is not the real problem because I myself am a programmer and transitioned to work from home for over a year and my team and I loved it and we actually INCREASED productivity by a large margin. So my personal opinion is that it is being used as more of an excuse, rather than the actual cause of this development drought. 

I'll fully agree with this. COVID was a major adjustment... last spring/summer. The only people dealing with covid related pains as of now are hardware and shipping logistics, both have very small aspects to a gaming company that's mostly digital at this point.

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52 minutes ago, TyZone said:

I think ever since the Diablo Immortal fiasco, Blizzard for the first time ever saw first-hand that their fanbase isn't afraid to turn on dumb stuff, rather than just blindly praise everything. The gaming industry is as crazy as it's ever been, Blizz is no longer some Mafia Don, they're more nervous about half-assed announcements (IMO).

At the same time they have some other issues than Immortal announcement. Players are still confused what Overwatch 2 is supposed to be, still lack of clear information how exactly PvE missions are going to work (account level, individual level per hero, are loot boxes still in?) etc. And of course Shadowlands isn't without it's own problems, including delayed patches. Then there is Diablo 4, which is even further away. So all they've got is Diablo Immortal and Diablo 2 remaster, just so they can release something.

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If you look through my previous posts, I have NO qualms about pointing a finger at Blizzard for some of their dumber mistakes...that said...


...if you have ever been to a Blizzcon, this is 100% necessary.

It's a crowded mass of people butting shoulders, sitting in the same seats, using the pitifully inadequate number of toilets, etc.    And while I hesitate to point my finger at my fellow gamers, there are certainly people there who...well...don't practice good hygiene.   Or, any hygiene.

TLDR one guy contagious with covid at your typical Blizzcon (which despite all the above are fun!) could become a lot of dead bodies and a lot more people debilitated by illness.

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1 minute ago, Migol said:

If you look through my previous posts, I have NO qualms about pointing a finger at Blizzard for some of their dumber mistakes...that said...


...if you have ever been to a Blizzcon, this is 100% necessary.

It's a crowded mass of people butting shoulders, sitting in the same seats, using the pitifully inadequate number of toilets, etc.    And while I hesitate to point my finger at my fellow gamers, there are certainly people there who...well...don't practice good hygiene.   Or, any hygiene.

TLDR one guy contagious with covid at your typical Blizzcon (which despite all the above are fun!) could become a lot of dead bodies and a lot more people debilitated by illness.

Yeah I have been to Blizzcon, but I still disagree with you.

The main aspect I disagree with is that it needed to be delayed until 2022. If Covid and having all of the people together is the issue, why delay it? Why not just have Blizzconline in November? 

Also, I personally would not be concerned about covid at all and having everyone get together. Sporting events are already at 100% capacity with way more people than blizzcon and no issues. The only possible hiccup would be California restrictions still in place, which might make it a good year to try a new venue.

But I think this provides what they consider to be good cover for the real reason to delay/cancel: They just don't have much or anything to show. I actually agree with the decision. Having people pay the fortune that blizzcon costs with nothing exciting there to show would be bad. But the fact they have nothing in the first place is the real disappointment. 

just my 2 cents. 

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Not really surprised to be honest I maybe drifting to another MMO for a while if SL patches start to bomb and become less fun.


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1 hour ago, Devylknyght said:

Yeah I have been to Blizzcon, but I still disagree with you.

The main aspect I disagree with is that it needed to be delayed until 2022. If Covid and having all of the people together is the issue, why delay it? Why not just have Blizzconline in November? 

Also, I personally would not be concerned about covid at all and having everyone get together. Sporting events are already at 100% capacity with way more people than blizzcon and no issues. The only possible hiccup would be California restrictions still in place, which might make it a good year to try a new venue.

But I think this provides what they consider to be good cover for the real reason to delay/cancel: They just don't have much or anything to show. I actually agree with the decision. Having people pay the fortune that blizzcon costs with nothing exciting there to show would be bad. But the fact they have nothing in the first place is the real disappointment. 

just my 2 cents. 

US sporting events are already at 100% capacity? As in 100% of the ACTUAL capacity of the stadiums etc aka the same as it was pre-Covid? Or maybe you mean at the new limited, covid-mandated capacity? Genuinely asking cos there's no way in hell even half the population has been fully vaccinated at this point.

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They fired all of their event organizers in the lay-offs, of course there will be no real-life blizzcon, most probably never again, as it is not a profitable thing.

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16 hours ago, Devylknyght said:

Every opinion that someone disagrees with is tin foil hat now, i love it lol. 

If they don't announce the next expansion until "early 2022" that is already almost 2 years since SL launch. Just to ANNOUNCE the follow up. Which mean we would be looking at next expac launch into 2023 in all likelihood.  The question is whether this is a rough patch, or the new normal?...

Also, I state that I feel Covid is not the real problem because I myself am a programmer and transitioned to work from home for over a year and my team and I loved it and we actually INCREASED productivity by a large margin. So my personal opinion is that it is being used as more of an excuse, rather than the actual cause of this development drought. 

"Every X that disagrees with with Y is automatically (Insert whatever word, insult, slur or other word was used here)" - Be a bit more Knight like, why dont'cha? Where you even got that it applied to "every opinion" is beyond me, overdramatizing things seems to be your specialty.

 But for real, you can't come and tell me that legit thinking "Blizzard got NOTHING" isn't a bit stupid? And if not; please introduce me to the land you live in where ignorance can be such bliss, I'd love to visit once.

And while I personally am but a storage floor monkey; I got two friends who is programmer's and they have had polar opposite meanings of the Covid happening. One gets a lot more done and wants home office to keep on; another feel like he can get more done at home but his boss insists that the company as a whole gets less done while at home and is trying his damndest to get everyone back into office; I think it's a dice roll on how it affect each individual and as such; a company as a whole - And Blizzard was pretty big last I checked so I don't think it has nothing to say.

And no, just because you experience something one way does not mean everyone else in the same line of work has the same experience, given your still depending ignorance I just feel like that has to be mentioned.

Edited by Rexx
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14 hours ago, Starym said:

US sporting events are already at 100% capacity? As in 100% of the ACTUAL capacity of the stadiums etc aka the same as it was pre-Covid? Or maybe you mean at the new limited, covid-mandated capacity? Genuinely asking cos there's no way in hell even half the population has been fully vaccinated at this point.

Yes. Some Baseball teams have already been doing it for awhile and almost all of the NFL teams are already approved for full 100% capacity when the season starts, which is months before the typical blizzcon time of November.

Not as many people are concerned or interested in the jab as the media would like you to believe. 

Edited by Devylknyght

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1 hour ago, Rexx said:

"Every X that disagrees with with Y is automatically (Insert whatever word, insult, slur or other word was used here)" - Be a bit more Knight like, why dont'cha? Where you even got that it applied to "every opinion" is beyond me, overdramatizing things seems to be your specialty.

 But for real, you can't come and tell me that legit thinking "Blizzard got NOTHING" isn't a bit stupid? And if not; please introduce me to the land you live in where ignorance can be such bliss, I'd love to visit once.

And while I personally am but a storage floor monkey; I got two friends who is programmer's and they have had polar opposite meanings of the Covid happening. One gets a lot more done and wants home office to keep on; another feel like he can get more done at home but his boss insists that the company as a whole gets less done while at home and is trying his damndest to get everyone back into office; I think it's a dice roll on how it affect each individual and as such; a company as a whole - And Blizzard was pretty big last I checked so I don't think it has nothing to say.

And no, just because you experience something one way does not mean everyone else in the same line of work has the same experience, given your still depending ignorance I just feel like that has to be mentioned.

Okay, I appreciate your opinion dude. Cheers. 

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14 hours ago, Starym said:

US sporting events are already at 100% capacity? As in 100% of the ACTUAL capacity of the stadiums etc aka the same as it was pre-Covid? Or maybe you mean at the new limited, covid-mandated capacity? Genuinely asking cos there's no way in hell even half the population has been fully vaccinated at this point.

I tried to reply with an answer and it gets marked as hidden. Any idea why?

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Just to point out that even in pre-covid days, a stadium basketball/baseball game is not comparable to Blizzcon for the amount of contact and close quarters air circulation going on.   

A basketball game for example, there are longish lines (in a big game), followed by going to your assigned seat and...that's it, you sit there for a couple hours with maybe a bathroom break and concessions stand run.    If someone brings covid to such a situation, they might infect the people close by, but that's going to be contained for the most part. 

Blizzcon on the other hand is held in a space with ~5 major audience areas, with hallways and lines constantly being moved from.   There are events to go to all day, and constant movement and re-seating by the participants.    There are people trying out alpha games using the same mouse+keyboards,    There are people clumped Very tightly for long period of time, and so on.     A covid carrier would have many, many more opportunities and locations to spread the virus in Blizzcon than a sporting event.

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4 hours ago, Devylknyght said:

I tried to reply with an answer and it gets marked as hidden. Any idea why?

Not sure, sometimes it's because there's a link, or if it's a new user, can't see a reason yours was, but it's there now - once it's approved I don't really see what happened.

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6 minutes ago, Starym said:

Not sure, sometimes it's because there's a link, or if it's a new user, can't see a reason yours was, but it's there now - once it's approved I don't really see what happened.

Ah Okay. I was just trying to link a source article about the attendance thing. Thanks for the help

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